We the People Will Build the Beautiful Steel Slat Barrier

Do they or don’t they slow people down?
Fact: yes, they slow traffic down.

A wall will not completely stop people from breaking the law just as the law doesn’t stop them now. Will it dramatically decrease illegal entry, human trafficking and drugs? Absolutely. Will it ease the strain in our border agents and make it easier to patrol. Absolutely.
I don't see how anyone can dispute this
Do they or don’t they slow people down?
Fact: yes, they slow traffic down.

A wall will not completely stop people from breaking the law just as the law doesn’t stop them now. Will it dramatically decrease illegal entry, human trafficking and drugs? Absolutely. Will it ease the strain in our border agents and make it easier to patrol. Absolutely.

Glad you can admit it's not going to stop sh!t.
Glad you can admit it's not going to stop sh!t.
Wow, you obviously cannot read. The wall will stop unrestricted entrance into this country by illegals, drug smugglers and human trafficking.
It will deter some and inhibit others. It will aid our border patrol.

That’s what a wall does. I guess the military shouldn’t form a defense line because it can’t stop ALL measures???
You really need to listen to yourself as you sound ridiculous.
Easily? I tell you what. We’l find A 30 foot wall. We’ll hike 10 miles and then I’ll find a place where there is no wall and you get to scale the wall and see what affect that has on getting to our objective.

Done tougher already.

Try 15 miles of alternating inclination before free scaling a rock face about 50 feet high.
Wow, you obviously cannot read. The wall will stop unrestricted entrance into this country by illegals, drug smugglers and human trafficking.
It will deter some and inhibit others. It will aid our border patrol.

That’s what a wall does. I guess the military shouldn’t form a defense line because it can’t stop ALL measures???
You really need to listen to yourself as you sound ridiculous.
Yes I see it now, an illegal alien running across the border with 50 lbs of drugs, a couple gallons of water, dragging a bound and gagged kidnapped victim.
Yes I see it now, an illegal alien running across the border with 50 lbs of drugs, a couple gallons of water, dragging a bound and gagged kidnapped victim.
So, you’re saying that our southern border isn’t a place for those things?
Hearing that prominent Democrats and some republicans have received millions from the cartels to fight the wall being built.
So we're going to construct a wall to impede the import of heroin being produced by a network currently protected by American soldiers? And you wonder why the WoD failed?
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