What is really going on with Trump's taxes?

The first paragraph of the NY Times article:

"President Trump participated in dubious tax schemes during the 1990s, including instances of outright fraud, that greatly increased the fortune he received from his parents, an investigation by The New York Times has found. "

That's stunning because they balk at even calling his daily falsehoods lies.
Wait. A very wealthy prominent person who is in the public eye committed tax fraud and the IRS did nothing???
Somebody call Willie Nelson; dude got shafted.
Now they got him for some "Shady" tax dealings in the 90's when he wasn't President! IMPEACH NOW I mean um...wait till 2025?
I'm confused, are the tax strategies "questionable", "suspect" or illegal?

Seems like that's really the only question worth asking. If it's not illegal, I want to know how to employ those strategies.
If they are illegal how in the wide wide world of sports does someone with as much money as him and as famous as him go decades without the IRS doing anything?

Something tells me they are "shady"..or "not in good taste"..but perfectly legal.
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Trump just earned a ton of respect from me. I like him even more now. Anybody who can cheat the IRS and get away with it is a hero in my book.
Viva la Trump! Viva la sombrero rojo!
Trump just earned a ton of respect from me. I like him even more now. Anybody who can cheat the IRS and get away with it is a hero in my book.
Viva la Trump! Viva la sombrero rojo!

Somewhere in a basement , with walls painted in pigs blood .. love Trumps Hate, Hitler , Facist and Russia Russia Russia sits a man from this forum pushing in pins slowly into a McDad voo doo doll after that post .
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I'm confused, are the tax strategies "questionable", "suspect" or illegal?

Seems like that's really the only question worth asking. If it's not illegal, I want to know how to employ those strategies.

I will let you know after I see them....

"I'm under a routine audit, and it'll be released, and as soon as the audit is finished it will be released"

---Trump at the first presidential debate

I continue to be mystified by the lack of either an explanation for this or concern as to what he does not want us to see. Tax returns for presidential candidates are routinely disclosed. It sure looked at the time like Trump was hiding something. He was uncomfortable with the question and his demeanor was clearly evasive.

A routine audit would have been long ago finished. And if it wasn't, the WH could just say so. IMO this is a campaign promise which the press and both the GOP and the Dems should require that he honor.
Really? Are you still barking up this tree?

I thought Rachel Maddow already settled this last year?
I'm sorry but tax returns are at a whole different level than college transcripts, and you know it. For decades we have had a general picture of a presidential candidate's finances, viewed through the prism of their tax returns. It is more than just custom as it serves an important purpose -- to ensure that he does not act in his own interests over ours.

The comparison to Obama's college trancripts is a pretty pathetic effort to dodge the question with the weakest whataboutism.
Forget college transcripts? What about a birth certificate?
Then why not disclose them?

And why lie about why you haven't yet?

And why lie about when you would disclose in the future?

How did someone who is an idiot do the following:

Amass greater wealth then this board combined (Freak excluded obviously) through fraudulent means

Win the Presidency of the United States by being complicit in the greatest election fraud claim in this countries history

Figure out how to defraud the IRS, despite numerous audits, by himself.

Doesn’t seem like you can claim he is an idiot and he be capable of all of this. So what his he? Brilliant evil genius or you guys are just pulling crap out of your bleep hole?
Wait. A very wealthy prominent person who is in the public eye committed tax fraud and the IRS did nothing???
Somebody call Willie Nelson; dude got shafted.
Trump ran the IRS back then with the Russians so...

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