What must be done to Unite the Country

I'll go with the middle estimate. $1.5 billion.
$1.5 billion divided by 7,750 BLM protests = $193,548 per protest.
The estimates of cost of damages from the DC riot are far greater. Plus there is this.....
Taxpayers, Not Insurance, to Cover Costs of Capitol Damage by Trump Mob
U.S. taxpayers will be on the hook for damage from a mob attack on the U.S. Capitol in Washington on Wednesday because the building and grounds are not insured, industry sources said.

Who do you think is on the hook when Joe starts handing out that fed money all these governors and mayors have been begging trump for from the riots they had ? Insurance companies ? Lol
Who do you think is on the hook when Joe starts fooling out that fed money all these governors and mayors have been begging trump for from the riots they had ? Insurance companies ? Lol
The same people who are footing the bill for the added security for 50 state capitols....would be my guess.
Of course not. Just substantially more than $193,500.
I wish you guys could process better. That would really be cute.
More damage was done in the antifa/blm protests in DC than the Trump protests

I bet you could hand slice $200k and he could get close to fixed. But it is govt work so it's 3 times more expensive
More damage was done in the antifa/blm protests in DC than the Trump protests6th

I bet you could hand slice $200k and he could get close to fixed. But it is govt work so it's 3 times more expensive
I answered a question that was directly asked me.
The answer was - on average, BLM protests were less destructive, deadly, and costly that the Jan. 6th protest.
It's a true statement.
You guys can't seem to handle the truth.
Want a different answer, ask a different question.
I answered a question that was directly asked me.
The answer was - on average, BLM protests were less destructive, deadly, and costly that the Jan. 6th protest.
It's a true statement.
You guys can't seem to handle the truth.
Want a different answer, ask a different question.
The truth is that all destruction should be deemed wrong. The comparison in damage and destruction caused by one side only works if you attempt to manipulate numbers
I answered a question that was directly asked me.
The answer was - on average, BLM protests were less destructive, deadly, and costly that the Jan. 6th protest.
It's a true statement.
You guys can't seem to handle the truth.
Want a different answer, ask a different question.

What a crock of sh!t you posted
The truth is that all destruction should be deemed wrong. The comparison in damage and destruction caused by one side only works if you attempt to manipulate numbers
Like I said, I was only answering a question that was directed to me by a person thinking they were making some point that wasn't actually there to be made.
I agree with you. All destruction is wrong. I've said it all along. Any person harming another or destroying property is no longer a protestor but a rioter, and should be arrested and prosecuted accordingly.
The whole BS notion the the BLM protests were some kind of wild anarchy burning down cities was always absurd.
7,750 protests and almost every single one was perfectly peaceful.
The riots were something entirely different and 100% wrong.
The Jan 6th protest and protestors were 100% fine - the Jan 6th riot and rioters were 100% wrong and should be dealt with accordingly.
The riots were something entirely different and 100% wrong.
That is a lie made by those who need to separate the events. It was those protesters who tried to burn down the residence of the Portland mayor. They tried to burn down multiple federal buildings and police stations. You need to separate them to try and maintain some belief of superiority but it's an outright lie.
The truth is that all destruction should be deemed wrong. The comparison in damage and destruction caused by one side only works if you attempt to manipulate numbers

And Luth knows this...word gymnastics at its finest.
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Well they are wrong in that oversimplification.
What they should say is that the average republican score on the racist continuum is worse.
That 96% of the worst scoring 20% on the continuum are republican.
Things like that.
For my own entertainment I’m curious. 10 scale Trump and Biden each on your racism continuum. 1 being not a racist thought or action ever and 10 being a Grand Wizard or whatever they’re called in the KKK. I know what I think you’ll say so I’m curious how close I am.
For my own entertainment I’m curious. 10 scale Trump and Biden each on your racism continuum. 1 being not a racist thought or action ever and 10 being a Grand Wizard or whatever they’re called in the KKK. I know what I think you’ll say so I’m curious how close I am.
Trump - 6.8
Biden - 4.1
For my own entertainment I’m curious. 10 scale Trump and Biden each on your racism continuum. 1 being not a racist thought or action ever and 10 being a Grand Wizard or whatever they’re called in the KKK. I know what I think you’ll say so I’m curious how close I am.
How close were you?
I had you saying Trump 8.2 and uncle Joe being 2.3 just because everyone is racist and joe didn’t really mean the things he said while Trump did .
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