what are the biggest what ifs in tennessee football history

Passing stats for 1985:

Robinson 91/143 63.6% 1246 yds 8 td 7int
Dickey 85/131 64.9% 1161 yds 10 td 1 int

Thanks! Good numbers. Didn't realize their numbers were comparable. 7 ints? Dang! I probably was just remembering the numbers for the first 3 games, where most of TR's good numbers came from
I agree the defense stepped up. Just wondering what anyone thought would be different. D.D. stepped up big time in his absence (in the end of the year, he struggled in his first start against Wake, Reveiz really stepped up that day) I'm just wondering if we would have been 10-1-1 with Tony.

You mean Georgia Tech...Tony struggled against Wake Forest...Auburn letdown
Posted via VolNation Mobile
You mean Georgia Tech...Tony struggled against Wake Forest...Auburn letdown
Posted via VolNation Mobile

The 6-6 tie to GT was just sad. It was nice having a kicker that could bang home a 50+ yarder in the clutch...albeit on a rug off a tee to goal posts as wide as Kim Kardashian's butt. Still, it was clutch.
No roughing the passer flag on the Marvin Mitchell pick 6 against UF in '06. Do we win? No NC for UF and Leak/Tebow.
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I agree the defense stepped up. Just wondering what anyone thought would be different. D.D. stepped up big time in his absence (in the end of the year, he struggled in his first start against Wake, Reveiz really stepped up that day) I'm just wondering if we would have been 10-1-1 with Tony.
The first start for Dickey was against Georgia Tech when we struggled badly. One reason is that Ga Tech had the Black Watch defense that gave up only 11 pts per game for the year, and only lost to Auburn by 3 the week before our game. That was the same #1 Auburn team that we beat earlier that year. Ga Tech finished with 2 losses at #19.

I was at that Ga Tech game when Reveiz kicked a 52 or 53 yard field goal at the end of the game to get a 6-6 tie. The kick was against somewhat of a wind going toward the North endzone toward the hill. Some fans had already given up and were heading for the exits. I will have to admit that I thought it was out of his range.

Majors had confidence in Reveiz, although he didn't have much choice but to try the field goal. The reason that I say he had confidence is that earlier that year, Majors had come to a meeting in our town ( before the start of the season) where we ate and Majors answered questions. I specifically asked him about our kicker because I wasn't too sold on what I had seen from him previously. Majors reassured me that night that our kicker would be just fine. A few months later, I saw that Majors knew what he was talking about.
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No roughing the passer flag on the Marvin Mitchell pick 6 against UF in '06. Do we win? No NC for UF and Leak/Tebow.

Was that MM or Mayo. Thought that was a Mayo pick 6.

Nonetheless, I also remember that as a huge play. Would have made that game winnable.
The first start for Dickey was against Georgia Tech when we struggled badly. One reason is that Ga Tech had the Black Watch defense that gave up only 11 pts per game for the year, and only lost to Auburn by 3 the week before our game. That was the same #1 Auburn team that we beat earlier that year. Ga Tech finished with 2 losses at #19.

I was at that Ga Tech game when Reveiz kicked a 52 or 53 yard field goal at the end of the game to get a 6-6 tie. The kick was against somewhat of a wind going toward the North endzone toward the hill. Some fans had already given up and were heading for the exits. I will have to admit that I thought it was out of his range.

Majors had confidence in Reveiz, although he didn't have much choice but to try the field goal. The reason that I say he had confidence is that earlier that year, Majors had come to a meeting in our town ( before the start of the season) where we ate and Majors answered questions. I specifically asked him about our kicker because I wasn't too sold on what I had seen from him previously. Majors reassured me that night that our kicker would be just fine. A few months later, I saw that Majors knew what he was talking about.

Thanks for the clarification. Btw, my dad had the "coolest" picture titled "First Night Game". It was from either a helicopter or from the press box. It was against Penn State. Do you remember the year? I believe it was right before I was born. 1972 sound right?
Thanks for the clarification. Btw, my dad had the "coolest" picture titled "First Night Game". It was from either a helicopter or from the press box. It was against Penn State. Do you remember the year? I believe it was right before I was born. 1972 sound right?
Absolutely correct. I had graduated earlier that year after winter quarter, and was getting ready to move to Connecticut. I got married at the end of that year, and my wife to be was accepted at Yale to get her Master's.

The last game of the 71 season was a home game win against Penn State, 31-11 I think, and the first game of 72 was another home win against Penn State 28-21. The 28-21 game wasn't as close as it sounds because we were up early and the whole game. It seems like they scored late to get to within 7.

After the game, we ran from the stadium to get to Jose's La Cantina Bar to get a good seat. The owner, Jose, was Joe Jenkins, who later became Sheriff of Knox County. 5 of us buddies met there after the game, and drank till the wee hours. That was the last time all of us got together. I have seen all but one in the last 40 years, and still talk to all of them. Those were the GOOD OLD DAYS for me.
You're right. I'll have to go back and listen to that again.

89, 90, & 91 were all very good teams with a lot of the same players. It could have been a conversation from that "era".
Absolutely correct. I had graduated earlier that year after winter quarter, and was getting ready to move to Connecticut. I got married at the end of that year, and my wife to be was accepted at Yale to get her Master's.

The last game of the 71 season was a home game win against Penn State, 31-11 I think, and the first game of 72 was another home win against Penn State 28-21. The 28-21 game wasn't as close as it sounds because we were up early and the whole game. It seems like they scored late to get to within 7.

After the game, we ran from the stadium to get to Jose's La Cantina Bar to get a good seat. The owner, Jose, was Joe Jenkins, who later became Sheriff of Knox County. 5 of us buddies met there after the game, and drank till the wee hours. That was the last time all of us got together. I have seen all but one in the last 40 years, and still talk to all of them. Those were the GOOD OLD DAYS for me.

WOW! Cool story. I can't believe it's been 20 years since Heath Shuler (when I was in school}. Time flies!
Absolutely correct. I had graduated earlier that year after winter quarter, and was getting ready to move to Connecticut. I got married at the end of that year, and my wife to be was accepted at Yale to get her Master's.

The last game of the 71 season was a home game win against Penn State, 31-11 I think, and the first game of 72 was another home win against Penn State 28-21. The 28-21 game wasn't as close as it sounds because we were up early and the whole game. It seems like they scored late to get to within 7.

After the game, we ran from the stadium to get to Jose's La Cantina Bar to get a good seat. The owner, Jose, was Joe Jenkins, who later became Sheriff of Knox County. 5 of us buddies met there after the game, and drank till the wee hours. That was the last time all of us got together. I have seen all but one in the last 40 years, and still talk to all of them. Those were the GOOD OLD DAYS for me.

Cool Story!!!!!!

I think Conrad Graham was on those teams. I met him when I worked at Kiawah Island. We started talking about UT football and he said I was too young to remember him.

Thank goodness I knew my UT history and recalled those Penn St. games. Great day out on the Ocean Course with Conrad Graham.
What if Chuck Webb didn't get hurt against Pacific?

I had never heard this before, but according to Chris Treece, Majors believes Tennessee would have won the national title in '89 with Webb. Food for thought.

I agree with Treece, Webb was best running back in Tennessee history imho ...... but,,,,,,,

What if Doug Dickey never left Tennessee for Florida and we never hired Bill Battle........we were certainly on our way to a dynasty :eek:hmy:
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