War in Ukraine

Assuming Russia would attack the ZNPP in this manner, why in the world would the Russians need to detonate two units when they are the world's leader in nuclear weapons? They could simply drop a nuke if they were going that route. No different than them simply turning off the taps on Nordstream instead of blowing them up.

Also, why would the Russians cause a nuclear disaster in the recently reclaimed territories, knowing full well that the fallout wouldn't just be localized in Ukraine but would likely affect most of it's own territories within a large radius?
Have to agree with that.

Hard to understand why Ukraine would do so.
Why would Russia do it?

I have several reasons why Ukraine would do it, however.

1. Pull off a false flag to try to get NATO directly involved
2. A scorched earth/turnover the chessboard tactic. Since they are aware by now that this section of Novorossiya will not return to Ukraine, they have the mindset of "if we can't have it, no one can. Let's ruin it for the Russians out of spite..."
3. Reports were out some time ago that the ZNPP was actually the location of a Ukrainian nuclear weapons laboratory. They want to capture that facility in order to continue that weapons development
Why would Russia do it?

I have several reasons why Ukraine would do it, however.

1. Pull off a false flag to try to get NATO directly involved
2. A scorched earth/turnover the chessboard tactic. Since they are aware by now that this section of Novorossiya will not return to Ukraine, they have the mindset of "if we can't have it, no one can. Let's ruin it for the Russians out of spite..."
3. Reports were out some time ago that the ZNPP was actually the location of a Ukrainian nuclear weapons laboratory. They want to capture that facility in order to continue that weapons development

Good lord are you really going with a Ukrainian weapons of mass destruction conspiracy theory?
Hey @Rasputin_Vol, can you tell us a bedtime story about how morally corrupt and moribund the west is and how Russia is the last bastion of Christian family values? I miss those fairy tales from you.

This is the best you could come up with? So now we've gone from sledgehammers to shovels and back to sledgehammers again?
Assuming Russia would attack the ZNPP in this manner, why in the world would the Russians need to detonate two units when they are the world's leader in nuclear weapons? They could simply drop a nuke if they were going that route. No different than them simply turning off the taps on Nordstream instead of blowing them up.

Also, why would the Russians cause a nuclear disaster in the recently reclaimed territories, knowing full well that the fallout wouldn't just be localized in Ukraine but would likely affect most of it's own territories within a large radius?

Because they can't use their actual nukes if they want to spin this off on the Ukrainians afterwards. The amount of Western intel aimed at Russian nuclear bases we would know the second they start prepping weapons for use and deployment.
Because they can't use their actual nukes if they want to spin this off on the Ukrainians afterwards. The amount of Western intel aimed at Russian nuclear bases we would know the second they start prepping weapons for use and deployment.
Again, why would they ruin the land of their own newly reclaimed territory in an effort to create a false flag? Knowing good and damn well The West is going to blame them anyways no matter what.
Good lord are you really going with a Ukrainian weapons of mass destruction conspiracy theory?
It isn't as far fetched as you think. All of this hand wringing and pearl clutching about the Budapest Agreements and not to mention the amount of weapons the West has dumped there since 2014, it is very likely that the West was working with Ukraine at the ZNPP to develop nukes.
It isn't as far fetched as you think. All of this hand wringing and pearl clutching about the Budapest Agreements and not to mention the amount of weapons the West has dumped there since 2014, it is very likely that the West was working with Ukraine at the ZNPP to develop nukes.

Are those next to the bio weapons labs? Asking for a friend.
Because they don't give a damn about the land or the people.
They give enough of a damn to not deliberately ruin productive farmland in the surrounding regions and wiping out a large number of labor. Even if you want to buy in to this racist trope, it still doesn't make economic sense to create a false flag at the expense of ruining a large area. And a false flag that no one in the West will buy. Hell, the Russians didn't even bomb Nordstream or the Kakhovka Dam and they still are getting blamed for it by the West.
And again, what motivation would the Russians have to attack the Ukrainian nuclear power plant?

FYP stupid post Vlad. FTR, you disgust me. If you actually live in the States you should really think about today and what was given up so you can spout such stupid, disgusting crap.
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how long does it take to safely shut down a reactor?
do we know if this plant is even online?

That's kind of a complicated question. The reactor can be shut down as far as being critical in seconds, but the fuel will still be hot and have to be cooled for some time after. Cold shutdown is the key, and I don't know how long it would take in that plant ... certainly hours or days. Supposedly all the Zaporizhzhia units are at cold shutdown, so the risk is more or less minimal. Even if the plants were blown up the damage is contamination spread like at Fukushima - a little like a dirty bomb - non-nuclear explosion that scatters radioactive contaminants.

Even fuel removed from the reactor and stored in spent fuel pools requires cooling for some period (can't be more specific because that's not my area of expertise). Loss of offsite power is a serious issue in an operating nuclear plant because you need operable pumps to cool the fuel - they need a lot of power; in the first few hours/days the fuel is still active and producing heat even though the reactor is no longer critical - self sustaining.

Again the key word is going to be "cold shutdown"; there's a brief description in this article; I didn't see any glaring errors, but I also didn't read it thoroughly.

Cold shutdown reduces risk of disaster at Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant – but combat around spent fuel still poses a threat
So Ukraine is going to render hundreds if not thousands of miles of its own territories uninhabitable for a thousand years to "make the Russians look bad"?

I got news for you ....
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Why would Russia do it?

I have several reasons why Ukraine would do it, however.

1. Pull off a false flag to try to get NATO directly involved
2. A scorched earth/turnover the chessboard tactic. Since they are aware by now that this section of Novorossiya will not return to Ukraine, they have the mindset of "if we can't have it, no one can. Let's ruin it for the Russians out of spite..."
3. Reports were out some time ago that the ZNPP was actually the location of a Ukrainian nuclear weapons laboratory. They want to capture that facility in order to continue that weapons development
How would Ukraine have access to the plant to blow it up? It is our was being held by Russian troops. Your scenarios don't hold water. Who has access?

The answer is Russia. Why would they do it? To create a fallout zone that would for all intents and purposes further narrow areas where counter offensives can be staged and acted out.
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