What must be done to Unite the Country

Ok, I understand the pros and cons of NAFTA, and upon postmortem review (although it’s not really dead, Trump’s deal was just an updated version of the same deal) its easy to pick apart the negatives... but that’s not what I’m really trying to understand. The inevitability of moving from industrial to post-industrial is always there. Just as it’s inevitable that a country like India is poised to become the next manufacturing giant as China grows their middle class.

What I’m trying to understand is someone being so gung-ho about unfettered capitalism in general while simultaneously trying to hold onto relics of our economic past like the coal, steel, or textile industries. Those are our past and will likely never thrive here again like previous generations knew them to... and that is capitalism.

On a completely different note I am not a believer that someone who works their arse off should barely be making.

I just believe this should come from better jobs, not other citizens.
Look a here.. "on average". The very definition of average indicates that you are collecting data from two or more events. Some events above the average... and some below. Either way, even if it was just two events this summer, those two events are far worse than what went on last week.
Good call Ras. If you average Minneapolis, Portland, Seattle, and Kenosha with 1000 other marches that did not devolve into burning down building and trashing private businesses, then you get a spot on Luther's continuum.

BTW nice change of avatar. Who is she?
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On a completely different note I am not a believer that someone who works their arse off should barely be making.

I just believe this should come from better jobs, not other citizens.
I would agree with this.

I used to hate the idea of raising min wage, but if somehow that could be done and the price on things that are must haves such as milk, eggs, bread are exponetiannlly increased especially by big box owners, I would be willing to listen. Although im still not on board with a 16-17 year old just entering the workforce should be making $12 an hour flipping burgers.
I would agree with this.

I used to hate the idea of raising min wage, but if somehow that could be done and the price on things that are must haves such as milk, eggs, bread are exponetiannlly increased especially by big box owners, I would be willing to listen. Although im still not on board with a 16-17 year old just entering the workforce should be making $12 an hour flipping burgers.
Maybe an age requirement to receive an increase in minimum wage? Of course, there could be circumstances for a late teen to be included, such as familial responsibilities
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We need to dial back the rhetoric too.

Calling last Wednesday an “Internal 911” isn’t helping matters.

All politicians suck - some just happen to suck a lot more than others.
Like Swalwell comparing Trump to Osama Bin Laden.
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I agree. Decentralizing doesnt fix anything. But it allows things to be fixed in a more efficient manner.

Once you localize these issues it allows people to vote with their feet. With the one size fits all federal government you cant escape, and still be American.
If everybody had to vote with their feet, there would be a lot less fraud.
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ok, fair enough- If a national corporation with offices in multiple states violates, let’s say, air pollution regulations then the EPA can file and states can join a single case. That partnership is stronger than if the same set of cases was stratified across multiple state jurisdictions due to states having their own unique set of rules and regulations... the larger corporate entity is going against the relatively smaller state entity instead of the federal and state agencies combined

Also, as I mentioned in the last portion of my first post, I believe states would race to reduce restrictions in order to entice larger companies to do business in their respective states, weakening environmental protections

Or using your logic, you can just strangle all common sense with respect to pollution and allow China with no environmental constraint to pollute at will and steal our industry ... ignoring the fact that all pollution goes into the environment. If one state has a problem with another in this respect the chances are better of resolving the environmental damage from another state than from China.
I think we should fake half-way impeach a sitting President again with a week left in his term, even though the Senate isn't even in session and therefore he cannot possibly be actually impeached...just as a slap in the face to over 75 million voters and their families....THAT screams unity and will bring us all back together. Like clockwork.

Then let's make sure to do absolutely NOTHING to change our voting process and give voters ANY confidence that there will not be any fraud next time around.

No way these actions could lead to any problems in the future instead.

Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick.

Wish I had another good chunk of cash to invest in ammo manufacturers. Gonna go thru the roof. How many billion rounds yall folks think sells in 2021?

I love Joe Biden.
Maybe an age requirement to receive an increase in minimum wage? Of course, there could be circumstances for a late teen to be included, such as familial responsibilities
Another idea ive had, but don't know if it would be possible, and I would be pretty sure it would get taken advantage of is come up with a demographic. Let's say 27+ and is a single income. No taxes will be taken out of their paycheck, until their 1 year pay raise date. They should not be required to back pay any taxes either.
Has Joe the Uniter come out against this impeachment? You know, since uniting is what everyone wants. Did he lead?
You mean like Trump and company tried to unite everybody? Like when they rammed through those conservative judges and stonewalled Merrick Garland just because they could? Yeah they are Uniters all right. Biden will probably get around to trying. But that won’t stop the Democrats from exacting their pound of flesh right now. Why? Because now they can. That’s the way politics works or didn’t you know that? To the victor goes the spoils. What goes around comes around. Karma is a beeyotch. And all those other cliches. Enjoy.
Another idea ive had, but don't know if it would be possible, and I would be pretty sure it would get taken advantage of is come up with a demographic. Let's say 27+ and is a single income. No taxes will be taken out of their paycheck, until their 1 year pay raise date. They should not be required to back pay any taxes either.
That's another prudent route our lawmakers should study. Well, their analysts anyway
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Actually it isnt their right. There are laws and procedures to follow and some states bypassed those.

Exactly, and like the earlier discussion over states and pollution. Any state should be able to sue any other state that strayed outside the laws and procedures during an election. We've worked hard as a nation to secure elections by requiring such things as photo ID; that was all thrown away with hastily set up and poorly run mail in balloting in some states.
They've always mattered.

It's unimportant who dies to the left - it' always a matter of who killed them. The hundreds of black people killed yearly by other blacks in Chicago are nothing to the liberal cause, so they are ignored and forgotten unless they can contribute to the cause as a vote or as a martyr.
You mean like Trump and company tried to unite everybody? Like when they rammed through those conservative judges and stonewalled Merrick Garland just because they could? Yeah they are Uniters all right. Biden will probably get around to trying. But that won’t stop the Democrats from exacting their pound of flesh right now. Why? Because now they can. That’s the way politics works or didn’t you know that? To the victor goes the spoils. What goes around comes around. Karma is a beeyotch. And all those other cliches. Enjoy.
Everything you are saying is true, but that's exactly what the majority shouldn't do. If Democrats really want to heal, then they should reach out to the Republicans and form compromising solutions that benefit this country.
Yes, I know. My point was that most of the time when direct payments have been made to citizens, the intent was to stimulate the economy. The results have never yielded an affirmation to the intent

Good economists steeped in the church of Keynes would say that obviously those stimulus payments weren't large enough.
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It's unimportant who dies to the left - it' always a matter of who killed them. The hundreds of black people killed yearly by other blacks in Chicago are nothing to the liberal cause, so they are ignored and forgotten unless they can contribute to the cause as a vote or as a martyr.
OK. I forgot you can read minds. Absorbing the opinions of the fringe and applying them to the masses is in direct conflict to a healthy and healing discourse. I realize your opinions are derived from the idea that YOU inherently know these things. For you to make an effort and try to distinguish the varied beliefs would require a level of nuance that exceeds your mental capabilities
You mean like Trump and company tried to unite everybody? Like when they rammed through those conservative judges and stonewalled Merrick Garland just because they could? Yeah they are Uniters all right. Biden will probably get around to trying. But that won’t stop the Democrats from exacting their pound of flesh right now. Why? Because now they can. That’s the way politics works or didn’t you know that? To the victor goes the spoils. What goes around comes around. Karma is a beeyotch. And all those other cliches. Enjoy.
When Democrats are in power, they are supposed to the healers, uniters, compromisers, turn the other cheek, listen to conservative grievances, and pass water down conservative laws like Clinton and to less extent Obama did. When Republicans are in charge, to the victors goes the spoils, rammed legislation as quickly as they can (tax cuts, SCOTUS nominations) and they have only appeal to their base.

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