We the People Will Build the Beautiful Steel Slat Barrier

The primary narrative of this wall's reason to exist has ridden off fear of drug smugglers, gang members, and terrorists. Women don't fall in this demographic. It's almost entirely comprised of young men.

Except you leave out women can do all of the above as well as being victims of sex trafficking.
Nobody but the triggered and naive liberals actually thought Mexico was going to stroke a check for the wall. Have you ever heard of posturing or hyperbole?
I assure you none none of the liberals believed it either. And it’s not posturing, it’s ********. Just like “something terrific” and “drain the swamp.” He just said **** that came to his mind without regard for accuracy or the voters.
Nobody but the triggered and naive liberals actually thought Mexico was going to stroke a check for the wall. Have you ever heard of posturing or hyperbole?

Hyberbole/puffery is overselling something through exaggeration ("this is the best car you can buy"). Making a knowingly false claim about who will pay for something is a lie ("I'll buy this car for you. You won't pay a penny").
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