What is really going on with Trump's taxes?

If it was a democrat refusing to release you guys would be going nuts, but since it is your tribal leader you are willing to give him a pass.
I couldn't care less about their tax returns. I would wager Trump's have received more than enough scrutiny by the IRS over the years. But then again, the geniuses at the NYT will find something they missed no doubt.

How about Nancy's.. and Chuckie's.. and Mitch's?
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I couldn't care less about their tax returns. I would wager Trump's have received more than enough scrutiny by the IRS over the years. But then again, the geniuses at the NYT will find something they missed no doubt.

How about Nancy's.. and Chuckie's.. and Mitch's?

Let’s see. I make roughly $200k a year but I’m worth over $100million. Nothing shady there.
I think every American should have seen those tax returns 5 years ago. That notwithstanding, I support holding people who break the law accountable.

Why? What right do you have to see a candidates tax returns? If you think a candidate should release their returns but won't simply vote for the one that does.

And you're FOS.
Let’s see the results of Biden’s cognitive ability administered by unbiased medical professionals.

Let’s see results of Kamala’s STD tests.
Did either of them hold their supporters in such contempt as to repeatedly promise they would release those knowing full well that they never intended to do so?
Why? What right do you have to see a candidates tax returns? If you think a candidate should release their returns but won't simply vote for the one that does.

And you're FOS.
You have a right to expect a promise that was made REPEATEDLY to be kept.
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His supporters see how Romney was treated and didn’t expect him to release his taxes.

He wasn’t actually speaking to his supporters.
Sure they did. They are the very ones who believe every lie that comes out of his mouth.
Hell, half the posters in the PF were nuts enough to believe him when he said the election was stolen.
It's amazing this has been going on for over two years and exactly jack **** has come from it. They've almost got him though. Maybe democrats can decertify the election, swear in Trump, and impeach him again.
Sure they did. They are the very ones who believe every lie that comes out of his mouth.
Hell, half the posters in the PF were nuts enough to believe him when he said the election was stolen.

Like you believed every lie that came out of Obama’s mouth and is coming out of Biden’s?
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You just suggested that he’s guilty of something but those guilty don’t offer the transparency.

Sorry. You’re more of a screecher than a squawker.
Not surprisingly you missed the whole point.
His offer was a LIE. A repeated and known LIE. He never intended to release them because........________________.
That is the difference between Trump and every false comparison you guys are trying to make.

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