Wars, genocide, reparations, religion, etc (split from recruiting forum)

Pretty much, going to be really tough year.... But so was the last one.

But there will come a time when enough people have said enough.........
What are we saying 'enough' about in particular?
The federal government in general top to bottom....... In this particular instance their tax laws and the IRS. Fugem
Oh, too general for me. We of course require taxation and a Federal government. But yes, always need to watch and reform.
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In a country where we had a revolution over taxation.
We just wanted a say in who got to screw us. Now we get to choose the people that screw us and we get screwed by the same exact people over and over and over again.
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We just wanted a say in who got to screw us. Now we get to choose the people that screw us and we get screwed by the same exact people over and over and over again.
Do we really get a say? It sure as hell doesn't feel like it. I never voted for a bloated federal government that's slowly eroding our rights away.
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Checkout the single parent rates in those countries and I think you’ll see where our problem lies.

The elephant in the room that nobody wants to talk about.

Culture matters.

Government can't fix problems which are fundamentally cultural. They keep throwing money at the symptoms and act shocked when the symptoms continue to get worse. But if only we threw even more money at the problem...
We 'Muricans revolt against taxation every year. I know this because Will Rogers told me so.
“The income tax has made more liars out of the American people than golf has.”
We 'Muricans revolt against taxation every year. I know this because Will Rogers told me so.
“The income tax has made more liars out of the American people than golf has.”

Do you have some desire to tax the poor in this country?

Not at all. But if you’re complaining about taxes, the difference between here and all the European countries the left loves, isn’t how much our wealthy pay. It’s how little the middle and lower class pay.

A lot of countries have their highest tax brackets kicking in around 60k
Not at all. But if you’re complaining about taxes, the difference between here and all the European countries the left loves, isn’t how much our wealthy pay. It’s how little the middle and lower class pay.

A lot of countries have their highest tax brackets kicking in around 60k
You can't read. I stated that we have revolted against taxes and cited Will Roger as proof that we do. It so happens we do it without armed conflict. I feel sorry for you being so eager to pick a fight, you have to outright lie to try to do it. Poor Thing, they made a movie about you. It won an Oscar, CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!
Considering how many people are killed worldwide by other means than guns by evil people...

Proximity bias is real.

I'm not a criminal...considering the FACT that your peeps have decided to let us be invaded by people bringing God knows what into this country...I think I will keep my guns and if you want them, you can take them from my cold dead hands.

Taking law abiding peoples guns will only make them victims for the hordes of criminals that will have them thanks to our wide open f'n border.

Good post.

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