What is really going on with Trump's taxes?

Like you believed every lie that came out of Obama’s mouth and is coming out of Biden’s?
Kind of like that. Luckily, Obama and Biden are nowhere near the habitual liar that Trump is.
That makes all the difference.
That was the point from the beginning of the whole Trump fiasco.
Everybody lies, but everybody doesn't lie equally. Trump is the historical worst ever.
Kind of like that. Luckily, Obama and Biden are nowhere near the habitual liar that Trump is.
That makes all the difference.
That was the point from the beginning of the whole Trump fiasco.
Everybody lies, but everybody doesn't lie equally. Trump is the historical worst ever.
Lord have mercy.

Daughters had any abortions yet? Or maybe they just haven't told you.
Sure they did. They are the very ones who believe every lie that comes out of his mouth.
Hell, half the posters in the PF were nuts enough to believe him when he said the election was stolen.
Lol. Sure
I know, it was more than half; but I'm being kind.
Actually it was 100%... of you rubes across the aisle. He wasn’t talking to his supporters. Congrats on falling for it?
Come on ND, wake up.....have a cup of coffee.
Come on ND, wake up.....have a cup of coffee.
Lol back at you. I was lazy with the words but you know what I meant. 100% of you girls have been screeching “but Trump promised to release his taxes!”. I gave it more than the level of effort it deserved at this point.
Lol back at you. I was lazy with the words but you know what I meant. 100% of you girls have been screeching “but Trump promised to release his taxes!”. I gave it more than the level of effort it deserved at this point.
It looks as if we are getting our wish.
Congrats. More personal Liberty quashed for your feelings. You should be proud that behavior is what you have embraced.
No personal liberties were quashed. I am very proud that Trump is being held accountable. The people who allowed themselves to be mind screwed to the point of not holding him accountable represent the great societal danger.
Kind of like that. Luckily, Obama and Biden are nowhere near the habitual liar that Trump is.
That makes all the difference.
That was the point from the beginning of the whole Trump fiasco.
Everybody lies, but everybody doesn't lie equally. Trump is the historical worst ever.

Biden has an even longer verifiable history of lying than Trump.
No personal liberties were quashed. I am very proud that Trump is being held accountable. The people who allowed themselves to be mind screwed to the point of not holding him accountable represent the great societal danger.
Lol! Accountable for what? Breaking a pinky promise to you idiot libs? LMFAO
No personal liberties were quashed. I am very proud that Trump is being held accountable. The people who allowed themselves to be mind screwed to the point of not holding him accountable represent the great societal danger.
You really are a Nazi.
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She’s the VP of the US..... and asked people to contribute to the fund.... the fund used to bail the rioters out. What do you not grasp here?

You keep moving the goalposts, initially you said that she 'bailed them out'. But sure, let's play. She wasn't the 'VP of the US' (not that it makes any difference) when she tweeted support for a fund to help disenfranchised people make bail. I cited the funds director stating she had nothing to do with nor did she know who specifically would be the beneficiary of those funds. What don't you grasp about that?

It's hilarious the depths at which some people need to twist and conflate in order to internally justify thier outrage.

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