We finished with a better record than Florida.

So your top 10 may differ from the actual rankings in the end. Who do you think the top 10 will be when this is all done?

I'd say it will consist of some combination of the following teams.

Ohio State
Virginia Tech
West Virginia
Boston College
Arizona State

Kansas may drop below the Vols, but I doubt it unless an impotent VT offense can put up a lot of points in a rout. Boston College will stay ahead of us. Texas may jump us, as they are 10-3 and soundly defeated a good team. Arizona State may fall below us, but they are still 10-3. Unless Oklahoma makes WV eat turf, the Mountaineers will remain ahead of UT. Everyone else is a lock to be ahead of the Vols. I just don't think anyone really believes Wisconsin is a great team and we didn't beat them impressively. So I don't see us jumping too high as a result of today's game.
people picking Hawaii got no free pass. all opinions here get criticized, vols or otherwise.

it goes without saying that we're all hopeful about the Vols, so putting it in print is unnecessary. I'll never bat that up, but willalways beat up someone trying to sing CPFs praises, as you often do. he is the principal architect of this nearly decade long drought and should be accountable for it, not praised.
That's what's really disappointing about what Tennessee Football once was. Vol fans stood behind them when they started out 0-6 one year.

If I couldn't find a way to show some support for a 10-win team, honestly, I just find another team and quit whinning all the time.

Laughable. I guarantee there were plenty of folks ready for a coaching change after that 0-6 start. You act like fans aren't cheering for the Vols anymore. That's simply not true. We simply would prefer to cheer for a Vols team next year that has a different leader.

As for getting excited about a ten win season, here's a fun exercise. Get your calculator out and divide ten by fourteen.
Laughable. I guarantee there were plenty of folks ready for a coaching change after that 0-6 start. You act like fans aren't cheering for the Vols anymore. That's simply not true. We simply would prefer to cheer for a Vols team next year that has a different leader.

As for getting excited about a ten win season, here's a fun exercise. Get your calculator out and divide ten by fourteen.

If I could bet and win 71% of the time, I would take it....:blink:
Laughable. I guarantee there were plenty of folks ready for a coaching change after that 0-6 start. You act like fans aren't cheering for the Vols anymore. That's simply not true. We simply would prefer to cheer for a Vols team next year that has a different leader.

As for getting excited about a ten win season, here's a fun exercise. Get your calculator out and divide ten by fourteen.

I tell you what, you go get a calculator and tally up the more than ten win seasons we had BEFORE Phillip Fulmer got here.

I have not looked it up but I bet he has had almost as many as everybody else combined.
I'd say it will consist of some combination of the following teams.

Ohio State
Virginia Tech
West Virginia
Boston College
Arizona State

Kansas may drop below the Vols, but I doubt it unless an impotent VT offense can put up a lot of points in a rout. Boston College will stay ahead of us.

Texas may jump us, as they are 10-3 and soundly defeated a good team. Arizona State may fall below us, but they are still 10-3. Unless Oklahoma makes WV eat turf, the Mountaineers will remain ahead of UT. Everyone else is a lock to be ahead of the Vols. I just don't think anyone really believes Wisconsin is a great team and we didn't beat them impressively. So I don't see us jumping too high as a result of today's game.

Quality wins. UT soundly defeated UGA. Texas has to jump 3 spots from 19th over a team that won its bowl game. Unlikely, but possible given the Texas popularity.

ASU. Won't happen. They're not going to stay in the top 10. We have the same number of wins. Our includes beating what will be UGA (2nd to 4th) and what could be 3 bowl champions (KY, UGA, Miss State).

Big 10 voters think Wisconsin is respectable. They beat Michigan and after the way UM beat UF, that will earn respect from those voters. Also they must have teams ranked in the top 20. OSU is one. Illinois is hard to support after the whipping they took from USC. Michigan may climb, but they lost to Wisconsin, so I doubt they climb higher.

WVU is ranked 9th now. Oklahoma could make them eat dirt, but we'll see tomorrow night.

Either way, I don't see ASU staying ahead of us after losing their bowl game. Texas I doubt, but as discussed, would see that more likely than ASU.
I tell you what, you go get a calculator and tally up the more than ten win seasons we had BEFORE Phillip Fulmer got here.

I have not looked it up but I bet he has had almost as many as everybody else combined.

Considering a lot of those coaches didn't even play ten games in a season, I bet you are right. I think most of Johnny Majors' teams played 11 games a season. 71% of 11 = 7-4 or 8-3. Does that sound like a great season?
people picking Hawaii got no free pass. all opinions here get criticized, vols or otherwise.

it goes without saying that we're all hopeful about the Vols, so putting it in print is unnecessary. I'll never bat that up, but willalways beat up someone trying to sing CPFs praises, as you often do. he is the principal architect of this nearly decade long drought and should be accountable for it, not praised.

The season changed dramatically after the AL loss. You guys should take note of that. It looks silly to call for the man's job.

No other team has two NC's during the BCS error, so that a silly criterion. Moreover, what moron would take a job at a school that fired a coach with 9 ten win seasons and a NC after a year in which his team finished in the top 10.

At least absorb reality a bit. I'm not wasting any more time arguing about this. It's at a point of utter stupidity now.
Considering a lot of those coaches didn't even play ten games in a season, I bet you are right. I think most of Johnny Majors' teams played 11 games a season. 71% of 11 = 7-4 or 8-3. Does that sound like a great season?

I just want to know why you think Fulmer has drove the program into the ground.

In all reality he is the one who took the program to a new level of play.

I get down on him too for being to loyal to his coaches etc... but in all reality he brought Tennessee football to national prominance again. After all, surely you would not have been satisfied with 1980's Tennessee football?
The season changed dramatically after the AL loss. You guys should take note of that. It looks silly to call for the man's job.

After Alabama...

Defeat 6-6 South Carolina by 3.
Defeat 5-7 Vanderbilt by 1.
Defeat (3-5 in SEC play) Kentucky by 2.
Lose to depleted LSU team.
Defeat mediocre Big Ten team by 4.

Hot damn. Give the man NFL money. Someone is going to try to steal him away after that awesome five game run.
After Alabama...

Defeat 6-6 South Carolina by 3.
Defeat Vanderbilt by 1.
Defeat (3-5 in SEC play) Kentucky by 2.
Lose to depleted LSU team.
Defeat mediocre Big Ten team by 4.

Hot damn. Give the man NFL money. Someone is going to try to steal him away after that awesome five game run.

It looks better if you do it like this...

4 wins
1 loss
After Alabama...

Defeat 6-6 South Carolina by 3.
Defeat 5-7 Vanderbilt by 1.
Defeat (3-5 in SEC play) Kentucky by 2.
Lose to depleted LSU team.
Defeat mediocre Big Ten team by 4.

Hot damn. Give the man NFL money. Someone is going to try to steal him away after that awesome five game run.


The 1 loss being the SEC Championship game. That mediocre Wiscy team beat UM who whipped UF.
After Alabama...

Defeat 6-6 South Carolina by 3.
Defeat 5-7 Vanderbilt by 1.
Defeat (3-5 in SEC play) Kentucky by 2.
Lose to depleted LSU team.
Defeat mediocre Big Ten team by 4.

Hot damn. Give the man NFL money. Someone is going to try to steal him away after that awesome five game run.

Minimizing wins is a worthless exercise; especially in a year like this one.
Minimizing wins is a worthless exercise; especially in a year like this one.

Look at it this way. I'm not diminishing the wins, but I'm not saying the season "turned around". Even in a bad year like 2002, we managed to beat Vandy, UK, and South Carolina.
Look at it this way. I'm not diminishing the wins, but I'm not saying the season "turned around". Even in a bad year like 2002, we managed to beat Vandy, UK, and South Carolina.

They are not the same teams they once were. Surely, you recognize the difference. KY won its bowl game and Spurrier coaches SC. Times... they are changing...
Even in a bad year like 2002, we managed to beat Vandy, UK, and South Carolina.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not trying to make it out to be a murderer's row, but I think everybody would agree though that we are not dealing with your typical Kentucky and South Carolina anymore. Both of them beat top 5 teams this year.
Yeah, we needed five wins to accomplish something.
How dare you minimize an Outhouse Bowl trophy? Future generations will genuflect and be moved to tears when they see that glorious piece of hardware in the trophy case.

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