What must be done to Unite the Country

In the sense of, "If the sun didn't exist, we wouldn't have a climate," sure. In the sense of climate change, this "hypothesis" was debunked over a decade ago. Why are people so set on avoiding the blame for climate change?
Dude, this planet has had climate changes all throughout its existence.

I would add volcanic activity to that list, also.

I hate the gang up approach you are advocating. It’s akin to overcharging someone for a minor crime in order to get them to plead guilty.

So what if some states do reduce restrictions, the bureaucrats and politicians in that state answer to their citizens. What happens in the fed epa is they write regulations for a problem in x state that isn’t a problem elsewhere yet they enforce it. But they don’t even enforce they’re regulation uniformly even then.

To be fair, characterizing me as ‘advocating’ for it makes it sound like something being proposed, I’m just describing the way the system currently functions

on the second point, the EPA shouldn’t be writing restrictions that are based on esoteric state-specific cases and applying them nationally, if they are doing that I’m with you... but I can’t think of a federal regulation that would support that example, off hand at least
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No they don't.

Al or Jesse never show up at any of those funerals. CNN is never there...
They do to me. Who gives a f about the activity of Al or Jesse? Given your plight through life, you shouldn't give a damn. Especially since you fly 767s to "pay your tax bill". I'm bewildered by your emotional outbursts towards such events
They do to me. Who gives a f about the activity of Al or Jesse? Given your plight through life, you shouldn't give a damn. Especially since you fly 767s to "pay your tax bill". I'm bewildered by your emotional outbursts towards such events
I am sick to death of political correctness and the 'woke'ing dead
I am sick to death of political correctness and the 'woke'ing dead
You have too much to be happy about not to ignore it. Eliminate the sources of info that get you so worked up. As you know, what you post on the internet is on the record forever. Posting such emotional crap as " I hope they burn everything down", as harmless as your intent, wouldn't be too cool with your employers if they were to get wind of it. Especially given your position as a highly crucial employee as a pilot. I am certain you understand your lofty responsibilities for security. No intention here to be condescending in any way. Just a friendly reminder from someone who truly understands your gift
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Dude, this planet has had climate changes all throughout its existence.

I would add volcanic activity to that list, also.

Yes, no one is debating the fact that the climate changes without human intervention. We're just establishing that, at the moment, humans have a huge impact. Even if the total climate change effects within a particular year have a larger component from natural variation than from manmade effects, the anthropogenic components don't tend to fluctuate up and down, they push the climate in a single direction. Nature can do the same thing, but on much greater timescales than what we're seeing from anthropogenic change. We have a good understanding of the processes that can cause global temperature changes, and we know that humans contribute largely to these processes--so why is it so hard to believe that humans are contributing greatly to climate change?
Maybe you've solved a ton of problems for the part of the country that wants that, but how does that possibly "unite the country"? Do you wanna go back and take a look at the thread title? I don't think you're on prompt for the question posed.
So we are back to agree with the socialist progressives or GTFO? Yeah, **** being united. I'll fight when the time comes.
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Ok, but that zero net sum doesn't provide the relief many need from paycheck to paycheck. That 3000 they receive the following year may or may not go towards an actual stimulation of the economy. The smart ones bank it/pay down debt. Others foolishly spend it on items or services unnecessarily. The way our economic model has been implemented, that's what our lawmakers desire. The former is much better than the latter and our lawmakers, unfortunately, don't get it

You are moving the goalpost on me.

You went from taxes to livable wage.

The livable wages for most blue collar workers left with NAFTA.

A Walmart cashier was never intended to be a career position. These type jobs were labeled entry level for a reason.

I wholeheartedly believe liveable wage jobs such as plants need to come back but we can't just raise the income for Joe's pizza employee to 15 dollars and think that fixes anything.

Crushing people making 125k to 1 million a year doesnt fix anything either. You will simply hurt high end restaurants, luxury vehicle manufacturers, vacation destinations, investment funds, builders, and specialty grocery products. All of which employ average Americans.

The answer is never to take but to add.

The term tax revenue is disturbing by itself.
I understand the sentiment, but to use the EPA as one example- you need federal EPA to regulate environmental impact from state to state. if only states regulated themselves they would get into disputes with neighboring states over who is responsible. Also, if a company has multiple locations across the country, as many do, the idea that they would be regulated individually by every state would get quite convoluted. Similar issues with multinational corporations. Lastly, and this is fully speculative - I’m afraid if left to the states, many states would race to cut regulations in an attempt to encourage companies to locate in their state. We see that already with states competing for companies with tax incentives
California says hi.
So we are back to agree with the socialist progressives or GTFO? Yeah, **** being united. I'll fight when the time comes.
The thread title is:

What must be done to Unite the Country

Your response is a GOP talking point, not anything at relating to uniting the country. When I point out that it doesn't really answer the question, that apparently means "agree with the socialist progressives or GTFO?" Where did I ever imply that?

The time to fight came and went in November. You'll get another chance next election.
You are moving the goalpost on me.

You went from taxes to livable wage.

The livable wages for most blue collar workers left with NAFTA.

A Walmart cashier was never intended to be a career position. These type jobs were labeled entry level for a reason.

I wholeheartedly believe liveable wage jobs such as plants need to come back but we can't just raise the income for Joe's pizza employee to 15 dollars and think that fixes anything.

Crushing people making 125k to 1 million a year doesnt fix anything either. You will simply hurt high end restaurants, luxury vehicle manufacturers, vacation destinations, investment funds, builders, and specialty grocery products. All of which employ average Americans.

The answer is never to take but to add.

The term tax revenue is disturbing by itself.

I’ve always found it curious that conservatives tend to boast a “free trade” ideology, yet want to hold back the natural progression of capitalism when they are negatively affected personally.

For instance, you want to bring back livable wage manufacturing-type jobs but our economy has evolved from the post-war Industrial Age to a post-industrial model, which is typically part of a natural economic progression. That is the way capitalism works, so longing for a regressed economic status has always seemed like an odd stance to me. I understand the short-term personal benefit to some, but on a macro level it’s completely unrealistic.

Maybe you could reconcile that for me.
Stop it... just stop with the hyperbole. Last week was not 911.

You sound like one of these right wing snowflakes that was whining about some athletes taking a knee. That is essentially where this is going to end up. Why does it matter to you if I like you or not? Why does it matter if I don't worship or follow the same values you have? If I choose not to stand for a flag or choose to wave a another flag, how does that effect you? What business is it of yours? No, we don't need unity, we just need common courtesy and respect for others. Don't bother me and I won't bother you.

If you are truly serious about wanting to bring truth to the discussion, then you and the rest on your side of the aisle will have the opportunity right now.

Anyone born with a penis and XY chromosomes is a "man". Anyone born with a vagina and XX chromosomes is a "woman".

Also, anyone that crosses over our borders without going through the proper processes is an "illegal alien".

Lastly, the sun has significantly more impact on global climate than any alleged anthropogenic claims.

I'm not sure where this one is going, but as an atheist, even I have to concede that we are as far from a theocracy as you could possibly be. If anything, we don't have enough religion.

You post would have been a lot shorter if you would have just posted this. This is actually something that we can build on.

What you are basically asking for is justice. The punishment and consequences should be equally handed down no matter who the individual is. That is one aspect of justice, but you also have the idea of not creating or enforcing unjust laws. The problem we have is that we have far too many unjust laws. They need to be purged.

The simplest thing that would have resolved all of this election nonsense in November would have been for the left to drop their ridiculous stonewalling of having voters show a valid ID and to admit (that means being truthful) that mail in ballots are a gateway to voting fraud. This isn't some radical right wing talking point. Jimmy Carter said as much a decade ago.

I’ll reply to your first comment

What happened on 1/6/2021in your opinion?
You are moving the goalpost on me.

You went from taxes to livable wage.

The livable wages for most blue collar workers left with NAFTA.

A Walmart cashier was never intended to be a career position. These type jobs were labeled entry level for a reason.

I wholeheartedly believe liveable wage jobs such as plants need to come back but we can't just raise the income for Joe's pizza employee to 15 dollars and think that fixes anything.

Crushing people making 125k to 1 million a year doesnt fix anything either. You will simply hurt high end restaurants, luxury vehicle manufacturers, vacation destinations, investment funds, builders, and specialty grocery products. All of which employ average Americans.

The answer is never to take but to add.

The term tax revenue is disturbing by itself.
I'm not talking about $10-$15/HR workers. My post suggested nothing remotely directed to that block of earners. The projecting in here can be annoying, even when harmlessly intended
I’ve always found it curious that conservatives tend to boast a “free trade” ideology, yet want to hold back the natural progression of capitalism when they are negatively affected personally.

For instance, you want to bring back livable wage manufacturing-type jobs but our economy has evolved from the post-war Industrial Age to a post-industrial model, which is typically part of a natural economic progression. That is the way capitalism works, so longing for a regressed economic status has always seemed like an odd stance to me. I understand the short-term personal benefit to some, but on a macro level it’s completely unrealistic.

Maybe you could reconcile that for me.

NAFTA does not nor has it ever impacted me personally.

It did impact many blue collar individual, which I am not. There is absolutely nothing wrong with blue collar but I have been wearing suits since I was 27.

Free wage is also a very broad topic.

The issue is we are bordered by a 3rd world nation who has a much lower wage base. This is why and the only reason why we are no longer a manufacturing based economy. If Mexico had the exact same pay rates that we do then these factories would still be here and we would still be a manufacturing country.

To prove my point is correct simply see why Japanese cars and German cars are built on US soil yet American is not for a large part.

Shipping cost outweigh gains to built in Asia as their base wages are very close to ours. Hence, they build in the US.

We build in Mexico solely due to wage rates. Nothing else.

This same principle applies to why GM and Nissan are building in TN and not California or Michigan and why Honda is built in OH near Marysville.

Free trade and depressed monetary value must both be discussed when one discussed exports and imports.
I'm not talking about $10-$15/HR workers. My post suggested nothing remotely directed to that block of earners. The projecting in here can be annoying, even when harmlessly intended

15 is 30k a year.

Didnt you start around 35k on your values?

15 to 20 per hour are normally within the same grouping of corporate entry to lower management wage rates.

35 to 75k is basically the same grouping of people but in different times of their career.

Beyond 75k you are upper management when then begins projections of 75k to maybe 250k.

I was just going by your run of incomes.
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NAFTA does not nor has it ever impacted me personally.

It did impact many blue collar individual, which I am not. There is absolutely nothing wrong with blue collar but I have been wearing suits since I was 27.

Free wage is also a very broad topic.

The issue is we are bordered by a 3rd world nation who has a much lower wage base. This is why and the only reason why we are no longer a manufacturing based economy. If Mexico had the exact same pay rates that we do then these factories would still be here and we would still be a manufacturing country.

To prove my point is correct simply see why Japanese cars and German cars are built on US soil yet American is not for a large part.

Shipping cost outweigh gains to built in Asia as their base wages are very close to ours. Hence, they build in the US.

We build in Mexico solely due to wage rates. Nothing else.

This same principle applies to why GM and Nissan are building in TN and not California or Michigan and why Honda is built in OH near Marysville.

Free trade and depressed monetary value must both be discussed when one discussed exports and imports.

Ok, I understand the pros and cons of NAFTA, and upon postmortem review (although it’s not really dead, Trump’s deal was just an updated version of the same deal) its easy to pick apart the negatives... but that’s not what I’m really trying to understand. The inevitability of moving from industrial to post-industrial is always there. Just as it’s inevitable that a country like India is poised to become the next manufacturing giant as China grows their middle class.

What I’m trying to understand is someone being so gung-ho about unfettered capitalism in general while simultaneously trying to hold onto relics of our economic past like the coal, steel, or textile industries. Those are our past and will likely never thrive here again like previous generations knew them to... and that is capitalism.
15 is 30k a year.

Didnt you start around 35k on your values?

15 to 20 per hour are normally within the same grouping of corporate entry to lower management wage rates.

35 to 75k is basically the same grouping of people but in different times of their career.

Beyond 75k you are upper management when then begins projections of 75k to maybe 250k.

I was just going by your run of incomes.
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Ok, I understand the pros and cons of NAFTA, and upon postmortem review (although it’s not really dead, Trump’s deal was just an updated version of the same deal) its easy to pick apart the negatives... but that’s not what I’m really trying to understand. The inevitability of moving from industrial to post-industrial is always there. Just as it’s inevitable that a country like India is poised to become the next manufacturing giant as China grows their middle class.

What I’m trying to understand is someone being so gung-ho about unfettered capitalism in general while simultaneously trying to hold onto relics of our economic past like the coal, steel, or textile industries. Those are our past and will likely never thrive here again like previous generations knew them to... and that is capitalism.

I am not for uncontrolled capitalism.

This is where I differ with some on here and may not be the guy to ask this.

I will state that eventually we will move away from coal but we are just not scientifically there yet and it is one thing to plan for the future but it's another to kill the present before you are ready. We are killing jobs that still need to exist.....for now. We are also killing the economy for green peace type issues when our main global competitors could care less. Size wise we make a dent on the globe.

With the population china has it will be decades before their entire society is at the level we are. They would first have to stop devaluing their currency and the second they do that their country would crumble if they are still export based.

For them to switch from export to import will take decades and yes as this transition occurs India should benefit. But currently that does not appear to be their goal. They seem to be trying to invade countries from within so that eventually they are both exporting and importing to thrmselves...but that is a whole other discussion on what is truly a citizen in a global society.

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