What is really going on with Trump's taxes?

Where is Obama's college transcripts? Why did it take years to get a copy of his birth certificate?

Wow, you're really one of those guys?

How many other POTUS's before him shared their birth certificate? Why was his birth certificate in particular so important? It was and has always been a racist assertion. Do better.

College transcipts? We know that he finished Magna Cum Laude at law school and was President of the Havard Law Review. That should be sufficient enough.

The bigger question is, why did Trump threaten his own alma maters against releasing his own grades while simultaneously criticizing Obama's college grades?

Oh, and lest we forget that Trump claimed his own father was German born, when he clearly was born in the US. Maybe trusting the word of someone who lies about everything isn't such a good idea.
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Wow, you're really one of those guys?

How many other POTUS's before him shared their birth certificate? Why was his birth certificate in particular so important? It was and has always been a racist assertion. Do better.

College transcipts? We know that he finished Magna Cum Laude at law school and was President of the Havard Law Review.

The bigger question is, why did Trump threaten his own alma maters against releasing his own grades while simultaneously criticizing Obama's college grades?

Oh, and lest we forget that Trump claimed his own father was German born, when he clearly was born in the US. Maybe trusting the word of someone who lies about everything isn't such a good idea.

Whataboutism is strong with you.

I DGAS about Obama's birth certificate or his college transcripts but this post points out your blatant hypocrisy since you don't think he was hiding anything by not releasing them yet Trump is since he hasn't released his tax returns.
Whataboutism is strong with you.

I DGAS about Obama's birth certificate or his college transcripts but this post points out your blatant hypocrisy since you don't think he was hiding anything by not releasing them yet Trump is since he hasn't released his tax returns.

You are the one that started the whataboutisms asking about college transcipts and birth certificates.

Also, tax returns have a precedent among Presidents since Nixon. I would actually be in favor every elected official being required to release their tax returns. But more than that, Trump himself promised to release them, then backed out.
You are the one that started the whataboutisms asking about college transcipts and birth certificates.

Also, tax returns have a precedent among Presidents since Nixon. I would actually be in favor every elected official being required to release their tax returns. But more than that, Trump himself promised to release them, then backed out.

It’s amazing how dims are somehow the sole arbiters of setting precedent and also changing it when convenient.
You are the one that started the whataboutisms asking about college transcipts and birth certificates.

Also, tax returns have a precedent among Presidents since Nixon. I would actually be in favor every elected official being required to release their tax returns. But more than that, Trump himself promised to release them, then backed out.

Indeed. The issue is entirely his own making.

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You are the one that started the whataboutisms asking about college transcipts and birth certificates.

Also, tax returns have a precedent among Presidents since Nixon. I would actually be in favor every elected official being required to release their tax returns. But more than that, Trump himself promised to release them, then backed out.

You my friend claimed Trump is hiding something by not releasing his returns so why is there a different standard for Obama?

Precedent means jack squat. The hell Romney received over his returns set the precedent for Trump not releasing his. His mistake was saying he would.
You are the one that started the whataboutisms asking about college transcipts and birth certificates.

Also, tax returns have a precedent among Presidents since Nixon. I would actually be in favor every elected official being required to release their tax returns. But more than that, Trump himself promised to release them, then backed out.
Did you know that Obama was not the first to face a "birther" controversy?
You my friend claimed Trump is hiding something by not releasing his returns so why is there a different standard for Obama?

Precedent means jack squat. The hell Romney received over his returns set the precedent for Trump not releasing his. His mistake was saying he would.

For one, Trump clearly said he would and it had happened for past like 10 elections. So that is the standard.

Secondly, when have other Presidents released their birth certificates? It's insulting and racist to assert that Obama was not a natural born citizen.
For one, Trump clearly said he would and it had happened for past like 10 elections. So that is the standard.

Secondly, when have other Presidents released their birth certificates? It's insulting and racist to assert that Obama was not a natural born citizen.

Was it racist to assert McCain wasn’t a natural born citizen?
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Whataboutism is strong with you.

I DGAS about Obama's birth certificate or his college transcripts but this post points out your blatant hypocrisy since you don't think he was hiding anything by not releasing them yet Trump is since he hasn't released his tax returns.
When did he promise multiple times that he would release them?
Had he repeatedly promised to do so, I would certainly be more likely to demand it once it became obvious he never had any intention of doing so.
Obama never intended to produce his birth certificate on demand after repeatedly promising to do so? How dare he refuse to produce private records like that!
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Was it racist to assert McCain wasn’t a natural born citizen?

They were trying to de-legitimize him based on a technicality (and they were wrong to do so). They weren't any questions on where he had been born. Seriously, what legitimate reason was there to assume Obama was not born in Hawaii?
Theories start coming out about potentially the 1st black POTUS, fabricated (and supported) primarily by white Americans..... but sure, completely not racist.
Well you seem to have convinced yourself of that. Was it racist in the case of McCain also? I guess not since he wasn’t the first old white dude considered.

And apparently the sole difference you see in comparison of the two is... race?

But we are the racist ones. 🙄
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