War in Ukraine

Probably not a bit. So going forward we should avoid making commitments to assist defense of their territory and sovereignty if we have no intention of backing that up right?
most definitely. We make way to many short sighted deals without really considering the harm that they could bring us.
Oh I agree. We should have never forced that poorly written document in 1994. But after it’s been signed and even though we never thought we would be called on backing it up here we are.
If we are going to be involved, we should be involved. We haven't even tried to do anything other than send money and arms. Start with diplomacy and go from there. The Biden admin is using this as a political opportunity and everyone knows it.
If we are going to be involved, we should be involved. We haven't even tried to do anything other than send money and arms. Start with diplomacy and go from there. The Biden admin is using this as a political opportunity and everyone knows it.
Oh I don’t think we should be involved anymore than we are. It’s way plenty as is. If anything take the training wheels off the supplied arms to avoid pissing off Russia but that’s about it since Russia has shown they are impotent there is no reason to fear their incompetent wrath. Ukraine should have had ATACMS months ago and the Kersh bridge should be in the water. And we absolutely shouldn’t be sending money that’s Europe’s issue since they’re going to wind up in the EU ultimately.

Oh and the last three admins have equally f$&@ed up the diplomacy here.
Apparently Mevdevd (whatever the spelling is for the former “President” of Russia) said that nuclear war between the West and Russia is now probable. I think that’s real option on the table for them if they feel like they are trapped in.
Apparently Mevdevd (whatever the spelling is for the former “President” of Russia) said that nuclear war between the West and Russia is now probable. I think that’s real option on the table for them if they feel like they are trapped in.

They aren't "trapped" though, are they? No one is attempting to invade Russia.

At any moment Russia could remove their soldiers from the internationally-recognized borders of Ukraine, and the war ends.
Apparently Mevdevd (whatever the spelling is for the former “President” of Russia) said that nuclear war between the West and Russia is now probable. I think that’s real option on the table for them if they feel like they are trapped in.

Well, there'd be little point in either the US attacking Russia, or vice versa. Escalation is always possible but you have to think we have opened and maintained ESPECIALLY though this some open lines to head off anything spiraling out of control.
Well, there'd be little point in either the US attacking Russia, or vice versa. Escalation is always possible but you have to think we have opened and maintained ESPECIALLY though this some open lines to head off anything spiraling out of control.
But the Russians clearly don’t think quite the same way we do. They’re incredibly mouthy, but I also think it isn’t just empty threats. They see this as a point of no return in many ways. If what’s coming out about China having to tell them “no nukes,” then we see what direction they’re willing to take this.
Of course. Whatever Zelensky wants Biden gives

It must kill you that the support of Ukraine is bipartisan all over Washington, well except for that skank MTG and her low IQ friends.

Don't let that get in the way of your insecent deflections and redirections to biden & co. though. Keep up the good fight.

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