War in Ukraine

I really don't get it. they claim to hate the spending. they claim to hate that the defensive reasoning for the spending; but they will fall all over themselves to excuse the offensive actions that lead to the spending.

they should be hating on Putin at least as much as they are Zelensky. they can hate on our politicians more. but between the two foreign nations I don't see how Ukraine gets more of their hate for the spending that Putin triggered.
It's so good to be right instead of just being loud.

I really don't get it. they claim to hate the spending. they claim to hate that the defensive reasoning for the spending; but they will fall all over themselves to excuse the offensive actions that lead to the spending.

they should be hating on Putin at least as much as they are Zelensky. they can hate on our politicians more. but between the two foreign nations I don't see how Ukraine gets more of their hate for the spending that Putin triggered.
Well to be fair Russia has about a decade head start over Ukraine on molding the minds of the willing. And you’d think the Russian actions in the last week of Feb 2022 would illustrate just how FOS Russia has been on their decade long disinformation PR campaign yet here we are.

We absolutely have to cut back on defense spending we are way over extended on all discretionary spending. But our defense percentage is way out of whack I think. And yes at some point we will have to say we’ve fulfilled our obligations on this war too. I think funding going forward is going to be harder to commit and I’ll bet it dries up almost entirely after 2024.

We’ve got some serious austerity choices looming I believe and they are long over due. And neither major party candidate leading currently has shown any inkling to curb the spending. To those trying to interpret that it’s Biden AND TRUMP who based on their records have no idea how to curtail spending.
Well to be fair Russia has about a decade head start over Ukraine on molding the minds of the willing. And you’d think the Russian actions in the last week of Feb 2022 would illustrate just how FOS Russia has been on their decade long disinformation PR campaign yet here we are.

We absolutely have to cut back on defense spending we are way over extended on all discretionary spending. But our defense percentage is way out of whack I think. And yes at some point we will have to say we’ve fulfilled our obligations on this war too. I think funding going forward is going to be harder to commit and I’ll bet it dries up almost entirely after 2024.

We’ve got some serious austerity choices looming I believe and they are long over due. And neither major party candidate leading currently has shown any inkling to curb the spending. To those trying to interpret that it’s Biden AND TRUMP who based on their records have no idea how to curtail spending.

How about not tabbing the defense secretary from the payroll of Raytheon? Can you support that?
It's so good to be right instead of just being loud.

Lordy this idiocy again. Here in the whole interview not just the editor’s cut hot takes. When heard in context you’ll find the stand alone quote doesn’t stand up. You’re welcome in advance.

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How about not tabbing the defense secretary from the payroll of Raytheon? Can you support that?
I don’t think any senior admin official or even a senior military officer like our SECDEF should be eligible for board positions or executive suite postings at the contractors. I’ve stated that many times.

This was actually the warning that Eisenhower gave, it was a charge to the government administrators to NOT get in bed with their suppliers the risk of coercion is too great. But yet that actual meaning has been utterly destroyed in translation over the years in putting forth the MIC boogie man.
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Lordy this idiocy again. Here in the whole interview not just the editor’s cut hot takes. When heard in context you’ll find the stand alone quote doesn’t stand up. You’re welcome in advance.

Bahahaha. In the face of evidence, SOP is protect the narrative at all costs. Just listen to some recent talks already blaming the house for refusing to additionally "aid" Ukraine in tying it to Israel and Taiwan. LMAO I can't make this stuff up. Neocons are hilarious at spin
Bahahaha. In the face of evidence, SOP is protect the narrative at all costs. Just listen to some recent talks already blaming the house for refusing to additionally "aid" Ukraine in tying it to Israel and Taiwan. LMAO I can't make this stuff up. Neocons are hilarious at spin
Watch the video. It’s clear he’s calling the Johnson block and even the existence of the agreement total BS. Again you’re welcome.
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I don’t think any senior admin official or even a senior military officer like our SECDEF should be eligible for board positions or executive suite postings at the contractors. I’ve stated that many times.

This was actually the warning that Eisenhower gave, it was a charge to the government administrators to NOT get in bed with their suppliers the risk of coercion is too great. But yet that actual meaning has been utterly destroyed in translation over the years in putting forth the MIC boogie man.

Watch the video. It’s clear he’s calling the Johnson block and even the existence of the agreement total BS. Again you’re welcome.

So the Kiev official is misunderstanding about what he's saying. So we are to believe everything Ukraine says unless they say something the Neocons don't like. Got it
So the Kiev official is misunderstanding about what he's saying. So we are to believe everything Ukraine says unless they say something the Neocons don't like. Got it
Actually all I said was go watch the actual video and take all of the comments within the context they were made. That’s all. You’re welcome once again
For some reason I can't link Reuters articles showing Loyd Austin stepping down from Raytheon to become Defense secretary.
Don’t waste the effort. I’m not a supporter of that level of inbreeding I know Austin’s history. I felt he should have been excluded.
Apologies. Maybe linking Reuters articles is forbidden in the Ukraine thread
No worries. We don’t disagree on this point. I loathe the cross linking and inbreeding in the admin positions and defense industry board rooms. I myself have encountered several people who brought nothing to the table other than their active duty Rolodex. Absolutely nothing.
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Bahahaha. In the face of evidence, SOP is protect the narrative at all costs. Just listen to some recent talks already blaming the house for refusing to additionally "aid" Ukraine in tying it to Israel and Taiwan. LMAO I can't make this stuff up. Neocons are hilarious at spin

You literally posted an article, with cherry-picked quotes from this very interview, and are choosing to remain willfully ignorant of the truth, by not watching the actual interview?


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