What must be done to Unite the Country

Toll roads everywhere. Let the countries that we protect pay for our services. W keep the shipping lanes open so the oil flows to China? The can pay us for that or get hijacked.
How about when China says that they'll start protecting the shipping lanes for everyone for free? We just scrap the Navy?
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Agree 100% but which politician will cut the budget to get elected? Or raise taxes to get elected? Any names to suggest? As a society, we want it both ways. We want what we want when we want it. We just don't want to pay for it. We want another group to pay for it.

No politician can run on cutting the budget and get elected. The other guy is promising free stuff and rainbows and unicorns and stuff. It was all over when the first politician ran on bringing home the bacon.
No politician can run on cutting the budget and get elected. The other guy is promising free stuff and rainbows and unicorns and stuff. It was all over when the first politician ran on bringing home the bacon.

I'd vote for the guy that ran on a pledge to cut all spending, starve children and throw grandma out in the cold.
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Please be thoughtful and serious. Thanks

1) Give away a state or 2 for the Black people who want isolation from other ethnic groups to move there. And only Black people will "live there"

2) Create a state called "Red State" that is a 10 mile buffer zone that straddles the Rio Grande for all extreme conservatives to live.

3) Give the Leftist Florida. No borders there.

4) Restructure the rest of the country built of renewable energy and nature conservation.

5) Do away money in all territories.
Good for you, I personally don't give two ***** about placing an EQUAL burden on everyone. I understand you want to live off that 10%'s back, I don't. I'm tired of paying for tats, smokes, weed and everything else that goes with a lot of the 51% that don't pay taxes. And before you go off about freedoms blah blah blah. I live in W. KY. I see this **** every single day.

It's interesting how Biden got about 51% of the popular vote while running on a platform that will raise taxes and 51% of the people pay no income taxes. There just might be a message there. I'm a believer that if you take unearned benefits from the government, have no real income, and don't pay income tax, you have no business voting.
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What's your fair share? Heck, what's your share? If there is no budget to follow then there is no defined share of revenue.

Based on recent events it seems the govt didn't need to take in money to hand it back out. At the end of this pandemic they will have created $10T. What do they need a few measly thousand from me?
"Fair share" is a catchy political phrase. Its a moving target because it needs to be.

If one is worried about not paying enough there is a simple fix to that.
Write them another check or even better, find a real way to "help the country". There are plenty of places that you can "help" and actually see that its helping somebody. As opposed to sending it to politicians to find other ways to squander.
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1) Give away a state or 2 for the Black people who want isolation from other ethnic groups to move there. And only Black people will "live there"

2) Create a state called "Red State" that is a 10 mile buffer zone that straddles the Rio Grande for all extreme conservatives to live.

3) Give the Leftist Florida. No borders there.

4) Restructure the rest of the country built of renewable energy and nature conservation.

5) Do away money in all territories.
we already have this. It’s called Alabama.
I'd vote for the guy that ran on a pledge to cut all spending, starve children and throw grandma out in the cold.

Yeah, but you and I are part of the taxpaying 49% who apparently don't have a voice in deciding who becomes president, and we most definitely don't control who runs either house of congress.
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Where’d @Serene go?
Sorry, I kicked the hornet's nest so it's been a pain to try to keep up with all the responses. I saw this one, but got sidetracked in another response.

Yes, I agree that at the moment (as in for the last couple of decades at least) we don't generally pay the principal on our debt.

Yes, I agree that the current debt is unmanageable at our current spending level/tax revenue (even pre-COVID). It's not wholly unmanageable if we do the sensible thing and start eating away at the principal by increasing tax revenue or decreasing spending (ideally a combination of both). However, it will still take a long time to get back to manageable levels and it's a problem if we face another big crisis, which is inevitable.

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