Who Sabotaged The Nordstream Pipelines?

Who Sabotaged the Nordstream 2 Pipeline? And Why?

  • Germany

    Votes: 1 1.0%
  • Great Britain

    Votes: 1 1.0%
  • France

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • USA

    Votes: 47 46.5%
  • Russia

    Votes: 26 25.7%
  • China

    Votes: 5 5.0%
  • Other (list your theory)

    Votes: 4 4.0%
  • Ukraine

    Votes: 4 4.0%
  • Trump

    Votes: 2 2.0%
  • Bama

    Votes: 11 10.9%

  • Total voters
I like the articles they have about planes and the quirky things some do. My brother has told me about several first hand experiences. One of the best was sitting in the back seat of an F-106 and letting a test pilot in training get a familiarization flight. He'd done a few before and said the guys were all very capable, so this day he didn't really crank down on the harnesses as much as he would if he planned to do any real maneuvering. The F-106 had a habit at full throttle of wanting to climb - eventually getting to the point that full forward stick and full down trim wouldn't compensate. So they were cruising along over the Gulf out of Tyndall, and the guy in front had everything pushed down and they were still climbing, so my brother told him it was time to throttle back a bit. The guy apparently pulled the throttle almost to idle, and my brother said the next thing he knew was he's jammed against the top of the canopy, can't get his hands on anything, and staring at water. He said he finally got to the trim button on the stick enough to get the negative G's under control and get the nose coming up.

He also said most recent fighters don't slow down very fast when you throttle back, but he flew an F-4 once at Tyndall while setting up an exercise. He said you pull the throttles back on an F-4 and it's like hitting the brakes. I remember back when the F-4 was new, comments like if you use big enough engines, you can make a brick fly, so they all fly differently in one way or another. Somebody said with respect to Republic and the F-105 that Republic could make a plane that would fly around the globe, but you'd have to have a runway that went a third of the way around to get it in the air.

Sounds like they were meant to go fast and fly. Lift vs Drag...but not very proficient on a dogfight..Certainly not the F-106..one of my favs actually. Just to my novice eyes..delta wing, small wing chord ratio, etc.

The predecessor F-102 now..until they figured looks do not result in speed and the laws of area ruling
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I haven't read a lot about it or how they plan to use it. I think it's interesting that they keep extending the B-52 use and are refitting it with new engines again. That makes you think that there's still a lot that the B-21 may not accomplish but needs to be done. Maybe it's payload, reliability, or cost of newer bombers; but it seems interesting that the B-52 just isn't going away.

Probably the best aircraft ever developed IMO..Those flexing wing loads and stress apportionment to the fuselage. Greatest dissipating to main body physics truss bridge design ever.
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At one point there appears to be metal bent outwards.

Yep, unless the pipe further back was crushed, but the other oddity is that the edge looks remarkably smooth - perhaps failure at a manufacturing defect - like a weld that didn't go anywhere near full depth.
I'm the most cynical person in here, and for now, I can't bring myself to believe we could be this stupid and dangerous.


You're a Russian nut hugger. I wholeheartedly believe you Russians are both stupid and dangerous.
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I voted Bama for sh!ts and giggles but any sane person knows it was Russia. They have a history of trying to sabotage underwater utilities that would impact the West.
Keep in mind and let the record show... I am the only one that voted UK... I believed from the very beginning that the US wouldn't be stupid enough to do it. It had to be one of the US proxies that had similar capabilities. Britain was the first on my list.
So you’re taking credit for parroting what Russia put out as a claim without any damn proof before they actually claimed it.

Noted… 😂

"According to available information, representatives of this unit of the British Navy took part in the planning, provision and implementation of a terrorist attack in the Baltic Sea on September 26 this year - blowing up the Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2 gas pipelines," the ministry said.

As usual the “available information” was not provided to support the claim. Shocking.
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😂🤡 because the leaders of the most powerful countries in the world would automatically default to unencrypted SMS texts instead of any number of STU/STE secure telephones to discuss their just executed terrorist acts, Moe! 🤣🤣🤣
Liz Truss is just that dumb. And most of the other guys and gals running the West are not much better.
No she isn’t. Clearly you are to post that stupidity but no she isn’t.
She confused the Baltic and Black Seas and was too dumb to know that Rostov was a region in Russia, not Ukraine. And of course, 45 days as PM.

You have to be trolling to not realize how incompetent she is.
She confused the Baltic and Black Seas and was too dumb to know that Rostov was a region in Russia, not Ukraine. And of course, 45 days as PM.

You have to be trolling to not realize how incompetent she is.
Actually you have to be trolling to even propose that the leaders of these countries don’t use encrypted secure comms to discuss sensitive topics. If Truss actually transmitted a message like “it’s done” over non secure comms she most likely was talking about dinner reservations or something else mundane like that. The twitch reaction to go to secure networks for sensitive comms is just rote behavior at that level.
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Actually you have to be trolling to even propose that the leaders of these countries don’t use encrypted secure comms to discuss sensitive topics. If Truss actually transmitted a message like “it’s done” over non secure comms she most likely was talking about dinner reservations or something else mundane like that. The twitch reaction to go to secure networks for sensitive comms is just rote behavior at that level.
She had just been in office less than three weeks at the time it happened. Not exactly rote.

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