We the People Will Build the Beautiful Steel Slat Barrier

Must you be so serious about everything?

They will pay, indirectly. They however, will not mail Trump a big ass check like septic wants them to do.

Quit acting attacked, Ob. You're a big boy, aren't you?

As usual though, you falter when it comes to specifics or citation. It just makes you sound full of ****, bro... especially when you backtrack after contradicting yourself. Lol.

Feel free to actually go into specifics. I'm totally confident in your capacity to do so.
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Quit acting attacked, Ob. You're a big boy, aren't you?

As usual though, you falter when it comes to specifics or citation. It just makes you sound full of ****, bro... especially when you backtrack after contradicting yourself. Lol.
I didn’t back track anything.
Maybe he's referring to cutting their foreign aid.... I have no idea....all I can say for certain is that I personally never thought Mexico was going to stroke a check to pay for the wall. Anyone that did should crawl back into the corner
They're not going quietly.
Dink, have you caught the clap or something? You seem a little more ornery than usual.

I haven't had time to stop by yo momma's lately.

I get it. You guys love agreeing with each other but god forbid any contrary views are brought before y'all. I'm just asking for data, evidence, or even a modicum of substance to back the argument, but you guys think I'm ornery because of it. I'm not ornery. I just detest when people form opinions based off views they pull out of their ass.
Dude, it's there for reading.

Whatever... my invitation for you to go into any specifics whatsoever still stands. I'm done clowning you for now.
I clearly typed “ it will be indirectly but they will pay”

I don’t know why you are so confused
Maybe he's referring to cutting their foreign aid.... I have no idea....all I can say for certain is that I personally never thought Mexico was going to stroke a check to pay for the wall. Anyone that did should crawl back into the corner

Here's a article from AP about our "contribution" to Mexico and Central America. Now that the new Mexican government has decided to funnel through all of Central America through to our borders I say goodbye to this aid.
US pledges $10.6B aid for Central America, southern Mexico
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Hyberbole/puffery is overselling something through exaggeration ("this is the best car you can buy"). Making a knowingly false claim about who will pay for something is a lie ("I'll buy this car for you. You won't pay a penny").
You must have believed it was a literal comment... that the Mexican president was going to actually write a freaking check.
It's like kids playing football in the yard when one guy grabs another's shirt and slings him to the ground in dirty fashion.... he rips his shirt and pisses the kid off.... he gets up and says "you're gonna pay for that".... you think he means the other kid is going to cough up his lunch money?..... or that maybe he'll get the $10 out of him some other way?..... perhaps $10 worth of satisfaction from kicking his ass?
You must have believed it was a literal comment... that the Mexican president was going to actually write a freaking check.
It's like kids playing football in the yard when one guy grabs another's shirt and slings him to the ground in dirty fashion.... he rips his shirt and pisses the kid off.... he gets up and says "you're gonna pay for that".... you think he means the other kid is going to cough up his lunch money?..... or that maybe he'll get the $10 out of him some other way?..... perhaps $10 worth of satisfaction from kicking his ass?

So we're comparing international diplomacy to backyard football now. Lol.
I haven't had time to stop by yo momma's lately.

I get it. You guys love agreeing with each other but god forbid any contrary views are brought before y'all. I'm just asking for data, evidence, or even a modicum of substance to back the argument, but you guys think I'm ornery because of it. I'm not ornery. I just detest when people form opinions based off views they pull out of their ass.
Contrary views? I never thought Mexico was going to pay for the wall.... I fully expected their president to say FU and your wall....you and I would have. I thought he was posturing .... sending a message that they need to shut their southern border or there could be economic implications....
Nobody in Washington wants the wall... if they did they'd have pushed it through when the R's had the numbers. They're playing the blame game just like they did with Obamacare... every R rejected it because they didn't have to support it due to the Dems having the numbers.... now the R's are pulling similar bullshi**ery on the wall.

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