what are the biggest what ifs in tennessee football history

WOW! Cool story. I can't believe it's been 20 years since Heath Shuler (when I was in school}. Time flies!

We were on campus at the same time and to make you feel older...the kids coming on campus this fall weren't born when Peyton Manning arrived in 1994.

The kids today haven't witnessed UT being worth a crap and that's sad!...And needs to change.
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The first start for Dickey was against Georgia Tech when we struggled badly. One reason is that Ga Tech had the Black Watch defense that gave up only 11 pts per game for the year, and only lost to Auburn by 3 the week before our game. That was the same #1 Auburn team that we beat earlier that year. Ga Tech finished with 2 losses at #19.

I was at that Ga Tech game when Reveiz kicked a 52 or 53 yard field goal at the end of the game to get a 6-6 tie. The kick was against somewhat of a wind going toward the North endzone toward the hill. Some fans had already given up and were heading for the exits. I will have to admit that I thought it was out of his range.

Majors had confidence in Reveiz, although he didn't have much choice but to try the field goal. The reason that I say he had confidence is that earlier that year, Majors had come to a meeting in our town ( before the start of the season) where we ate and Majors answered questions. I specifically asked him about our kicker because I wasn't too sold on what I had seen from him previously. Majors reassured me that night that our kicker would be just fine. A few months later, I saw that Majors knew what he was talking about.

Carlos hit a 55-yd. FG in that game, which remains tied for the third-longest In Tennessee history. If memory serves me correctly, however, both of his field goals were in excess of 50 yds. In any event, I have never heard such a thunderous ovation for a game-tying FG. Of course, that was one of those snatching a tie from the jaws of defeat.
Absolutely correct. I had graduated earlier that year after winter quarter, and was getting ready to move to Connecticut. I got married at the end of that year, and my wife to be was accepted at Yale to get her Master's.

The last game of the 71 season was a home game win against Penn State, 31-11 I think, and the first game of 72 was another home win against Penn State 28-21. The 28-21 game wasn't as close as it sounds because we were up early and the whole game. It seems like they scored late to get to within 7.

After the game, we ran from the stadium to get to Jose's La Cantina Bar to get a good seat. The owner, Jose, was Joe Jenkins, who later became Sheriff of Knox County. 5 of us buddies met there after the game, and drank till the wee hours. That was the last time all of us got together. I have seen all but one in the last 40 years, and still talk to all of them. Those were the GOOD OLD DAYS for me.

The '72 Penn State game was also the first night game in Neyland Stadium history.
Carlos hit a 55-yd. FG in that game, which remains tied for the third-longest In Tennessee history. If memory serves me correctly, however, both of his field goals were in excess of 50 yds. In any event, I have never heard such a thunderous ovation for a game-tying FG. Of course, that was one of those snatching a tie from the jaws of defeat.
I forgot that the other made one was that long, but I believe he missed one about extra point length earlier.
Jamarcus Russell's fumble had been called on the game winning drive vs LSU.
The rain didn't come at the Swamp in 1995
Kevin Cobb for Memphis was called down during his KO return at Memphis in 1996

UT ends up ranked higher than 9 (probably around 4 prior to the bowl games), maybe even plays in a better bowl game.

Interesting debate could would UF still have ended the year up at #1 after losing to FSU the last week of the season...

(Probably since the loss only made them fall to 4, they played a #11 Bama the next week, and UT would have been around 5...but the human polls have done so many...interesting (sure let's call it that) things before that it wouldn't shock me in the least to see a 1-loss team ahead of another 1-loss team that beat it by 6, just because the latter lost its 1 game later in the year/more recently than the former lost its 1 game)
UT ends up ranked higher than 9 (probably around 4 prior to the bowl games), maybe even plays in a better bowl game.

Interesting debate could would UF still have ended the year up at #1 after losing to FSU the last week of the season...

You're thinking of 1996 when UF got the rematch. They were 12-0 going into the Nebraska game.

(Probably since the loss only made them fall to 4, they played a #11 Bama the next week, and UT would have been around 5...but the human polls have done so many...interesting (sure let's call it that) things before that it wouldn't shock me in the least to see a 1-loss team ahead of another 1-loss team that beat it by 6, just because the latter lost its 1 game later in the year/more recently than the former lost its 1 game)

Are you talking about the UT/ Memphis game? That was in Nov. after UT played Bama. UT was ranked around 5 or 6 heading into that game. 12 or so after.


Right, I was talking about 96; that's why I had that part about the Memphis loss game in the quoted section in bold.

As for the latter part, I was doing it based on how the AP poll standings changed relative to where UT had been prior to the loss (#6 in the AP) and how teams ahead were fairing week to week. By the looks of it, had they kept winning, they still would have only been around #5 the week UF lost to FSU, which dropped the Gators down to #4, ahead of a 1-loss Ohio State
Right, I was talking about 96; that's why I had that part about the Memphis loss game in the quoted section in bold.

As for the latter part, I was doing it based on how the AP poll standings changed relative to where UT had been prior to the loss (#6 in the AP) and how teams ahead were fairing week to week. By the looks of it, had they kept winning, they still would have only been around #5 the week UF lost to FSU, which dropped the Gators down to #4, ahead of a 1-loss Ohio State

Gotcha! :hi:

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