What must be done to Unite the Country

Perfect example of the problem that it's unrealistic to pass a law in a democracy when it actively hurts 94% of the population? People here are about to riot because I said that I'm fine with me not paying less taxes, imagine what they're gonna say when you tell them you're increasing their taxes by 50%.
Well again... if you tell people that and it is true, then you would be doing a good thing. But the problem is that far too many, including yourself even in this conversation, are quick to claim that any tax cut proposal is going to disproportionately raise taxes on the poor with out any proof. That is the real issue. You all love to demagogue tax proposals without any proof and that is where the sinister side of our system shows up.
Perfect example of the problem that it's unrealistic to pass a law in a democracy when it actively hurts 94% of the population? People here are about to riot because I said that I'm fine with me not paying less taxes, imagine what they're gonna say when you tell them you're increasing their taxes by 50%.

How does participating in the running of our country with paying taxes "hurt" 94% of the population. You talk about "fair share" and then want to let that many people suck off the teet when they can contribute.
YES...you ARE the problem.
Well as we've seen recently, you don't even have to campaign to win. So they would be able to run on just about anything and still get in.

Biden's best campaign move was to say as little as possible and let Trump destroy himself which he successfully started to do before he took office.
Your boy is going to raise taxes. And he got elected. Biden. And KamelToe will continue the rape and pillage of the American middle class.

Here's a few facts for you. Biden is not my Boy. Since I began Presidential election voting in 1964 I have never had a "Boy", I've always only had the option of the lesser of two evils including of course the last two elections

At this point we can't cut spending sufficiently to balance the budget. That will require the Grand Vols any poster on this forum earning money from the US Government directly/indirectly to potentially lose their jobs. The people earning their living off government spending bloat still have to put grub on their tables. The inability of the government to control spending is not their fault. Tax revenue needs to increase. Covid has unfortunately increased our tax revenue shortfall making a bad situation worse. I don't think in terms of tax increase. That fits into Hog's one size fits all concept which I too dislike. I think in terms of Tax Revenue reallocation. The reality is corporations and the very wealthy do not pay their fair share. The deductions they get to take to get them them down to their "taxable income" is as much an issue as their tax %

Without tax revenue reform there will come a day when the US will be at risk of defaulting on its debt payments. COVID has increased our debt by what? (too lazy to check) $4 trillion and counting?

Biden is untruthfully being misquoted on this forum. He said he will raise taxes on corporations and individuals earning more than $400,000.

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Here's a few facts for you. Biden is not my Boy. Since I began Presidential election voting in 1964 I have never had a "Boy", I've always only had the option of the lesser of two evils including of course the last two elections

At this point we can't cut spending sufficiently to balance the budget. That will require the Grand Vols of the US to potentially lose their jobs. The people earning their living off government spending bloat still have to put grub on their tables. The inability of the government to control spending is not their fault. Tax revenue needs to increase. Covid has unfortunately increased our tax revenue shortfall making a bad situation worse. I don't think in terms of tax increase. That fits into Hog's one size fits all concept which I too dislike. I think in terms of Tax Revenue reallocation. The reality is corporations and the very wealthy do not pay their fair share. The deductions they get to take to get them them down to their "taxable income" is as much an issue as their tax %

Without tax revenue reform there will come a day when the US will be at risk of defaulting on its debt payments. COVID has increased our debt by what? (too lazy to check) $4 trillion and counting?

Biden is untruthfully being misquoted on this forum. He said he will raise taxes on corporations and individuals earning more than $400,000.
We would have to more than double tax revenue to balance the budget at this point.

Yeah, we are that far under water with this Covid bs.

Normal years it's just a 25% increase.
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Here's a few facts for you. Biden is not my Boy. Since I began Presidential election voting in 1964 I have never had a "Boy", I've always only had the option of the lesser of two evils including of course the last two elections

At this point we can't cut spending sufficiently to balance the budget. That will require the Grand Vols of the US to potentially lose their jobs. The people earning their living off government spending bloat still have to put grub on their tables. The inability of the government to control spending is not their fault. Tax revenue needs to increase. Covid has unfortunately increased our tax revenue shortfall making a bad situation worse. I don't think in terms of tax increase. That fits into Hog's one size fits all concept which I too dislike. I think in terms of Tax Revenue reallocation. The reality is corporations and the very wealthy do not pay their fair share. The deductions they get to take to get them them down to their "taxable income" is as much an issue as their tax %

Without tax revenue reform there will come a day when the US will be at risk of defaulting on its debt payments. COVID has increased our debt by what? (too lazy to check) $4 trillion and counting?

Biden is untruthfully being misquoted on this forum. He said he will raise taxes on corporations and individuals earning more than $400,000.

I'm not sure how I got brought into this save the fact my military retirement comes from the .gov.
Here's a few facts for you. Biden is not my Boy. Since I began Presidential election voting in 1964 I have never had a "Boy", I've always only had the option of the lesser of two evils including of course the last two elections

At this point we can't cut spending sufficiently to balance the budget. That will require the Grand Vols of the US to potentially lose their jobs. The people earning their living off government spending bloat still have to put grub on their tables. The inability of the government to control spending is not their fault. Tax revenue needs to increase. Covid has unfortunately increased our tax revenue shortfall making a bad situation worse. I don't think in terms of tax increase. That fits into Hog's one size fits all concept which I too dislike. I think in terms of Tax Revenue reallocation. The reality is corporations and the very wealthy do not pay their fair share. The deductions they get to take to get them them down to their "taxable income" is as much an issue as their tax %

Without tax revenue reform there will come a day when the US will be at risk of defaulting on its debt payments. COVID has increased our debt by what? (too lazy to check) $4 trillion and counting?

Biden is untruthfully being misquoted on this forum. He said he will raise taxes on corporations and individuals earning more than $400,000.

And the truly sad thing is that you seem to believe this.

So, again, my military retirement comes from the .gov. Are you suggesting the government should stop payments on the legal contracts they signed and stop paying those who served?

Because that'll be a unifying action. Not the one you think it will be, but it'll unify the retiree community far more than you know.
Again, I'm not necessarily saying that your proposed plan is "bad", I'm saying good luck passing tax reform that doesn't increase revenue but raises taxes on 94% of the population.
The plan is the only one that will unite. That is what the OP wants. I'm sorry you don't get it. When Joe and the Ho ram single payer down our throats like you know they will, that bottom 90% better strap it on because their taxes will go through the roof.
And the truly sad thing is that you seem to believe this.

Posters on this forum are stating "Biden will raise taxes" Yes I believe that. It's posted. It's posted as a fact. I posted what he stated about taxes. That, too, is a fact. Now you infer a different point. Do I believe that ? He is about to become President for the first time. He is entitled to be believed by me until he tells his first lie as President. I'm more worried about the pledge to have a 100 million covid injections in arms in the first 100 days of his term. He had no need to be that optimistic. The lacking inventory and logistics in place to accomplish that are evident
At no point did I say that I'm going out of my way to pay more taxes. I said that I don't want to pay less taxes than I do. I perfectly fine with paying my fair share of money to help the country, and I believe that fair share is not the same flat percentage as someone who makes 20% of what I make. If I could pay less taxes by the government being more efficient and spending less, than I would be happy to do that, but I'm not looking to pay less taxes by shifting my tax burden onto those less fortunate than me.
Good for you, I personally don't give two ***** about placing an EQUAL burden on everyone. I understand you want to live off that 10%'s back, I don't. I'm tired of paying for tats, smokes, weed and everything else that goes with a lot of the 51% that don't pay taxes. And before you go off about freedoms blah blah blah. I live in W. KY. I see this **** every single day.
So, again, my military retirement comes from the .gov. Are you suggesting the government should stop payments on the legal contracts they signed and stop paying those who served?

Because that'll be a unifying action. Not the one you think it will be, but it'll unify the retiree community far more than you know.

No I'm not suggesting that all
Posters on this forum are stating "Biden will raise taxes" Yes I believe that. It's posted. It's posted as a fact. I posted what he stated about taxes. That, too, is a fact. Now you infer a different point. Do I believe that ? He is about to become President for the first time. He is entitled to be believed by me until he tells his first lie as President. I'm more worried about the pledge to have a 100 million covid injections in arms in the first 100 days of his term. He had no need to be that optimistic. The lacking inventory and logistics in place to accomplish that are evident

nice dodge
So, again, my military retirement comes from the .gov. Are you suggesting the government should stop payments on the legal contracts they signed and stop paying those who served?

Because that'll be a unifying action. Not the one you think it will be, but it'll unify the retiree community far more than you know.
I do think there should be no more retirements other than a 401k type plan, with the possible exception of those that actually serve in combat. Freeze all the ones currently in place (active duty) and start the 401k type plans. Those of you that have retirements should be honored for the rest of your life under the conditions you retired in. Government pensions need to stop. ALL of them.
I can absolutely guarantee taxes on the middle class will increase. All of his spending can't be taken care of simply by only taxing evil corporations and evil rich people
Exactly. Because both of those you mentioned have rooms full of tax lawyers and they have already figured out the ways to protect their assets. The left doesn't care about that anyway. It is about getting you and me to submit to them. They get the idiots that envy those with more to think it is about 'getting' them to 'pay their fair share'. It would be funny were it not so pathetically sad.
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I do think there should be no more retirements other than a 401k type plan, with the possible exception of those that actually serve in combat. Freeze all the ones currently in place (active duty) and start the 401k type plans. Those of you that have retirements should be honored for the rest of your life under the conditions you retired in. Government pensions need to stop. ALL of them.

Interesting idea. I wouldn't mind exploring that further. I knew a few guys that did 10-12 years and got out and of course they got nothing.
Exactly. Because both of those you mentioned have rooms full of tax lawyers and they have already figured out the ways to protect their assets. The left doesn't care about that anyway. It is about getting you and me to submit to them.
Hasn't he already said Trump tax cuts are gone? I am middle class and I absolutely got a tax cut under Trump
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Good for you, I personally don't give two ***** about placing an EQUAL burden on everyone. I understand you want to live off that 10%'s back, I don't. I'm tired of paying for tats, smokes, weed and everything else that goes with a lot of the 51% that don't pay taxes. And before you go off about freedoms blah blah blah. I live in W. KY. I see this **** every single day.
I grew up in Russellville... where be you?

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