Who Sabotaged The Nordstream Pipelines?

Who Sabotaged the Nordstream 2 Pipeline? And Why?

  • Germany

    Votes: 1 1.0%
  • Great Britain

    Votes: 1 1.0%
  • France

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • USA

    Votes: 47 46.5%
  • Russia

    Votes: 26 25.7%
  • China

    Votes: 5 5.0%
  • Other (list your theory)

    Votes: 4 4.0%
  • Ukraine

    Votes: 4 4.0%
  • Trump

    Votes: 2 2.0%
  • Bama

    Votes: 11 10.9%

  • Total voters
The US oil and gas companies will be caught up in a bidding war for our resources this winter as Europe freezes, and we will either have to pay up or watch our heat go to Europe. Great job 81 million, great job.

In it's own way this is a perfect way to further wreck the US economy. Energy costs are high as it is and that is a serious cost escalator for all products - virtually nothing is grown, manufactured, or transferred without energy. It's bad enough that honest energy users are forced to compete in a tight market; it's worse when global commodity markets add in speculation driven chaos. Even without speculation entering into the equation, this will basically increase European competition for our own gas and petroleum production and drive up costs here - worldwide possibly just depending on which economies around the globe are most dependent on NG and which countries have plenty of NG. From that perspective Russia might be seen as a primary beneficiary since they supposedly are currently limited in selling NG anyway and wouldn't lose income or an energy supply.

I can't see even our current dems in office being stupid enough to have ordered the hit.
It will be easy to tell whether the explosion was internal or external (if they release the actual photos) but my bet is that it was a pig filled with explosives coming from the Russian side.

That's the real point. The economist clown from Columbia talking about our helicopters stooging around there is nonsense. We and probably the Russians were tapping undersea telephone cables using submarines back in the Cold War days. The charges, if external, could have been planted a long time ago by submarine to detonate when and if somebody wanted to do so. It does make you wonder how long it would take a pig inserted at a Russian facility to travel the distance.
Any argument for the US could be applied to Russia. The pipes werent supposed to be in current use. It forces Europes hand to go one way, to US LNG, or the other, back off the war and sanctions. But with the sanctions already in place the US isnt gaining anything.

Exactly. If we win (by being a bigger supplier), we lose through increased energy costs here at home. Also makes no sense for the US to be the European supplier - and especially if satisfaction is limited by spotty delivery (lack of shipping capacity) and price. Great way to make yourself a semi monopolistic supplier and lose allies.
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Consider its not someplace you can reach that easily. The best areas to sabatoge would be deep underwater and require a sub or deep water submersible to get to. How many countries have a spare sub with deep water diving equipment laying around?
The Russians, US, UK and maybe France... and China.
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Maybe we should just have a nuclear war to solve global warming... just make it a small one though.

Could A Small Nuclear War Reverse Global Warming?

Maybe. You can't even depend on volcanoes to do the right thing these days. Krakatoa supposedly caused global cooling, and the claim now is that water vapor pushed into the atmosphere by the Tongan volcanic eruption is going to cause global warming. Apparently we are back to the old "if you want something done right, you have to do it yourself" thing. Do I really need to use blue ink here?
Some national leader who is willing to escalate a major war into a nuclear war.

Well let’s see. US economy is in the tank. Nobody wants to sell us oil. Inflation is out of control. Solution? Start a war. It’s what we have always done. And now that we have a Warhawk in office, looks like it’s gonna happen again.
Lol. Russia is to blame for everything right? Good lord. Did Putin come out and announce to the world that he would stop the pipeline? I get you love Biden and believe he is without flaws. But my God take the blinders off.
This is actually hilarious.
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Do we not have satellite surveillance for every location in the world? If not us then someone else, I would think this would be fairly easy to solve. I guess there could’ve been a long delay between installing and exploding which would complicate the investigation but a list of suspects could be identified.
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That's the real point. The economist clown from Columbia talking about our helicopters stooging around there is nonsense. We and probably the Russians were tapping undersea telephone cables using submarines back in the Cold War days. The charges, if external, could have been planted a long time ago by submarine to detonate when and if somebody wanted to do so. It does make you wonder how long it would take a pig inserted at a Russian facility to travel the distance.

It wouldn’t take long.
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Do we not have satellite surveillance for every location in the world? If not us then someone else, I would think this would be fairly easy to solve. I guess there could’ve been a long delay between installing and exploding which would complicate the investigation but a list of suspects could be identified.
They found Trump's future travel plans to the Baltic Sea in the Mar A Lago raid. To be leaked soon.
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That's the real point. The economist clown from Columbia talking about our helicopters stooging around there is nonsense. We and probably the Russians were tapping undersea telephone cables using submarines back in the Cold War days. The charges, if external, could have been planted a long time ago by submarine to detonate when and if somebody wanted to do so. It does make you wonder how long it would take a pig inserted at a Russian facility to travel the distance.
Why would Russia destroy their own pipeline and then come out a few days ago and say that they can be repaired? So they would blow them up and then possibly pick up either a portion or perhaps all of the costs for the repair work?
Why would Russia destroy their own pipeline and then come out a few days ago and say that they can be repaired? So they would blow them up and then possibly pick up either a portion or perhaps all of the costs for the repair work?
I know if I wanted to stop the flow of my countries gas out of a pipeline, I'd just close a valve, so I could open it again if the price was right. Russia didn't do this, more than likely it was us.
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Why would Russia destroy their own pipeline and then come out a few days ago and say that they can be repaired? So they would blow them up and then possibly pick up either a portion or perhaps all of the costs for the repair work?

Don't have a clue, but I've given up on logic for stuff like this. Regardless of speculation, I don't see anyone with clear gains from what was an act of environmental and economic terrorism ... unless perhaps you include an international chit stirrer like China just in it to promote global strife.
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