What must be done to Unite the Country

I would be in a position to pay less taxes. I don't want to pay less taxes.
If you have kids do you claim them when you do your taxes? Do you claim your mortgage and taxes? Are you married and if you are do you file single or married?
And many people wouldnt claim what the left is doing is the greater good either.

Yet you are are requiring that they align with you before you agree to help
I'm not requiring that at all. I'm not even sure what we are talking about.
Agree to help how?
I would be in a position to pay less taxes. I don't want to pay less taxes.
You can always help to pay mine. Nothing is stopping any of your from paying more.

But see, here's that "unity" thing again. Just because you want to pay more, why do you feel the need to mandate everyone else pays more?

Liberals don't know how to just keep to themselves and mind their own business.
Did you do the math on this??? $8530 as it is in 2020 vs $6,000 if you ignored the first $30,000 and anything over is taxed at 10%... [($120,000 - $30000 - $30000) X .1 = $6,000]


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I don't care what kind of tax cut the rich get. I'm worried about my pockets.
The plan that I was looking at was that proposed by 82_VOL_83, where there is a flat tax on all earnings with no deductions. Your proposed tax plan would be much kinder on the working class and would reduce tax incomes across the board; however, as I've already established, the problem with that is that if the solution is just to greatly slash tax revenue, it's more of a spending conversation than a tax policy conversation. Just running some quick numbers on the "10% after $30000" (I conservatively had to put the deduction at $30000 per return here, not per person, because of the limitations of how I have the data set up and the fact that I don't want to spend my whole day looking at hypotheticals that won't ever happen), the tax revenue from 2018 would have gone down from 1.5 trillion dollars to 830 billion dollars, a reduction of almost half. At that point, it's trivial to put forth any kind of plan that would make everyone pay less, but then you have to figure out how to cut spending enough. In order to keep your "x% after $30000" plan and keep revenue where it is, you would have to tax at a flat ~19% after $30000 (really more if you make the deduction per person and not per return). With that kind of plan, returns up to the "$30,000 to $40,000" AGI bracket would see tax reductions, returns between the "$40,000 to $50,000" and "$200,000 to $500,000" AGI brackets would see tax increases (with small increases at either end and the largest increases in the middle, of ~4% effective of total income), and AGI brackets above that would see reductions (a maximum of ~8%).

Again, it's easy enough to say "then cut spending", but then you could easily enough have a bunch of savings for everyone by keeping a tiered tax rate.
Good, make it 13% then. Unless you are still wallowing in your class warfare stance. When everyone on the tax roles pays the same portion of their income to the fed, then everyone will be the same in the eyes of the gubment. Start at 30k and from their up, pay your fair share.
Again, I'm not necessarily saying that your proposed plan is "bad", I'm saying good luck passing tax reform that doesn't increase revenue but raises taxes on 94% of the population.
What must be done and the objective of today's politician (both sides) are on different ends of the spectrum.

Biden isnt looking for unity any more than Trump or Obama did. Hard to find something you arent looking for.
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The plan that I was looking at was that proposed by 82_VOL_83, where there is a flat tax on all earnings with no deductions. Your proposed tax plan would be much kinder on the working class and would reduce tax incomes across the board; however, as I've already established, the problem with that is that if the solution is just to greatly slash tax revenue, it's more of a spending conversation than a tax policy conversation. Just running some quick numbers on the "10% after $30000" (I conservatively had to put the deduction at $30000 per return here, not per person, because of the limitations of how I have the data set up and the fact that I don't want to spend my whole day looking at hypotheticals that won't ever happen), the tax revenue from 2018 would have gone down from 1.5 trillion dollars to 830 billion dollars, a reduction of almost half. At that point, it's trivial to put forth any kind of plan that would make everyone pay less, but then you have to figure out how to cut spending enough. In order to keep your "x% after $30000" plan and keep revenue where it is, you would have to tax at a flat ~19% after $30000 (really more if you make the deduction per person and not per return). With that kind of plan, returns up to the "$30,000 to $40,000" AGI bracket would see tax reductions, returns between the "$40,000 to $50,000" and "$200,000 to $500,000" AGI brackets would see tax increases (with small increases at either end and the largest increases in the middle, of ~4% effective of total income), and AGI brackets above that would see reductions (a maximum of ~8%).

Again, it's easy enough to say "then cut spending", but then you could easily enough have a bunch of savings for everyone by keeping a tiered tax rate.
All of that mumbo-jumbo you threw out there... What difference does it make if we have a budget shortfall? We'll just print more money. Really, why pay taxes at all?
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If you have kids do you claim them when you do your taxes? Do you claim your mortgage and taxes? Are you married and if you are do you file single or married?
At no point did I say that I'm going out of my way to pay more taxes. I said that I don't want to pay less taxes than I do. I perfectly fine with paying my fair share of money to help the country, and I believe that fair share is not the same flat percentage as someone who makes 20% of what I make. If I could pay less taxes by the government being more efficient and spending less, than I would be happy to do that, but I'm not looking to pay less taxes by shifting my tax burden onto those less fortunate than me.
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All of that mumbo-jumbo you through out there... What difference does it make if we have a budget shortfall? We'll just print more money. Really, why pay taxes at all?
I'm just assuming that you're being facetious and that's not a serious question.
At no point did I say that I'm going out of my way to pay more taxes. I said that I don't want to pay less taxes than I do. I perfectly fine with paying my fair share of money to help the country, and I believe that fair share is not the same flat percentage as someone who makes 20% of what I make. If I could pay less taxes by the government being more efficient and spending less, than I would be happy to do that, but I'm not looking to pay less taxes by shifting my tax burden onto those less fortunate than me.
So I guess you will be happy when everyone makes the same amount on their take home check. What would be the point of working harder or smarter then if you are only going to have it all taken by the government?
So I guess you will be happy when everyone makes the same amount on their take home check. What would be the point of working harder or smarter then if you are only going to have it all taken by the government?
Yes, because the people who are paying a higher tax rate are having all of their money taken and are just left with nothing. Poor us.
At no point did I say that I'm going out of my way to pay more taxes. I said that I don't want to pay less taxes than I do. I perfectly fine with paying my fair share of money to help the country, and I believe that fair share is not the same flat percentage as someone who makes 20% of what I make. If I could pay less taxes by the government being more efficient and spending less, than I would be happy to do that, but I'm not looking to pay less taxes by shifting my tax burden onto those less fortunate than me.
So you were not being honest when you said you said you don't want to pay less taxes. You are free to stop claiming your kids and your mortgage. You can pay more taxes


necessary to unite the country is for Trump to concede the election. Remarkably, he STILL has not done so.
Nah. It's just extremely bewildering.
Nobody in their right mind wants to pay less taxes. That's just stupid. I find it interesting that people like that want to pay more to the government black hole bureaucracy, (which demonstrates on a daily basis that they are incompetent and incapable of running ANYTHING efficiently), yet if given the opportunity to pay less NEVER mention that they would then be free to fund local charities which run way more efficiently. I don't get the love for supporting paper pushing bureaucrats and their retirements.

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