What is really going on with Trump's taxes?

A man that has been into some "shady ****" for over 40 years without a single criminal complaint until elected to office isn't worried about his tax returns linking him to anything. He knew what the mouth breathers in the media would do with them and was smart not to release them.

Looks like he's graduated.

Let's ignore the 3,500+ legal actions he's been involved in before he was elected - dude is a saint.

For acts he did when he WAS president.

The precedent that they’ve set can be used to impeach anybody that’s held any elected office. It has NOTHING to do with him saying to march or to “fight” for their beliefs. There are all sorts of examples of Dems giving far worse speeches followed by crickets from those hypocrites running their party of liars and cheaters.
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The precedent that they’ve set can be used to impeach anybody that’s held any elected office. It has NOTHING to do with him saying to march or to “fight” for their beliefs. There are all sorts of examples of Dems giving far worse speeches followed by crickets from those hypocrites running their party of liars and cheaters.

The problem here is that he told them to march down to the capitol and fight.

And then they did.

The difference and distinction is that he wasn't speaking metaphorically.
The precedent that they’ve set can be used to impeach anybody that’s held any elected office. It has NOTHING to do with him saying to march or to “fight” for their beliefs. There are all sorts of examples of Dems giving far worse speeches followed by crickets from those hypocrites running their party of liars and cheaters.
It's not the one speech; it's the cumulative effect of the entirety of his reign. But you know that.
The problem here is that he told them to march down to the capitol and fight.

And then they did.

The difference and distinction is that he wasn't speaking metaphorically.
Which isn't much different than orders given by other politicians to fight, get in their faces, etc. Those people being encouraged made sure to get in Rand Paul's face
Which isn't much different than orders given by other politicians to fight, get in their faces, etc. Those people being encouraged made sure to get in Rand Paul's face

I don't recall any other call to "fight" resulting in a riot at the US Capitol. A few whackos not being able to read the room on metaphors is wholly and very much different than the literal thousands showing up to actually fight moments after being told to.
Your last sentence is a lie.

Ok, then maybe the thousands who showed up are just too stupid to realize the difference.

Trump faces criminal investigation for a lifetime of financial fraud and cheating on his taxes. The fact that he hoodwinked a bunch low information voters and backed into the WH for four years of bungling every problem he faced does not thereby exempt him from the consequences of the prior 40 years of criminal conduct.
Fine. If it’s that cut and dry, it should be easy to prove and get a conviction. Until then, just shut the **** up and go play in traffic.
I don't recall any other call to "fight" resulting in a riot at the US Capitol. A few whackos not being able to read the room on metaphors is wholly and very much different than the literal thousands showing up to actually fight moments after being told to.
Come on, thousands were not there to fight. Protesters firebombing federal buildings this summer were being encouraged by the current admin yet not a single action had been taken. Rand Paul was actually threatened and assaulted but it barely made the news, unlike aoc's fairy tale. Heck, even protesters have taken over offices in the Capitol many times without it leading to the witch-hunt happening now
Come on, thousands were not there to fight. Protesters firebombing federal buildings this summer were being encouraged by the current admin yet not a single action had been taken. Rand Paul was actually threatened and assaulted but it barely made the news, unlike aoc's fairy tale. Heck, even protesters have taken over offices in the Capitol many times without it leading to the witch-hunt happening now

What was Rand's assault/threats about?
Come on, thousands were not there to fight. Protesters firebombing federal buildings this summer were being encouraged by the current admin yet not a single action had been taken. Rand Paul was actually threatened and assaulted but it barely made the news, unlike aoc's fairy tale. Heck, even protesters have taken over offices in the Capitol many times without it leading to the witch-hunt happening now

Photos from 1/6 say different.

I've never seen any "current admin" encouragement to firebomb federal buildings, citation def. needed for that.

If you want to conflate a handful of BLM thugs torching a police station in Portland with the POTUS literal actions on 1/6, go crazy. There's a galactic distinction and difference between the two.
Photos from 1/6 say different.

I've never seen any "current admin" encouragement to firebomb federal buildings, citation def. needed for that.

If you want to conflate a handful of BLM thugs torching a police station in Portland with the POTUS literal actions on 1/6, go crazy. There's a galactic distinction and difference between the two.
Federal courthouse in Portland. Anyone arrested there was bailed out using funds collected by leftist supporters
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You don't see the difference between that and this:

I'm comparing it to the AOC narrative that she feared for her life. Which one had more reason to be frightened for themselves and their family?

What's been going on in Portland, etc is absolutely on a bigger scale than what happened at the Capitol.
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Also, I have no doubt Trump is involved in some shady stuff and his taxes likely link him to it, which is why he didn't want them released. Though, I don't believe that they'll ever find anything to stick as being illegal.

You don't become a billionaire as a business man without doing some shady ****.

Spidey sense?

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