Western KY beats UK, might have momentum?

Uh that was an actual question. I really wasnt sure what you were implying. Not sure why you went into crybaby girl mode but I really didn't know if you meant "I have no defense (as in argument) against this post" or "neither team had defense".

Sorry, I took it the way I did. Was late in the night and it had been a long day on the strip.

That was all everyone was saying at our tailgate when we were watching other games. We had Clemson/UGA and LSU/TCU on a couple of the TVs. And everyone was babbling about Petrino so a couple of us got them to flip one of the TVs over to the UK/WKU game. And we all saw 2 teams with very shotty defenses that couldn't defend the run. I would like to think a heavy dose of the run could control the clock, keep the defense fresh and have WKU worn out defensively in the 2nd half.

I do want to see how our defense reacts to what will be a lot of offensive shifts and formations next week. It will be a good test, but we should come out with a victory, and it probably will get away from WKU in the 2nd half.
WKU played a team as bad as we did.We could have very easily scored 45 or more points if we wanted to.I watched this game and yes WKU will be better than what we faced but they were slow on d and there running back is big but not real fast..I think it will be a bit of a struggle in the first half but by the second half we will wear them down and pull away..
Butch will have them ready to go in Neyland saturday no doubt about it. i saw their D line across the board was 230,233,285,318. i think we pound them with the run and get some other things working off of that. i think our guys are hungry to hit the field every week. WKU is a solid team but UK is also really bad.

I love my Vols too. That being said, some advice. Look very carefully when the APU game replays. With the first string OL on the field, you will see one APU guy consistently being in the backfield. Usually, he's a bit too late to stop Worley from throwing or our RB from getting past the LOS. But it was unnerving to see how frequently this guy was getting into the backfield. If that happens against WKU and higher ranked opponents, we're screwed. Just look at the replay game and watch for these incidents. Usually this guy came off the edge, mostly on the left side and often unblocked. Got to ask why.
UT gave Petrino nothing to look at on film.

The most basic defensive and offensive game plans possible.

I would have to agree with this. Butch used it as a chance to train the fundamentals in a real-game situation.

However, Petrino is drooling for the chance to upset some big fish this season and you know Tennessee is square in his sights this week. We would be foolish to underestimate him. He is raving mad and not really under much pressure...a very dangerous opponent.
As much flak as Petrino gets, the guy can coach his butt off. I'm not saying i'm worried about this game, but I do think that it will be a challenge. Butch is the kind of guy as far as I can tell who won't let our guys overlook anyone.
I just hope we do alot of ground and pound the first half. Have their defense out of energy by the 2nd half.
I just hope we do alot of ground and pound the first half. Have their defense out of energy by the 2nd half.

I agree. Butch said he'd like to see the offense a little faster, they slowed down a bit in the 2nd quarter. AP was gassed on the first couple of possessions, i'd like to do the same to WKU.
A fast tempo offense could hurt us this season unless the defense has enough depth to last with the big dogs.
WKY is somewhere between KY and Mizzou. They are good enough for us to lose to with a poor effort/execution and bad enough to get beat by 31 points if we are clicking on all eight cylinders. I'm guessing the line will be WKY+11 but I'm not a gambler.

I also expect 103,000+ next week!
Calling all smokin hot Bimbos, report to WKY sideline next Saturday, no bras, lots of cleavage, short shorts. Distract Petrino with your charms! Take one for the team! lol
WKY is somewhere between KY and Mizzou. They are good enough for us to lose to with a poor effort/execution and bad enough to get beat by 31 points if we are clicking on all eight cylinders. I'm guessing the line will be WKY+11 but I'm not a gambler.

I also expect 103,000+ next week!

I'm thinking the same thing. I'm expecting a 14-20 point margin of win off a score in the 4th to take care of any doubt. Not a fan of the early kick, but I'll be there!
Westerns stadium is to small so they moved the game to Nashville to accommodate the fans.

It was in Nashville last year as well. Does that mean Commonweath Stadium is too small?

Maybe they all went to Opryland after the game and a Hoedown. Anything to get out of Lexington.
Bobby Petrino will not be getting out of BG anytime soon. His wife wants to be there and she's calling the shots. He'll only leave if she gives him the ok, unless he wants to leave divorced and paying alimony.

She may be calling the shots, but he has had a few stray bullets inflicting some collateral damage.

She just wants a small town where gossip will get back to her sooner rather than later. No more knotches on his Harley handlebars for bimbos served.
The Vols had better stop RB's Andrews and Allen from WK if we are to win this game.

I think they looked incredible due to only Kentucky's horrible defense. They are good RBs, but not superhuman like Kentucky made them out to be.

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