When Will Spurrier Take a Jab at Butch

I largely agree but with a few caveats. Majors had a knack for hiring excellent assistant coaches who went on to greater success elsewhere. He was, by his own admission, a "tough/mean SOB to work for." On the other hand, the very best Majors-coached teams were, as you noted, when a measure of stability and upward momentum had already been established and in years when Fulmer held greatest responsibility as an assistant coach. For example, check out the productivity of our offense when Fulmer was offensive coordinator. Admittedly, Shuler was quarterback but they were some of the most explosive and highest-scoring offenses we have ever put on the field. Conversely, Fulmer elevated Tennessee to an absolute recruiting juggernaut during the first half of his tenure; this was most apparent on the defensive line, where, for once, we actually stockpiled elite talent, even at tackle.

With respect to Spurrier, Florida was most dominating during Danny Wuerffel's tenure; Wuerffel was a perfect match for Spurrier's offensive system. After his departure, Florida remained a formidable adversary but not one that was virtually invincible. I am inclined to agree that, while Peyton was there, perhaps Fulmer and Cutcliffe were willing to engage Spurrier and his charges in a firefight. We are all familiar with the net result of that approach.

For the following hypothesis, I have no links, no quotes and no documentation but it is my considered opinion that Fulmer, Cutcliffe and Chavis retooled their collective gameplan and came up with a strategy that gave us a better chance for victory: Avoid the temptation of engaging Spurrier in a shootout, run the football more, bleed the clock and limit Florida's offensive possessions. I believe the evidence is there if you compare the outcome of games played between 1994-1997 and 1998-2001, respectively. During the first four games, Florida either won by large margins or amassed large leads only to surrender large numbers of late cosmetic points prior to the inevitable victory. During the last four years, Tennessee and Florida split 2-2 and no game was won by more than 4 points. Overall scoring was lower in those games as well. Predictably, Tennessee ran the ball most effectively in their two victories (1998 and 2001).

I still remember Jay Grahams coming out party. That sent chills down my spine . He just looked so damn fast.
Kinda my point. Y'all make fun of us for being consumed with Texas. Kinda like the pot calling the kettle black. You're equally consumed with a guy that gave you fits for years.

I guess there's some truth in there, as far as it goes.

Yet I don't have upwards of 27,000 posts on some Aggie message board.
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Spurrier knows he will look silly if and when Saban's talent runs his teams off the field time and time again. He never had that kind of disadvantage with UT. Even when UT's recruiting was stronger early on, Spurrier was able to pull those skinny burners from his back yard and knew how to use them.

Spurrier is 3-1 vs Saban isn't he? 2-0 vs LSU and 1-1 vs Bama. He beat #1 ranked Alabama by 14 points a couple of years ago. They are the two best college football coaches in my opinion and what Spurrier has done with USCe is unreal.
Who cares? Like an jilted ex girlfriend if you just ignore him (CSS) he will go away.
Oh dear lord just forget it. Forget I said anything at all you insufferable meatheads.

I hope you get your sound bite for you're own vindication.

6 years and 26,000+ posts seems as though you're suffering pretty well. I hope you find someone to agree with you some day, for your own vindication.
6 years and 26,000+ posts seems as though you're suffering pretty well. I hope you find someone to agree with you some day, for your own vindication.

Keep trolling me. You're not quite there yet, but you're doing better every time.
Keep trolling me. You're not quite there yet, but you're doing better every time.

Go back and quote the last 10 times I've typed anything to you. Good luck.

And when it comes to trolling, I haven't gone to the A&M forum and called everyone 'insufferable meatheads'. Besides responding to that invitation, I don't know that I've ever even noticed you. If I did, I forgot. And having noticed you, you'll soon be forgotten.

So, there you go, my TAM friend who has spent six years and 26,000 posts on people you don't even like.

Maybe you should consider taking up a hobby and spending your time in a more fruitful manner.
That's why you guys are pu%#ies and have never been good at anything in your life.

Ask any competitor.....a true competitor if they would push that "I win" button.

Hahaha, another internet tough guy. I would bet a 50 spot I could beat you in just about anything you think you are good at. True competitor, if he could hit a button and win, would hit the button because he loves to win so much.

When I lose, my world crumbles for a brief moment. Your comments above are not necessary, especially when you dont know me. I live in Cleveland, not to far from Chatt. Anytime you want to play some hoops, run a race, chug a beer, disc golf, whatever you want, hit me up. We will see who the true competitor is and who's not good at anything. And as for that first comment, that's why I'll beat you by double.
October 13th 2013 in Knoxville within 15 minutes of the game being over after he gets bUTch slapped all over Neyland stadium!
I don't know why yall are piling on a&m o7 while 99gaytor douche gets a pass, he has trolled every Vols site in existence. :yes: :hmm: :confused:
Just curious to see everyone's opinion on when Spurrier will take a shot at Coach Jones. It is bound to happen eventually, it is almost a tradition for the old ball coach to take a shot at our coach.

There were the many times over the years with him and Phil, and he quickly went after both Kiffin and Dooley so I wonder how much longer until Butch gets his glib remark.

My guess is an obvious one with SEC media days.

He won't (1) Spurrier is getting older and is mellowing out. (2) U.T. is not a threat to USCe in football now, so other than us being in the Eastern Division, it probably means little to Spurrier. We are not competitive with USCe now.

At one point, we would either blow them away or we would end up winning the close games against them because we had better players on our roster. These days, we find ways to lose to them, rather than to beat them.....
Go back and quote the last 10 times I've typed anything to you. Good luck.

And when it comes to trolling, I haven't gone to the A&M forum and called everyone 'insufferable meatheads'. Besides responding to that invitation, I don't know that I've ever even noticed you. If I did, I forgot. And having noticed you, you'll soon be forgotten.

So, there you go, my TAM friend who has spent six years and 26,000 posts on people you don't even like.

Maybe you should consider taking up a hobby and spending your time in a more fruitful manner.

You're awfully concerned with my post count. Sorry for being awesome on the interwebz.

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