Who will be the Dem nominee in 20'?

uh no. still happened under Obama. Remember a couple big cases. Especially lol worthy when the EPA wasn't following their own rules and essentially came out with a statement of "The rules are for industry, not the government".

Where was I defending Obama in this argument? Once again, you are just making assumptions without even a semblance of basis or fact.
Lot of things were different in the 1950's. Are you advocating a return to that era?....

No, just saying being hysteric by crying socialism at the concept of a tax increase (likely would just be a few percentage points for most and 10% for rich) shows a complete lack of historical and political knowledge.
You do realize that the tax rate on top earners was higher than 90% in the 1950s under a Republican Presidency.

LOL turn off FOX once in a while, you brainwashed dunce!
Nobody paid that. There were many more deductions available then.
No, just saying being hysteric by crying socialism at the concept of a tax increase (likely would just be a few percentage points for most and 10% for rich) shows a complete lack of historical and political knowledge.

What is your definition of rich? Got to define that before you do anything.
Another problem, many of those same deductions are available now. 1% still gets away with paying very much marginally.

No they are not. Holy crap dude, you used to be able to write off ALL interest, hell you could write off country club dues.
No they are not. Holy crap dude, you used to be able to write off ALL interest, hell you could write off country club dues.

Do you know how many in the top echelon pay nothing/less than someone in middle class? Please stop being a pawn...
What is your definition of rich? Got to define that before you do anything.

I would say over 500k, I am a believer in a progressive system with more tax brackets so obviously there needs to be a different rate for 500k, 5M, and 100M.
You ignore the fact that many of these people are the people who would need to pay in and yet they still want to!
I still want to!

Yelling free stuff! All they want is free stuff! That is about as effective as bud who says "Rah, rah, commie, rah, rah, socialism"

Half the country has no tax liability. So they are all for someone else paying more.
Half the country has no tax liability. So they are all for someone else paying more.

Was waiting for this argument, nearly all the new wealth in the past 50 years has gone to the top earners. So now I should have sympathy that they pay the majority already?

Yeah, not happening. Nothing that we are doing now nor Bernie/I are proposing is going to have them struggling to survive.
Do you know how many in the top echelon pay nothing/less than someone in middle class? Please stop being a pawn...

The U.S. has been taking in RECORD tax revenues and, still, we run a deficit every quarter. Guys like you would tax every cent every American makes and you still wouldn't have enough to spend.
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The U.S. has been taking in RECORD tax revenues and, still, we run a deficit every quarter. Guys like you would tax every cent every American makes and you still wouldn't have enough to spend.

Wrong, once again I have already said in previous posts that we need to cut certain areas. Please use discretion in your posting to acknowledge previous points or just find another thread (like defending porn stars who discriminate against gay people lol) to be an idiot on.
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Wrong, once again I have already said in previous posts that we need to cut certain areas. Please use discretion in your posting to acknowledge previous points or just find another thread (like defending porn stars who discriminate against gay people lol) to be an idiot on.

So a woman who doesn't want fornicate with a gay dude is discriminating against him? LOL. I thought you twats were adamant that women should be free to make their own decisions about their bodies?
So a woman who doesn't want fornicate with a gay dude is discriminating against him? LOL. I thought you twats were adamant that women should be free to make their own decisions about their bodies?

If your job is doing porn for a living and the disqualifying factor for this particular partner is that he is gay. Then you shouldn't be in the business in the first place. I think it is terrible anytime someone commits suicide, but as you maybe could tell, you were laughed off the stage trying to make that as your slam against leftists.
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You do realize that the tax rate on top earners was higher than 90% in the 1950s under a Republican Presidency.

LOL turn off FOX once in a while, you brainwashed dunce!

That was the rate before deductions. The effective rate was about 19%, the same as it is today.
Allowing them to dump coal excess in rivers and decreasing land reserves is absolutely detrimental and could be avoided with a different government in power.

Of course there are still companies doing good, no debating that.

Where was I defending Obama in this argument? Once again, you are just making assumptions without even a semblance of basis or fact.

not defending him but making out environmental damage to be solely/mostly a Trump issue is laughable. especially with all Obama did to ignore most of the green industry.
Was waiting for this argument, nearly all the new wealth in the past 50 years has gone to the top earners. So now I should have sympathy that they pay the majority already?

Yeah, not happening. Nothing that we are doing now nor Bernie/I are proposing is going to have them struggling to survive.

What does that even mean? How are you defining wealth? I am way more wealthy at 38 then when I was at 19. I feel that you might have a disconnect with how the social and cultural landscape of the USA has changed in those 50 years and the impact that has on perceived "wealth" in this country. The people who were generating wealth in the 1950's still are today. The difference is this country has absorbed millions of turd worlders who are barely 150 years removed from living in tribal communities.
I would say over 500k, I am a believer in a progressive system with more tax brackets so obviously there needs to be a different rate for 500k, 5M, and 100M.

500k per year isn’t “rich”.
If your job is doing porn for a living and the disqualifying factor for this particular partner is that he is gay. Then you shouldn't be in the business in the first place. I think it is terrible anytime someone commits suicide, but as you maybe could tell, you were laughed off the stage trying to make that as your slam against leftists.

Porn actors/actresses discriminate against each other constantly. Some girls won't bang dudes. Some dudes won't bang girls. Some girls won't bang blacks, some will. Some girls won't bang anyone but their husband/boyfriend (lol).

Ames suicide is absolutely a product of an oversensitive selective liberal victim\be offended culture...and daddy issues I am sure.
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Porn actors/actresses discriminate against each other constantly. Some girls won't bang dudes. Some dudes won't bang girls. Some girls won't bang blacks, some will. Some girls won't bang anyone but their husband/boyfriend (lol).

Ames suicide is absolutely a product of an oversensitive selective liberal victim\be offended culture...and daddy issues I am sure.

You bring up a good point. Bisexuals are less discrimitory than heterosexuals or homosexuals. Monogamous or married people are probably the next level and celibate or non sexual people are the most discrimitory.
500k per year isn’t “rich”.

Depends where you live/how you live. If I made 500k a year I PROMISE YOU people would think I was rich (happens now). Most people don't make much money...and that isn't the governments fault.

I have a six figure individual income and I live pretty well. I have a nice vehicle, a nice but modest house, a hot tub, a huge pool, a big chunk of land in Central Florida,..oh sh@t..I might be "rich"!..
You bring up a good point. Bisexuals are less discrimitory than heterosexuals or homosexuals. Monogamous or married people are probably the next level and celibate or non sexual people are the most discrimitory.

The porn industry is weird. I saw a documentary on HBO (I think) about porn and it had a part about a dude who was married with kids..who only did gay porn. He didn't view himself as gay, he was doing it for the money...aka it was just a job. If you peruse (for science of course) porn sites almost all of it is highly racist, sexist, and borderline creepy. For example..pornhub has a category called School...

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