Where were you? - September 11, 2001

Show me the calculations of what the floors were designed to support. When you drop a hammer on a piece of paper guess what happens?
Look, I'm not going to convince you. You can believe your narrative, and I can question the narrative.
Do you think the NIST simulation of one column failing causing a domino effect makes sense?
My God man, anyone with half a brain knows what happened here. Argue that it was a conspiracy all you want but it won't change the facts.
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I thought you were intelligent, I guess I was wrong.
I already explained to you clearly that the lower floors would have had less physical damage and thermal damager, meaning that the lower floors strength and integrity would have been much higher than the damaged floors above. The most likely scenario in the two WTC towers that were hit by airplanes should have been maybe the top sections falling off and about 60-70 floors still remaining standing because of the lack of structural damage. But to have not just those two buildings, but a 3rd building later that afternoon fall completely in its footprint is a lot to explain without the use of demolition agents helping along the way.
Yup, two airplanes crashed into the two world trade center towers to conspire to take down WTC #7. Does it sound reasonable now?
Look at what you just typed and you tell me who is out in left field... because WT7 did fall, based on the narrative, because of the other two towers collapsing and a few fires.
I already explained to you clearly that the lower floors would have had less physical damage and thermal damager, meaning that the lower floors strength and integrity would have been much higher than the damaged floors above. The most likely scenario in the two WTC towers that were hit by airplanes should have been maybe the top sections falling off and about 60-70 floors still remaining standing because of the lack of structural damage. But to have not just those two buildings, but a 3rd building later that afternoon fall completely in its footprint is a lot to explain without the use of demolition agents helping along the way.
Where did you get your structural engineering degree. You sound like one of the talking heads on CNN that became an expert watching TV.
Where did you get your structural engineering degree. You sound like one of the talking heads on CNN that became an expert watching TV.
I don't have a structural engineering degree, but I did take several materials science classes and labs while I was a mechanical engineer major. I'm not claiming to be a structural engineering expert, but I do understand the simple freshman/sophomore year principles taught about yielding, critical failure and kinetic and potential energy.
And yes it caught on fire and burned for hours am I wrong?
WT7 burned for hours. WTC 1 and 2 only burned for an hour or so.

And either way, just because a building is on fire, that doesn't mean it is going to catastrophically fail... or even more incredibly, catastrophically fail in a uniform direction within its footprint.
I don't have a structural engineering degree, but I did take several materials science classes and labs while I was a mechanical engineer major. I'm not claiming to be a structural engineering expert, but I do understand the simple freshman/sophomore year principles taught about yielding, critical failure and kinetic and potential energy.
So fess up, do you really think that anything other than the airplanes that crashed into the world trade center took down any building there?
So fess up, do you really think that anything other than the airplanes that crashed into the world trade center took down any building there?
All I'm saying is that I am not buying the narrative that is being told. The odds of three buildings failing in the same unique pattern and in a uniform manner based on asymmetrical damage are low.

That is all I'm saying.
All I'm saying is that I am not buying the narrative that is being told. The odds of three buildings failing in the same unique pattern and in a uniform manner based on asymmetrical damage are low.

That is all I'm saying.
Three identically made buildings that all fell after burning is a narrative? Believe what you want, but I'm telling you that there was no orchestrated conspiracy.
Three identically made buildings that all fell after burning is a narrative? Believe what you want, but I'm telling you that there was no orchestrated conspiracy.
Two were identical. WTC 7 was different.

But even still. All three were not damaged identically.
Not this again....

Peaceful Islamic Clerics did something and two buildings fell down.
Ackchyually 3 buildings fell

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