Western KY beats UK, might have momentum?

Some of you are seriously underestimating the talent on WKU's roster. They have a few NFL caliber players that will be drafted. They also have a great offensive mastermind leading them.

That said, UT will win but they aren't going to beat the piss out of them like they did AP. Hell, AP in 2007 just got back to giving out scholarships again and this year they were picked to finish last in the OVC.

95% or higher of players on AP's team would be walkon scout team members at UT.

WKU will come to play and has ability (like Toledo mentioned above).
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Western will use every trick play in the book, in an effort to beat us. Petrino will attempt to make a name for himself, nationally.
He beat Kentucky this week in an away game. Should he beat Tennessee next week in an away game, people will start to notice.
I am sure that he wants to get out of Bowling Green, Kentucky as quickly as possible. Getting noticed nationally will be a step in the right direction.
I expect a close, close game next Saturday....

Won't be close at all because Western's defense is horrible. Offensively they may give the Vols some fits. But with the home field advantage and and a sizable difference in talent I'm going with 42-17.
Some of you are seriously underestimating the talent on WKU's roster. They have a few NFL caliber players that will be drafted. They also have a great offensive mastermind leading them.

That said, UT will win but they aren't going to beat the piss out of them like they did AP. Hell, AP in 2007 just got back to giving out scholarships again and this year they were picked to finish last in the OVC.

95% or higher of players on AP's team would be walkon scout team members at UT.

WKU will come to play and has ability (like Toledo mentioned above).

No defense.
Western will use every trick play in the book, in an effort to beat us. Petrino will attempt to make a name for himself, nationally.
He beat Kentucky this week in an away game. Should he beat Tennessee next week in an away game, people will start to notice.
I am sure that he wants to get out of Bowling Green, Kentucky as quickly as possible. Getting noticed nationally will be a step in the right direction.
I expect a close, close game next Saturday....

Bobby Petrino will not be getting out of BG anytime soon. His wife wants to be there and she's calling the shots. He'll only leave if she gives him the ok, unless he wants to leave divorced and paying alimony.
In a post-game interview, Daniel Hood suggested the team hasn't forgotten the 49-7 beatdown at Arkansas two years ago, and that they were looking to stick some payback on Petrino. The Vols won't be lacking for motivation against WKU.
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In a post-game interview, Daniel Hood suggested the team hasn't forgotten the 49-7 beatdown at Arkansas two years ago, and that they were looking to stick some payback on Petrino. The Vols won't be lacking for motivation against WKU.

Does any one know when we play the hogs again?
I think WKU will outplay us for alot of the game , but our overall speed will pull us through and get the win. And I don't believe in momentum being a big factor after a few days. If anything the higher you come into a game, the harder you crash when things start to go south.
I do think it will be a challenge, they will put up some points but still remains there a small program with less talent and depth. I see us winning by 2 TDs or so. I like the 35-17 type prediction. I think part of it is that UK is just that bad not that WKU is so good.
So WKY allowed Austin Peay 10 points? The same Austin Peay that got shut out in the second half by our 3rd string?
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So WKY allowed Austin Peay 10 points? The same Austin Peay that got shut out in the second half by our 3rd string?

No, I don't think it was the same Austin Peay as last year. Unless I am mistaken I believe they, like us, have made some roster changes since last year. Additionally, they, also like us, have a new coaching staff this year. It's probably also germane to note that WKU is not the same team as last year nor do they have the same coaching staff as last year. Maybe none of these changes matter all that much.....well, except on our side. I think the coaching change on our side matters greatly which is why I think Team #117 should take the WKU of THIS YEAR by 2-3 TD's.
We look like a prouder team this year. Last year we seemed content to let Bray and Co. hang 60 on everyone and hope the clock hit zero with us on top.
We look like a prouder team this year. Last year we seemed content to let Bray and Co. hang 60 on everyone and hope the clock hit zero with us on top.

I forgot which guy said it now but in one of the post game interviews one of the players said something to the effect that the last think he wanted to see tonight was for this game to turn in to another Akron episode.
i was at the akron game last year and the game tonight. 2 totally diffrent experiences.

Akron was a shootout like most of last year.

This game was an obvious blowout, but the D stepped up and showed determination to not be scored on.

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