War in Ukraine

Commie nations will melt quickly, we will be more like Rome.

Like the West? (read slower... hint) I would suggest actually reading what is going on in the West, I assumed you lived here, if not look at this forum.

When this one blows its going to make the USSR blowup look like a nothing burger.
Agreed, the question is whether the west will collapse before the sun runs out of hydrogen.

A valid question. I would say we're on a short to medium timeline. 1-15 years. It will reach a point and than just slide right into the hole. South Africa is probably a good view of how I would imagine it, of course it took them 20+ years to get to that state, this one will be more like a cliff drop. imo Of course, a collapse of the federal reserve system, the unfunded liabilities will have to wiped off the map i.e. total collapse.
Like the West? (read slower... hint) I would suggest actually reading what is going on in the West, I assumed you lived here, if not look at this forum.

When this one blows its going to make the USSR blowup look like a nothing burger.
Now, if it "blows" in the west like you say (Civil war, ect) then you are right. The world in general will descend into chaos. As long as people have food in their bellies, beer in the fridge, and football to watch in the fall, we will survive. If that isn't an option, then look out.

I am saying that no matter what, Russia and China are done. They will cease being major world players over the next 10 to 20 years.
Now, if it "blows" in the west like you say (Civil war, ect) then you are right. The world in general will descend into chaos. As long as people have food in their bellies, beer in the fridge, and football to watch in the fall, we will survive. If that isn't an option, then look out.

I am saying that no matter what, Russia and China are done. They will cease being major world players over the next 10 to 20 years.

What you are describing would the end the federal reserve system, no you won't be worried about football at that point.

We're in OT since 2008, I hope it extends passed my natural end date, but I suspect I won't be so lucky.

Either way this place has turned into quite the **** hole. Most people I speak about world affairs I find out never even been any place, they have all these opinions on how foreigners live.

China has a lot to handle, Russia not so much. I am very fortunate I grew up mostly in the United States, it was a great place to grow up and I had a great time.... that is long gone. (see this forum) Every day gets a little worse than the day before. Sad, but its reality.
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I can tell you guys are real good at twitter and forum wars, lots of practice I guess.
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Drone warfare was scary before. You could have a drone with missiles above your position and never know it. Imagine how demoralizing that is, now imagine seeing it coming in your final seconds.
Drone warfare was scary before. You could have a drone with missiles above your position and never know it. Imagine how demoralizing that is, now imagine seeing it coming in your final seconds.
Really changing the dynamics of modern battlefield war fighting. Loitering $12m Predator drones are one thing, but these off the shelf $500 jerry-rigged DJI's are having a devastating effect on suicide runs and intel.
Really changing the dynamics of modern battlefield war fighting. Loitering $12m Predator drones are one thing, but these off the shelf $500 jerry-rigged DJI's are having a devastating effect on suicide runs and intel.
We should push for a modification to the 2A for the right to own and bear drones.
As much as I want Ukraine to win this thing, 600k on the front lines is A LOT.

Fortunately for Ukraine, it's not 600,000 combat troops. You have to remember, Russia's entire logistics system, is literally human-powered. They don't even use fork trucks most of the time, as their munitions and are not packaged in a way that a fork truck can be utilized to move them, and as such pretty much every box has to be moved by hands.

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