War in Ukraine

They have one of the most powerful militaries in Europe.
Who cares? The next time that the French military successfully defends its own country would be the first time in history that it managed to do so. Every military unit in Europe is completely worthless because they've always known that the U.S. would defend them.
Russia preparing to attack Ukraine by late January: Ukraine defense intelligence agency chief

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Guess you forgot WW1.
It's hilarious that you describe WWI as a successful defense of France by the French military when a) France was occupied territory and b) the French military didn't defeat the Germans. They needed help from many other countries.
All I can say is... Viva la France.
Go kick the Russians asses this winter in the Ukraine. I really have no more stomach for war, since we've pretty much been in it since I was born in the 1950's.
U.S. Intel Shows Russian Plans for Potential Ukraine Invasion

The information lays out a scenario where troops would cross into Ukraine from Crimea, the Russian border and via Belarus, with about 100 battalion tactical groups -- potentially around 100,000 soldiers -- deployed for what the people described as an operation in rough terrain and freezing conditions, covering extensive territory and prepared for a potentially prolonged occupation.

Two of the people said about half that number of tactical groups was already in position and that any invasion would be backed up by air support.

The two people said that Moscow had also called up tens of thousands of reservists on a scale unprecedented in post-Soviet times. They explained the role of reservists in any conflict would be to secure territory in a later phase after the tactical battalions paved the way. Russia hasn’t publicly announced any major call-up of reservists.
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I wonder what people like Luther will have to say about Russia and China just flipping us off and doing whatever they want? Maybe if generalissimo Milly would read more about white rage he might understand the Russians a little more?
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US considering sending extra weaponry to Ukraine as fears mount over potential Russian invasion - CNNPolitics

The Biden administration is weighing sending military advisers and new equipment including weaponry to Ukraine as Russia builds up forces near the border and US officials prepare allies for the possibility of another Russian invasion, multiple sources familiar with the deliberations tell CNN.

The discussions about the proposed lethal aid package are happening as Ukraine has begun to warn publicly that an invasion could happen as soon as January. The package could include new Javelin anti-tank and anti-armor missiles as well as mortars, the sources said.

Air defense systems, such as stinger missiles, are also under consideration, and the Defense Department has been pressing for some equipment that would have gone to Afghanistan -- like Mi-17 helicopters -- to instead be sent to Ukraine. The Mi-17 is a Russian helicopter that the US originally purchased to give to the Afghans. The Pentagon is now weighing what to do with them after the US withdrawal from Afghanistan in August.
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CNN also reporting today that the Russians are moving field hospitals and fuel stocks to the border.

Russia positions more forces, supply lines as fears rise of potential Ukraine invasion - CNNPolitics

Russian forces have capabilities in place along the Ukraine border to carry out a swift and immediate invasion, including erecting supply lines such as medical units and fuel that could sustain a drawn-out conflict, should Moscow choose to invade, two sources familiar with the latest intelligence assessments told CNN.

The new details about the Russian buildup underscore US officials' heightened alarm over the movements. The current levels of equipment stationed in the area could supply front-line forces for seven to 10 days and other support units for as long as a month, according to one source familiar with the matter.

Since the Russian invasion in 2014 we've speculated they may launch a larger invasion and they never did, this time I really think its going to happen.
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This was in the Washington Post article:

Furthermore Lukashenko has also recently said that Belarus would not sit on the sidelines in any new conflict in Donbas. So you're looking at a potential wider front against Ukraine now.
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This was in the Washington Post article:

Furthermore Lukashenko has also recently said that Belarus would not sit on the sidelines in any new conflict in Donbas. So you're looking at a potential wider front against Ukraine now.

All I can say is... Viva la France.
Go kick the Russians asses this winter in the Ukraine. I really have no more stomach for war, since we've pretty much been in it since I was born in the 1950's.

Especially since we dont actually GET anything from it. I mean, when we went into Iraq, one could assume we were getting oil but no, not really. Afghanistan? military contractors got rich, pretty much all that happened there. Used to be when someone won a war they actually took the territory and took tribute or something. Seems all the USA does is defend someone else and then spend our money for it? I mean, if we go defend Ukraine, what are we (good ol US of A) going to get? Maybe a permanent and huge port on the black sea? That might have some value at least.
Don't know. Don't care.

That's not our issue or concern.
Oh I agree this is a European problem. However don’t even act like when the invasion happens and people are screaming at Putin being a war monger that you and pacer won’t be here defending him. We agree on most things Ras but I’ve never understood your love affair with that murderous ******* Putin.
Don't know. Don't care.

That's not our issue or concern.
At what point will it be our concern after he's continued on and took Moldova?, Belarus?, Latvia?, Lithuania?, Estonia?

Putin's said he wants all former countries of the Soviet Empire back under Russian control. If he takes Ukraine without any opposition he'll keep going.
Especially since we dont actually GET anything from it. I mean, when we went into Iraq, one could assume we were getting oil but no, not really. Afghanistan? military contractors got rich, pretty much all that happened there. Used to be when someone won a war they actually took the territory and took tribute or something. Seems all the USA does is defend someone else and then spend our money for it? I mean, if we go defend Ukraine, what are we (good ol US of A) going to get? Maybe a permanent and huge port on the black sea? That might have some value at least.

I mean, at this point, the USA is basically just a world wide police force to protect European countries from Russia. If we pulled out of Europe completely and let the cards fall where they may, Russia would be getting the old Soviet Union back together through force. There’s a reason Poland wants us to maintain a permanent presence.
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