Christ submitted to die on the cross... I don't think asking spouses to submit to one another compares, do you?
With love comes acceptance. You missed that part, I s'pose.
Not necessarily. I love my wife. I don't accept some occasional behaviors but rather tolerate them. She does the same. Through love, we try to help each other change.
There is a lot of tolerance in love... loving someone in spite of problems.
Love is also about endurance, fortitude, and die-hard companionship. Some jerk said earlier that drug use is a legitimate reason for divorce. If you ask me, it takes love to soldier through a disease like drug addiction and HELP your spouse. Sacrifice goes both ways, sir.
At what point did I say that it didn't? Thing is though... you only control you. If you love, you can't play "Let's Make a Deal"... you have to commit without expectation of pay back.
The relationship cannot work unless both make a full commitment.
I wouldn't consider it a huge sacrifice to accept those things in someone you love. We can keep playing this game all day... love's funny like that... a lot of the facets involved in a loving relationship can go both ways.
That would be an example of loving tolerance... but if it is "two ways" then the other person should be willing to give it up, right?
We may be into semantics because you now seem to be agreeing with me.
How rude... this is simple debate, and you feel the liberty to be so condescending when someone disagrees with you.
I'm sorry but I didn't know how to state it clearly enough without risking being pointed. You seemed to be saying that submission was a bad thing while I was arguing that submission is a necessary thing in "love". Now you seem to be arguing something different than before.
Anyway, you're misinterpreting everything I say, as per usual. Love isn't politics. It's not about compromise. It's about acceptance, learning, and standing by someone.
IOW's, submitting yourself and your interests to them... right? Submitting your freedom and body to them, right?
I don't think love is an act of submission. I think the idea that someone has to change in order for a person to fall in love with them is complete BS. Maybe you have forgotten (or never experienced this concept in the first place, I don't know), but love is a choice. Nobody is conscripted into a monogamous relationship... two people choose one another. Because of that choice, there's no excuse to change a person. You chose to be with them. If you don't like who they are, then dammit, don't act as though you're in love with them.
Not trying to be condescending at all but I have to wonder again if you understand the concept of submission as taught in the Bible.
Love is indeed the chosen act of giving yourself and subordinating your desires and interests to another person to whom you have devoted yourself.
By definition- submission.
Giving yourself up to someone IS NOT the same as changing your spouse to better fit your perfect picture.
Huh? Giving yourself up IS the same as changing yourself to better fit your spouses perfect picture.
You seem to have difficulty creating a valid rebuttal... from what I've seen in our debates as well as others you've been in, you don't really listen. You look for words and expressions that get you all pissy, and you run with it.
Did you say something about being rude and condescending? Do you really want to get into generalizations about posts?
Yes. I look for words and expressions then respond to them. How is that not really listening? How else are we supposed to communicate? If it isn't what you mean then either think it through beforehand or clarify.
You seem to be pretty hung up on the word submission but now seem to have argued back to me that very idea... repeatedly and condescendingly.