What is really going on with Trump's taxes?

You seem to have bought into his first lie that he had no contact with Russians, as well as his second lie that his campaign had no contact with Russians.

If Trump supporters are going to believe all his lies then just ignore them when exposed, tell us now. It will save a lot of time.
Mueller report: "No collusion." If you are going to believe all the MSM lies and just ignore them when exposed, tell us now. It will save a lot of your screeching.
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I think history will show Obama to be a fairly inconsequential President in terms of what he achieved while in office. Note that doesn't mean bad, just relatively inconsequential. He'll always be remembered as the first black President but I don't think things that occurred during his Presidency will drastically shape the country for the decades to come.

IMO, Obama had a less consequential Presidency than pretty much all of the recent Presidents before him.

Lots of hand wringing, teeth gnashing and whining over a inconsequential eight years. There's a disconnect between your post and the Muslim Kenyans effects on the red hat brigade.
The only reason you go so far to prevent people from seeing your taxes is because you have something to hide, plain and simple.

Being "under an audit" is just another of Trumps countless lies. Even Barry released his taxes, there is literally no excuse for orange clown, that is Trump.

What will congress find that the IRS couldn’t?
What will congress find that the IRS couldn’t?

No one on the left wants to discuss this, because there are only 2 options:

IRS has found nothing after 40 years of Trump.


Trump paid off politicians to make sure that never happened. Let's list the political contributions and friends of Trump for said amount of time.

Clinton Foundation
Hillary Clinton (N.Y.)
Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (Nev.)
John Kerry (Mass.)
Rahm Emanuel (Ill.)
Charlie Rangel (N.Y.)
Chuck Schumer (N.Y.)
Harry Reid (Nev.)
Anthony Weiner (N.Y.)
Joe Biden (Del.)

John McCain (Ariz.)
Frank LoBiondo (N.J.)
Mitch McConnell (Ky.)
Lindsey Graham (S.C.)
George W. Bush (Texas)

Andrew Cuomo (N.Y.)
Ed Rendell (Pa.)
Terry McAuliffe (Va.)
Andrew Cuomo (N.Y.)
Eliot Spitzer (N.Y.) )
Kamala D. Harris (Calif.)
Rod Blagojevich (Ill.)
Ed Rendell (Pa.)

Plus many more.

History of Donald Trump's political donations - Ballotpedia
Had Soetoro not made such a big deal about having them sealed, no one would care either. Kind of like the left and Trump's taxes. No, that's not correct. The left is desperately looking for ammo.

No one's college records are sealed. Colleges don't do that. They will not give you access to anyone's records because of FERPA laws. For jobs and grad school applications, you may request to see someone's transcript with their signed permission.
Lots of hand wringing, teeth gnashing and whining over a inconsequential eight years. There's a disconnect between your post and the Muslim Kenyans effects on the red hat brigade.

Inconsequential? Obama got access to health insurance for 20 million people, ended a war, killed Sadam, opened relations with Cuba, etc, etc, etc. I can't think of anything W did besides get us in a war and lead us into a horrible recession.
Mueller report: "No collusion." If you are going to believe all the MSM lies and just ignore them when exposed, tell us now. It will save a lot of your screeching.

Again, I don't hear a word now from the MSM about collusion, albeit I do not read every newspaper, watch every TV station and listen to every radio show. I keep hearing references to obstruction of justice, though.
Inconsequential? Obama got access to health insurance for 20 million people, ended a war, killed Sadam, opened relations with Cuba, etc, etc, etc. I can't think of anything W did besides get us in a war and lead us into a horrible recession.

You might need to check your facts on when Saddam was killed. What war did Obama end and LOL at your insurance figures. I think you are 0 for 3.
You might need to check your facts on when Saddam was killed. What war did Obama end and LOL at your insurance figures. I think you are 0 for 3.
You might need to check your facts on when Saddam was killed. What war did Obama end and LOL at your insurance figures. I think you are 0 for 3.

Sorry about the Saddam thing - you were correct. I meant Osama bin Laden. You know the war I referred to and there have have been 20 million people enroll in the expanded Medicaid coverage and the ACA.
Sorry about the Saddam thing - you were correct. I meant Osama bin Laden. You know the war I referred to and there have have been 20 million people enroll in the expanded Medicaid coverage and the ACA.

Actually I have no idea what war you are talking about. I remember Obama starting a war but can’t recall him ending one.

Just because people enrolled doesn’t mean they didn’t have insurance prior to.
You seem to have bought into his first lie that he had no contact with Russians, as well as his second lie that his campaign had no contact with Russians.

If Trump supporters are going to believe all his lies then just ignore them when exposed, tell us now. It will save a lot of time.

I think it tremendously ironic that Democrats' Soviet-style smearing of all things "Russiaaaaah!" compelled people to lie about perfectly legal contact with Russians. Neither casual lying about those contacts to deflect the propaganda, nor the nature of those contacts, were criminal as evidenced by by the feckless Mueller probe.
I think it tremendously ironic that Democrats' Soviet-style smearing of all things "Russiaaaaah!" compelled people to lie about perfectly legal contact with Russians. Neither casual lying about those contacts to deflect the propaganda, nor the nature of those contacts, were criminal as evidenced by by the feckless Mueller probe.


Its the Democrats' fault that Trump lied about Russian contacts? Its the Democrats' fault Trump lied about a potential business interest in Moscow? Its the Democrats' fault that Trump fabricated the press release lying about the purpose of the meeting in NY?

I realize that Trump depends on making himself out to be a victim to keep his minions in line, but he has no one but himself to blame for what has come out about his lying.
Lots of hand wringing, teeth gnashing and whining over a inconsequential eight years. There's a disconnect between your post and the Muslim Kenyans effects on the red hat brigade.

I agree with you. From a standpoint of accelerating progressivism/Marxism and moving towards socialism - actual economic socialism, not just the fuzzy, high-tax capitalist dependents the left likes to call socialist - Obama was significant.
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Actually I have no idea what war you are talking about. I remember Obama starting a war but can’t recall him ending one.

Just because people enrolled doesn’t mean they didn’t have insurance prior to.

That's because the 'mission was accomplished.'

Its the Democrats' fault that Trump lied about Russian contacts? Its the Democrats' fault Trump lied about a potential business interest in Moscow? Its the Democrats' fault that Trump fabricated the press release lying about the purpose of the meeting in NY?

I realize that Trump depends on making himself out to be a victim to keep his minions in line, but he has no one but himself to blame for what has come out about his lying.

No, I expressly didn't say that. I accurately stated that anything Russia had become so radioactive as to induce cancer. It was nonsense then, and nonsense now. That Trump has been tougher on Russia than anyone since Reagan is fact; how much of that is due to propriety and how much the gestalt of Russophobia is not known, but relations between the two are at a post-Cold War low. Russia (and China) are expanding influence globally. The political handcuffs on Trump mean we have more likely lost on opportunities - N.Korea, Syria, Libya, N. Africa, S. America to name a few - with Russian leverage, than we've gained by a gag reflex at the mention of Russia.

The left has done that and must own its destructive pettiness. They'd care if the country mattered more than hating Trump. They should rename themselves Blue State Palestinians.
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