What Other Message Boards Are Saying (NC State Post Game Edition)

Ten years ago, Tennessee went to Oklahoma to play the Sooners. I was just hoping the Volunteers would make a good showing. How times have changed. I’m expecting and will be disappointed if Tennessee doesn’t (in the words of Barry Switzer) hang half a hundred on them.
Until I read your post, I hadn’t realized it’s been 10 years. That’s crazy. The game here the next season was a heartbreaker.
I sat in the upper deck and halfway through the 3rd quarter, it was a red avalanche down the aisle to the exits. That's when the Vol party really kicked in.
You've lost me. Which Tigers are red from 2 years ago. We cleared out DV in the 3rd but that was purple, and cleared out the Orange Bowl on the OR Tigers, and obliterated the black/gold Tigers that year, but that was at home. Please explain
A ton of their fans were taking about how Tennessee is overrated and we were an SEC doormat while we were up 30 on them.

If that's the truth, what's that make them? I mean damn they're already the little brother of the whole state of NC, do they really need to crap on themselves more?'
That's about as stupid as home fans chanting "overrated" at a star visiting player ... win or lose, either result puts your own team down.
I must say being at the game in the middle of the NC state fans .. they have the dumbest cheers… also it was a fun night but being on ABC the game went wayyyyu to long
On the one hand I feel bad for them because they do sound like we did.
On the other hand they've never been good so they don't really understand what they're missing out on.
Consider that a blessing.
Consider, we almost hired their coach. a few years ago.
You may be too young to remember watching. A couple of hours reviewing YouTube replays will remedy this shortcoming.
Yeah I’m too young to remember watching one of the greatest dynasties ever. Maybe I just have more pride than some? Maybe not. What do you think?
Ten years ago, Tennessee went to Oklahoma to play the Sooners. I was just hoping the Volunteers would make a good showing. How times have changed. I’m expecting and will be disappointed if Tennessee doesn’t (in the words of Barry Switzer) hang half a hundred on them.
Didn’t they stripe the stadium for that game? I kinda feel like that’s when the checker Neyland idea really took off and the first time was against them in 2015.
Until I read your post, I hadn’t realized it’s been 10 years. That’s crazy. The game here the next season was a heartbreaker.
You could’ve heard the proverbial pin drop walking out of the stadium. That was one of the loudest and quietest I’ve ever heard Neyland within a matter of minutes.
I watched our Defensive line on that first drive absolutely blow up NC State's guards. I told a friend of mine that was watching the game with me, "Oh Boy, NC State wont hold up long with our defensive line doing that." after the game, i got to thinking, "Man, can you imagine how their offensive line felt? Going back to the sideline after getting bullied, getting NO REST because of our Up-Temop Offense, then having to go back out and get bullied again by fresh new faces on the defensive line? over and over and over." That would make anyone want to quit. They looked forward to punting in that game. you know they did 😂
Not on a message board, but on the way out of the stadium these fans were like y'all can't even pronounce your QB's name. I said we do, he name is I-am-gonna-beat-y'all-ass. They shut tup after that.
All the BS was about the same experience we had with them. Been around bammers and gators and dawgs and those clowns were worse than all of them.

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