White Flight: The Great Exodus From The GOP

I haven't read all the thread, but how can you count how many people have left a party without an election. I'm ask at any election whether I want to vote D or R for primarys, otherwise is Facebook counting the number of posts?
Assuming these R's are becoming D's not L's, is that not a risk for the D party that they become more moderate?
I haven't read all the thread, but how can you count how many people have left a party without an election. I'm ask at any election whether I want to vote D or R for primarys, otherwise is Facebook counting the number of posts?
Assuming these R's are becoming D's not L's, is that not a risk for the D party that they become more moderate?

This is party registration, which can be quantified.
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If you are reading an article, you should immediately stop at the first hint of any premise that either party is dying.
If the Republigoon party is not dying, at least a lot of members are wanting to retreat to the shadows. No wonder. I too would be embarrassed to be associated with that sh*tshow of a party.
If the Republigoon party is not dying, at least a lot of members are wanting to retreat to the shadows. No wonder. I too would be embarrassed to be associated with that sh*tshow of a party.
Same crap I hear about the party that loses the Presidency every 4 years. In 2017, political hacks were calling the Democrat Party a boutique party for coastal liberals.
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The left never really hated Trump per se. They hated him as a proxy for the millions of Americans who actually support basic American values. These are who they REALLY hate. Just ask Gina Carano
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The left never really hated Trump per se. They hated him as a proxy for the millions of Americans who actually support basic American values. These are who they REALLY hate. Just ask Gina Carano

Is likening conservatives position today to that of Jews in Nazi Germany a basic American value? Haha.
The left never really hated Trump per se. They hated him as a proxy for the millions of Americans who actually support basic American values. These are who they REALLY hate. Just ask Gina Carano

Trump does not support basic American values. That is just his phony, silver spoon brat from New York City sales pitch.
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Is likening conservatives position today to that of Jews in Nazi Germany a basic American value? Haha.
You totally missed the point didn’t you? The Holocaust didn’t BEGIN with the gas chambers. It began several years earlier. The initial steps were boycotts of Jewish Businesses in an effort to destroy their livelihoods. Exactly what happened to Ms Carano today you know, proving her point most eloquently. Crimes like the Holocaust don’t just spring magically from thin air. They start with baby steps. And the First is ALWAYS hating your opponent enough to put them out of work because you don’t think they have a right to do so
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Trump does not support basic American values. That is just his phony, silver spoon brat from New York City sales pitch.
Read again. I did not say Trump himself supports American values. But he sure as heck supports a lot ofAmericans who HAVE those values. I despise Trump as a person but I also despised everyone running against him. I will at least pick the despicable person who will do me the least harm. And I am sorry, Marxist socialism and identity politics are NOT in my best interest
Read again. I did not say Trump himself supports American values. But he sure as heck supports a lot ofAmericans who HAVE those values. I despise Trump as a person but I also despised everyone running against him. I will at least pick the despicable person who will do me the least harm. And I am sorry, Marxist socialism and identity politics are NOT in my best interest
Let me try a Trump/Democrat analogy. Trump is like a Copperhead. The Democrats are like King Cobras. I despise Copperheads as well as King Cobras. But every 4 years, I have to pick one of the two snakes to bite me. Call me crazy but I will get bit by the Copperhead, because I will probably survive. You can finish the analogy in your own mind now.
You totally missed the point didn’t you? The Holocaust didn’t BEGIN with the gas chambers. It began several years earlier. The initial steps were boycotts of Jewish Businesses in an effort to destroy their livelihoods. Exactly what happened to Ms Carano today you know, proving her point most eloquently. Crimes like the Holocaust don’t just spring magically from thin air. They start with baby steps. And the First is ALWAYS hating your opponent enough to put them out of work because you don’t think they have a right to do so

Disney fired her, which is not the same thing as the government doing it. Also, you don't bring up Nazi Germany in this context unless you're trying to elicit mental images of genocide. That's a bit of an overstatement here, don't you think? I'd agree that cancel culture is a problem but I really don't see the next step as being gas chambers.

But also, my comment was really just a snarky take on your example of a basic American value.
Disney fired her, which is not the same thing as the government doing it. Also, you don't bring up Nazi Germany in this context unless you're trying to elicit mental images of genocide. That's a bit of an overstatement here, don't you think? I'd agree that cancel culture is a problem but I really don't see the next step as being gas chambers.

But also, my comment was really just a snarky take on your example of a basic American value.
And I am sure some people in Nazi Germany the morning after Kristallnacht said “hey, it’s just some broken Windows, we aren’t talking genocide or anything. Every atrocity starts with a wink and a nod to “well at least we didn’t....” I read Ms Carano’s message as “hey, this is getting out of hand. Do you think we should maybe stop BEFORE it becomes 1930s Germany?” I study history as my main hobby. I have seen where this CAN lead. Not saying it unavoidably will lead there but we are on a dangerous road. And both sides are guilty. Time out folks
OrangeTsar: "Read again. I did not say Trump himself supports American values. But he sure as heck supports a lot ofAmericans who HAVE those values. I despise Trump as a person but I also despised everyone running against him. I will at least pick the despicable person who will do me the least harm. And I am sorry, Marxist socialism and identity politics are NOT in my best interest... Let me try a Trump/Democrat analogy. Trump is like a Copperhead. The Democrats are like King Cobras. I despise Copperheads as well as King Cobras. But every 4 years, I have to pick one of the two snakes to bite me. Call me crazy but I will get bit by the Copperhead, because I will probably survive. You can finish the analogy in your own mind now."

I won't call you crazy, but I will call you out for aligning the Democratic Party with Marxist socialism. First allow me to emphasize that there are many things about the Democratic Party which seriously go against me. I am not here to toot their horn. But I am here saying that my take on the two parties differs from yours by viewing today's Republican Party as worse by far. Knock, knock, January 6. Hello?

Government intervention in our economy is an issue that goes back to differences between Jefferson and Hamilton in George Washington's first administration. Hamilton prevailed, and our founding fathers' first Constitutional government set about to promote the American economy by supporting the growth of industry and development of modern financial institutions. That is our history, and it is not Marxism. Government support for economic infrastructure came to be called The American System. We needed highways, railroads, etc., so the government supported them. We needed a modern banking system which functioned better than boom and bust organs of wild cat speculation. So we created it. Our government did what needed doing to get needed jobs done. That is our history, and it is not Marxism. If you want to talk about real Marxists or "former Marxists" in our government, then top of your list should be numerous Neoconservatives in the Republican Party. If you think that the Democratic Party represents Marxism, then you must not know the true meaning of that word. You are hearing it and using it recklessly and falsely.
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This is party registration, which can be quantified.
SO for my simple politically deficient mind, 140,000 registered R's called/wrote/logged in and cancelled their association with the R party
Or was this a simple 140,000 people on R mailing lists that ask to be removed?
Was there any data that indicated their disapproval of the protesters, many which were L's as I understand, was the sole reason for all 140,000 in such a short period of time?
Disney fired her, which is not the same thing as the government doing it. Also, you don't bring up Nazi Germany in this context unless you're trying to elicit mental images of genocide. That's a bit of an overstatement here, don't you think? I'd agree that cancel culture is a problem but I really don't see the next step as being gas chambers.

But also, my comment was really just a snarky take on your example of a basic American value.
Of course you don't. You are all good with AOC making lists of Trump supporters.
I've been around for a while and never have I been asked to "register" as a particular party member. This smells like liberal snake holes that require citizens to "register" firearms.
It's done when you register to vote in many states. Don't get out much huh?
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