What must be done to Unite the Country

At no point did I say that I'm going out of my way to pay more taxes. I said that I don't want to pay less taxes than I do. I perfectly fine with paying my fair share of money to help the country, and I believe that fair share is not the same flat percentage as someone who makes 20% of what I make. If I could pay less taxes by the government being more efficient and spending less, than I would be happy to do that, but I'm not looking to pay less taxes by shifting my tax burden onto those less fortunate than me.
What's your fair share? Heck, what's your share? If there is no budget to follow then there is no defined share of revenue.

Based on recent events it seems the govt didn't need to take in money to hand it back out. At the end of this pandemic they will have created $10T. What do they need a few measly thousand from me?
At no point did I say that I'm going out of my way to pay more taxes. I said that I don't want to pay less taxes than I do. I perfectly fine with paying my fair share of money to help the country, and I believe that fair share is not the same flat percentage as someone who makes 20% of what I make. If I could pay less taxes by the government being more efficient and spending less, than I would be happy to do that, but I'm not looking to pay less taxes by shifting my tax burden onto those less fortunate than me.

Which is exactly what the Reagan, W and Trump tax code changes have done causing a need to borrow more to cover spending not resulting by the increase in tax revenues they projected would come from the little guy's increase in income
What's your fair share? Heck, what's your share? If there is no budget to follow then there is no defined share of revenue.

Based on recent events it seems the govt didn't need to take in money to hand it back out. At the end of this pandemic they will have created $10T. What do they need a few measly thousand from me?
Underrated post. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
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So you were not being honest when you said you said you don't want to pay less taxes. You are free to stop claiming your kids and your mortgage. You can pay more taxes
You're just willfully misinterpreting the words that I'm saying, which is not surprising, since that's pretty much what I've seen you do in every thread you enter. You're obviously not trying to have a conversation in good faith, so I don't think there's really a point to continuing with you.
Which is exactly what the Reagan, W and Trump tax code changes have done causing a need to borrow more to cover spending not resulting by the increase in tax revenues they projected would come from the little guy's increase in income
Then cut spending. When you bank on that Christmas bonus but instead get a jelly of the month club subscription you need to cancel the pool construction
You're just willfully misinterpreting the words that I'm saying, which is not surprising, since that's pretty much what I've seen you do in every thread you enter. You're obviously not trying to have a conversation in good faith, so I don't think there's really a point to continuing with you.
Then cut spending. When you bank on that Christmas bonus but instead get a jelly of the month club subscription you need to cancel the pool construction

Agree 100% but which politician will cut the budget to get elected? Or raise taxes to get elected? Any names to suggest? As a society, we want it both ways. We want what we want when we want it. We just don't want to pay for it. We want another group to pay for it.
You are the perfect example of our problem.
Perfect example of the problem that it's unrealistic to pass a law in a democracy when it actively hurts 94% of the population? People here are about to riot because I said that I'm fine with me not paying less taxes, imagine what they're gonna say when you tell them you're increasing their taxes by 50%.
Again, I'm not necessarily saying that your proposed plan is "bad", I'm saying good luck passing tax reform that doesn't increase revenue but raises taxes on 94% of the population.
Yeah... getting the votes.

And the point of changing the tax rates isn't as much about increasing revenue as it would be to give some relief to the tax payers in the middle class. Your "concerns" or argument against most of these tax cuts is that the lower classes will not see much relief or that they might see an increase (even though that hasn't been mathematically shown how). The lower classes would compensate from paying higher taxes by benefitting from govt programs anyways, so it is a wash. WTF do the working class stiffs receive? They usually make too much money to qualify for those same govt programs, but not enough to escape the drudgery of the middle class to live like fat cats. $88,000 a year puts you at the 25% tax rate. There is no excuse for anyone at that level to be paying that.
Agree 100% but which politician will cut the budget to get elected? Or raise taxes to get elected? Any names to suggest? As a society, we want it both ways. We want what we want when we want it. We just don't want to pay for it. We want another group to pay for it.
LouderVol will do it
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Yes, because the people who are paying a higher tax rate are having all of their money taken and are just left with nothing. Poor us.
Joe Louis - Wikipedia

After the $500,000 IRS tax bill was assessed, with interest accumulating every year, the need for cash precipitated Louis's post-retirement comeback. Even though his comeback earned him significant purses, the incremental tax rate in place at the time (90%) meant that these boxing proceeds did not even keep pace with interest on Louis's tax debt. As a result, by the end of the 1950s, he owed over $1 million in taxes and interest. In 1953, when Louis's mother died, the IRS appropriated the $667 she had willed to Louis.

90% tax rate because of WWII. Meanwhile the guy donated a bunch of his money to help support the war effort. Still wasn't enough.
Perfect example of the problem that it's unrealistic to pass a law in a democracy when it actively hurts 94% of the population? People here are about to riot because I said that I'm fine with me not paying less taxes, imagine what they're gonna say when you tell them you're increasing their taxes by 50%.
You really think guys like Bezoz and Jamie Diamon are going to be paying more in taxes under the Biden tax plan? LOL You really are naive.
You're just willfully misinterpreting the words that I'm saying, which is not surprising, since that's pretty much what I've seen you do in every thread you enter. You're obviously not trying to have a conversation in good faith, so I don't think there's really a point to continuing with you.
Good call by you to bow out
Agree 100% but which politician will cut the budget to get elected? Or raise taxes to get elected? Any names to suggest? As a society, we want it both ways. We want what we want when we want it. We just don't want to pay for it. We want another group to pay for it.
Well as we've seen recently, you don't even have to campaign to win. So they would be able to run on just about anything and still get in.
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Agree 100% but which politician will cut the budget to get elected? Or raise taxes to get elected? Any names to suggest? As a society, we want it both ways. We want what we want when we want it. We just don't want to pay for it. We want another group to pay for it.
Your boy is going to raise taxes. And he got elected. Biden. And KamelToe will continue the rape and pillage of the American middle class.

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