What are legitimate reasons for divorce?

i've seen no evidence of christians being any more moral than anyone else. quite the opposite in my life.

and I am as guilty of that as many other Christian are.....the difference is, I am forgiven when I ask for it
i've seen no evidence of christians being any more moral than anyone else. quite the opposite in my life.

Depends on whether they are Christians by label or by definition.

The Barna Group - Survey Explores Who Qualifies As an Evangelical

The Barna Group - Barna Reviews Top Religious Trends of 2005

Further, Barna provided numbers showing how substantially different evangelicals are from the rest of society. "They are by far the most active in evangelism, most likely to read the Bible, to pray, to attend church services, to volunteer at a church, and to engage in a small group during the week, and give away almost three times as much money as do other Americans. They are several times more likely to possess a Biblical worldview as are others, are the only people group among whom a majority consider their faith to be their top priority in life, are more involved in alternative models of church than anyone else, are the most concerned about how their children are raised, and are also the most well-informed among Christians regarding the interaction between their faith in Christ and current public issues."

The Barna Group - A Biblical Worldview Has a Radical Effect on a Person's Life
With all the changes in life since "B.C." and the disagreement among the masses on the interpretation/meaning of the Bible, I wonder why "God" hasn't seen the need to give man direction as to his will since that time. If you believe the Bible, he saw that need before and acted on it. Why not since then?

I see the point of your question, and is very valid, and a popular belief. First, prior to Christ, in the Old testament world of the time for expample, God communicated directly with man through people like Noah, Abraham, Moses and so forth. At that time there was no mass collection of written works (Bible) for guidance. Faith at that time was gained through dialogue and actions of proof by God that He existed, whether by reward (going into Canaan), or by destruction (Sodom or the Flood). God destroyed all but Noah and his family because of the sin, he could not tolerate sin, or have it in his presence. He destroyed Sodom because they could not find one moral person in the town. He led his people in battle against god's enemies and to victory under insurmountable odds, or to defeat if he needed to wake them up. He was an "active" God in the earthly sense to prove his diety and keep his followers in check. He sent His son to intervene and to die for man that through Christ we might have eternal life. At that point, christianty moved from works based, to faith based. We were given the New Testament as God's word to us to follow. It became our choice to study the truth, and have faith in things not seen. He is still active through the Holy Spirit, just in a different way. A lot of today's thinking is much like the Jews of old. We expect a King to show himself as our ruler so we have our definition of proof to have belief. Even under the pre-Christ system when God did show his power openly, not everyone accepted and believed. Doesn't work that way anymore. Now it is up to us to believe in things not seen. The very definition of faith.
Agree to disagree I suppose. I believe that "not under bondage" specifically addresses the bond of marriage.

I understand and agree with your point that "not under bondage", refers to the bond of marriage. My issue of personal understanding does not lie in the divorce in that situation, but in the remarriage, unless adultery was also involved.
Food for thought,
1st marriage is an institution of God and not to be taken lightly. Alot of people go into marriage half heartedly as long as "love" lasts. Marriage is intended to be a committment to each other, a love for each other, "as Christ loved the Church." God gave very few ways out biblically becacuse he knew the hearts of men. It is hard to move past adultery. Some can, some can't. Two beleivers however should commit every effort to salvage a marriage as they accepted that bond under God.

Here's another. Situation a long time ago growing up. Couple came to church to visit. My religion is conservative. Our only manuscript is the bible. My dad was an elder at the time, and was in disagreement with the edler's that counseled this family. Anyway, they were both divorced and re-married, and had kids together. Non-christians but searching. They were told by a couple of "blind" elders that they would half to return to their original spouses in order to have salvation because neither marriage ended as a result of adultery. Thoughts?
Here's mine. The Bible teaches that God accepts us as we are. If we are in a sinful situation and then put on Christ our past sins our forgiven and we have grace for our sins yet committed. In this case, I would argue that if they had been guided correctly, and became saved, then they are at that point and forward in God, thus bringing righteousness to their marriage. Yet these 2 elders spoke of creating a second divorce for unscriptural reasons to rectify the first divorce. If a couple is not in God, and are looking for God, how can you tell them they have to divorce again and go back in order to be saved. There is only one unforgiveable sin. People cannot become righteous before they accept God. The blood of Christ is what makes you righteous from that day forward. The point is to put on Christ, "go forth and sin no more."
Food for thought,
1st marriage is an institution of God and not to be taken lightly. Alot of people go into marriage half heartedly as long as "love" lasts. Marriage is intended to be a committment to each other, a love for each other, "as Christ loved the Church." God gave very few ways out biblically becacuse he knew the hearts of men. It is hard to move past adultery. Some can, some can't. Two beleivers however should commit every effort to salvage a marriage as they accepted that bond under God.

Here's another. Situation a long time ago growing up. Couple came to church to visit. My religion is conservative. Our only manuscript is the bible. My dad was an elder at the time, and was in disagreement with the edler's that counseled this family. Anyway, they were both divorced and re-married, and had kids together. Non-christians but searching. They were told by a couple of "blind" elders that they would half to return to their original spouses in order to have salvation because neither marriage ended as a result of adultery. Thoughts?
Here's mine. The Bible teaches that God accepts us as we are. If we are in a sinful situation and then put on Christ our past sins our forgiven and we have grace for our sins yet committed. In this case, I would argue that if they had been guided correctly, and became saved, then they are at that point and forward in God, thus bringing righteousness to their marriage. Yet these 2 elders spoke of creating a second divorce for unscriptural reasons to rectify the first divorce. If a couple is not in God, and are looking for God, how can you tell them they have to divorce again and go back in order to be saved. There is only one unforgiveable sin. People cannot become righteous before they accept God. The blood of Christ is what makes you righteous from that day forward. The point is to put on Christ, "go forth and sin no more."

I will give you another situation of religious silliness.
My dad was an elder in the church for 10 years. My mom died of cancer. One month later, two of the three other elders called a meeting and asked my dad to step down. The reason.......you guessed it.......he was no longer "the husband of one wife".
Humans screw up religion all the time. That is never an excuse for not beleiving.
I will give you another situation of religious silliness.
My dad was an elder in the church for 10 years. My mom died of cancer. One month later, two of the three other elders called a meeting and asked my dad to step down. The reason.......you guessed it.......he was no longer "the husband of one wife".
Humans screw up religion all the time. That is never an excuse for not beleiving.

Bingo. It's easy to look to a Christian to find a reason to doubt Christianity. We are flawed and stumble. But this is why we are supposed to look to Christ as the role model and not man. A non-Christian says "see the hypocrites? This is why I doubt that faith." Fortunately for us the standard is not to be completely perfect. We strive but until we leave the flesh we stumble.
but you can live like a saint for your entire life and just happen to not believe in jesus and rot in hell for all eternity. seem fair.

You are operating on the false assumption that anyone does or ever could achieve the level of personal righteousness that would entitle them to heaven.

Only a sinless man could stake claim that he deserved heaven rather than God's wrath... yet the only sinless man voluntarily endured the full weight of God's wrath to pay the price for those willing to believe.
Bingo. It's easy to look to a Christian to find a reason to doubt Christianity. We are flawed and stumble. But this is why we are supposed to look to Christ as the role model and not man. A non-Christian says "see the hypocrites? This is why I doubt that faith." Fortunately for us the standard is not to be completely perfect. We strive but until we leave the flesh we stumble.

I don't think anyone is saying that is why we doubt the faith. Only that the bible hasn't seen to have made christians any more moral therefore why the condensation.
You are operating on the false assumption that anyone does or ever could achieve the level of personal righteousness that would entitle them to heaven.

Only a sinless man could stake claim that he deserved heaven rather than God's wrath... yet the only sinless man voluntarily endured the full weight of God's wrath to pay the price for those willing to believe.

I've been about as sinless as any man on earth in my life and I refuse to believe if the christian god exists that he would cast me into hell for not believing in him before meeting him. A truly loving god isn't that much of a douchebag.
I know this is going to get heavily religious, so I put it here. No, I do not intend this as a "trap" thread. I welcome all belief perspectives.

I'm just curious: to you, what are legitimate reasons for divorce? What are not?

Don't worry folks, I'm as single as a loaf of bread's back heel. I just want to have a discussion about this.

if your spouse sleeps with someone else, and you lose the trust in the relatioship, it's over
I've been about as sinless as any man on earth in my life and I refuse to believe if the christian god exists that he would cast me into hell for not believing in him before meeting him. A truly loving god isn't that much of a douchebag.

What do you consider sin ?
I've been about as sinless as any man on earth in my life and I refuse to believe if the christian god exists that he would cast me into hell for not believing in him before meeting him. A truly loving god isn't that much of a douchebag.

He wants a relationship with you, not for you to do the right thing. Of course, if you have a relationship with him, you will do the right thing
Standard: cheating, lying, stealing etc. I don't believe not believing in god is a sin.

Murder, theft, perjury, and adultry are the only real useful commandments. All the others are superstitous nonsense that have no bearing on morality. I could say the lords name in vain and work on the sabbath for the rest of my life and not harm a single individual.
I've been about as sinless as any man on earth in my life and I refuse to believe if the christian god exists that he would cast me into hell for not believing in him before meeting him. A truly loving god isn't that much of a douchebag.

You are free to create whatever god you want to worship but the Christian God is quite clear about who is worthy: None. It is only by grace that any are saved.

Romans 3:10-18
Matthew 7:21-27
Proverbs 16:18

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