White Flight: The Great Exodus From The GOP

Mnuchin's slush fund and Trump's promises aren't documented? How much income redistribution did Trump sign off on?

Give me some numbers with documentation and we can discuss. To this point I've given you numbers of $1.9T and $600B
Give me some numbers with documentation and we can discuss. To this point I've given you numbers of $1.9T and $600B
Are you really not familiar with what I've mentioned? Is the first stimulus not searchable? Are campaign promises not documented? If not then this is a useless discussion
Are you not familiar with what I've mentioned? If not then this is a useless discussion

Without actual links, I'm guessing as to what specifically you're referring to. Let's not speak in riddles. I presented exact facts with links. You can do the same.
The cares act is a riddle?

CARES Act - Wikipedia

The CARES Act was not a partisan piece of legislation. It passed 96-0. Nobody voted against it. This is a poor example on your part to illustrate a difference between the parties.

I'm glad you finally got around to giving a specific. It saves a lot of time. That particular act is a non starter cause both parties were on board unanimously on that spending. My point is that the Dems in many cases wish to spend more than the Republicans , hence the example I gave
The CARES Act was not a partisan piece of legislation. It passed 96-0. Nobody voted against it. This is a poor example on your part to illustrate a difference between the parties.

I'm glad you finally got around to giving a specific. It saves a lot of time. That particular act is a non starter cause both parties were on board unanimously on that spending. My point is that the Dems in many cases wish to spend more than the Republicans , hence the example I gave
It was redistribution approved and signed by Trump. A veto would have shown he didn't agree and would have been quickly overridden. You should look further into what Mnuchin was given and how Trump advocated for no tracking of the funds.

Your claim they want to wrt to covid relief isn't backed by facts. Trump did sign it and even said if reelected he would do more than anyone else. But those things only matter if you're interested in real facts which it appears you are not
It was redistribution approved and signed by Trump. A veto would have shown he didn't agree and would have been quickly overridden. You should look further into what Mnuchin was given and how Trump advocated for no tracking of the funds.

Your claim they want to wrt to covid relief isn't backed by facts. Trump did sign it and even said if reelected he would do more than anyone else. But those things only matter if you're interested in real facts which it appears you are not

My claim is that when it comes to spending, Republicans are the lesser of two evils. In your example they were in total agreement. You don't get more bipartisan than a unanimous vote. My example showed significant separation in how much they wanted to spend
My claim is that when it comes to spending, Republicans are the lesser of two evils. In your example they were in total agreement. You don't get more bipartisan than a unanimous vote. My example showed significant separation in how much they wanted to spend
Repub presidents increase the national debt more than Dems.
Go back to civics class and read up on who controls the checkbook. It's not the White House.
There's a thing called his signature required. It literally blows your whole argument up. Trump is a giant spending, far more then Obama or Bush, nationalist. And you can say "well watch Biden." But Trump literally said he would pay out more then anyone. You support a guy who claims he wants to be the biggest spender/socialist ever. His own words.
Oh wait, I now understand why he seems ignorant on fascism. Google it and look at what Wikipedia says. It says that it is a “far right” movement. We all know that Wikipedia can’t possibly be wrong so of course it’s impossible that a group would call themselves liberals but actually be fascists because Wikipedia says liberalism is the opposite of fascism.

Totalitarians are totalitarians. The socialist kind simply like definitions so they can label their opposition rivals as evil. Hitler and Stalin were equally evil, but Hitler was the one leftists defined as "fascist" so he could be the real villain. Making the definitions is something like being the one counting the votes.
There's a thing called his signature required. It literally blows your whole argument up. Trump is a giant spending, far more then Obama or Bush, nationalist. And you can say "well watch Biden." But Trump literally said he would pay out more then anyone. You support a guy who claims he wants to be the biggest spender/socialist ever. His own words.

A President can only sign what Congress gives him. In many cases he's forced to sign the budget he's presented. His only option otherwise is to shut down the gov't. That's why when we're talking party politics, it's best to frame the debate in Congress. That's where these deals are done.
My claim is that when it comes to spending, Republicans are the lesser of two evils. In your example they were in total agreement. You don't get more bipartisan than a unanimous vote. My example showed significant separation in how much they wanted to spend
Don't ignore the fact that the rate of increase in the deficit has ALWAYS been greatest under republican administrations. Biden will keep that streak alive.......so be happy.
A President can only sign what Congress gives him. In many cases he's forced to sign the budget he's presented. His only option otherwise is to shut down the gov't. That's why when we're talking party politics, it's best to frame the debate in Congress. That's where these deals are done.
This wasn't a budget and he had a choice. He chose to redistribute over $2T
A President can only sign what Congress gives him. In many cases he's forced to sign the budget he's presented. His only option otherwise is to shut down the gov't. That's why when we're talking party politics, it's best to frame the debate in Congress. That's where these deals are done.
He has options. And he has no problem shutting it down. He's done it before. He signed crap big spending budgets and you all give him a free pass. He's just as much to blame as Mitch, Nancy, and the rest. Screw them all. Stop defending them. Oh and his claiming he will spend more then anyone destroys your argument. He wanted more more more.
Don't ignore the fact that the rate of increase in the deficit has ALWAYS been greatest under republican administrations. Biden will keep that streak alive.......so be happy.

Dims start wars and also gut the military. obamaCare is one of those pieces of legislation that costs more as it goes. The follow on Republican administrations generally have to rebuild and repair what the dims screwed up. Ever notice dims have a propensity to fight wars without funding them? Eventually the bills come due but not while an LBJ or a clinton or an obama is in office. Who starts entitlements with costs that keep snowballing?
There's a thing called his signature required. It literally blows your whole argument up. Trump is a giant spending, far more then Obama or Bush, nationalist. And you can say "well watch Biden." But Trump literally said he would pay out more then anyone. You support a guy who claims he wants to be the biggest spender/socialist ever. His own words.

Do you think Trump should have just left the government shut down? At least congress rolled out a budget for Trump to sign - seems like they never actually enacted budgets while obama was reigning.
All we are going to get from these dems is but but but Trump. These libs here don’t mind when their party spends trillions adding to the debt.
Totalitarians are totalitarians. The socialist kind simply like definitions so they can label their opposition rivals as evil. Hitler and Stalin were equally evil, but Hitler was the one leftists defined as "fascist" so he could be the real villain. Making the definitions is something like being the one counting the votes.
Yep. Making labels is how you divide and conquer.
My wife told me a coworker said he was a Democrat until he got his first paycheck and saw all the taxes.

Exactly why lowering the voting age was a mistake. Nobody should be voting until they get a taste of what it takes to make a living. We probably can't limit voting on that basis, but we sure can set an age limit that makes it more likely for people to be on their own. Why we pretend that kids who know nothing of the world and have yet to earn a living should vote is beyond me - just not for liberals who count them as a solid vote.
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