Why count our losses beforehand/Believe! (Merged)

Then we shouldn't have watched the Sugar Bowl in 1985, because most didn't think we had a chance against a powerhouse Miami team.

That literally makes no sense in response to my post. I, and I think most other rational people, are fully able to think one thing will happen but not have it affect my fandom. In fact, I've become quite expert at knowing were going to get our ass kicked the past 5 years yet still having a great time and hoping against hope that we'll win.
Last year we had the best QB in the nation, best WR's in the nation, best TE in the nation, and an extremely competent coaching staff

Lets bring Dooley back
That literally makes no sense in response to my post. I'm fully able to think one thing will happen but not have it affect my fandom. In fact, I've become quite expert at doing it the past 5 years.

Does Butch Jones know you are a mod on the greatest BIG ORANGE message board and don't even have Tennessee listed on your favorite teams you have the Braves, Falcons and Hawks ... HMM ... Can you be trusted!!!! hahahahaha
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Does Butch Jones know you are a mod on the greatest BIG ORANGE message board and don't even have Tennessee listed on your favorite teams you have the Braves, Falcons and Hawks ... HMM ... Can you be trusted!!!! hahahahaha

I've been told that Butch Jones gets it, so I'm sure he can figure it out.
Why? Four games over the course of the year could be identified as the "swing games", those are UGA, Miss. St., SC, and Mizzou. Again, in those games, Bray and the offense scored 44, 31, 35 and 48 points respectively. He also flat out bailed the sorry-ass defense out of a humiliating loss against Troy. All the other games were either wins on losses all the way, and it probably wouldn't have mattered who played QB, the result would have been the same.

In the 7 games we lost last year he was 147-266 for a 55% completion percentage. He had 15 tds and 11 Ints.
I think we beat Missouri... 50/50 with Oregon, UF & USCjr... It would be an outright upset & a great resume signature win for butch to beat Bama or UGA this year. Look guys we'll have the best o-line in the country, I've seen some of the worst QBs excel when they have great pass protection and same goes for the rbs when they have great run blocking. I'm not saying Worley is horrible by no means, I'd love for him to show volnation why he was voted SC Gatorade player of the yr. As for our defense I expect we'll be way better than last year. We have a few guys coming in from juco that will have immediate impact and guys coming off injuries. This coaching staff alone will make these players better....best coaching staff we've had since fulmer had chief & cutcliffe. Good luck to these young student athletes, may they excel to the highest expectations by the best fans in the country! Go Vols!
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In the 7 games we lost last year he was 147-266 for a 55% completion percentage. He had 15 tds and 11 Ints.

Considering that those seven games included a game against the eventual National Champion and three more against teams that finished the year in the top 10, those stats are pretty impressive IMO. I swear people's expectations are so unrealistic sometimes.
Reality? Reality is making the same damn prediction as last year? Again, we were in ALL of those games. What part of that do you not get? It's one thing to expect a win over a defending NC who has blown us out for the past few years. But it's absolutely mind boggling that you would concede a loss to teams we have usually played very close.

The UGA, USCjr, Miss. St., and Missou games came down to the wire or OT....so, please explain why are you not mentally retarded for predicting a loss for those games? YOU DON'T KNOW....THERE IS NO REALITY TO YOUR LAME PREDICTION!

Reality? Reality was your pre-season prediction BEFORE last year. Think about what yours was and then see how we ended up.

Doesn't make you any more of a fan to delusionally predict a good year, when the evidence points to a weak one. That kind of stuff is for stock analysts, politicians, and special ed teachers. Were not the coaches, were just fans talking about our predictions.

My wild prediction is 7-5 fwiw.
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Why do so many "supposed" Vol fans make predictions that we will lose games to UF, UGA, USCjr and Missouri? I'm not one to make predictions, because frankly speaking, non of us have a crystal ball and there are so many things that could happen. Injuries, a win or a loss based on a referee's call, etc.

But when you consider that even with Dooley in charge and the Cluster-Funk defense Sal Sunseri was running, we still managed to be in the UF, UGA, USCjr, Miss St. and Missou games right until the end. We led Florida until the 4th Qtr. That's 5 games we could easily have won if we simply had not switched to a 3-4 defense. Instead of 5-7, we could have had a 11-1 or 10-2 regular season.

If all you can do is look at the last year's results and predict the same outcome, then why even both making a prediction in the first place. It doesn't take any special insight or football acumen to do that. It's also kind of cowardly, IMHO. Why? Cause you are afraid you'll be scorned and laughed at for doing otherwise.

We had less depth the year before, under Wilcox and yet had much better defensive stats. This year, going back to a 4-3, we have more talent and more depth than we've had in years....yet so many of you want to sell this team short and claim we'll lose all those games this year. WTF, over?

This is like telling your kid they'll be stupid and never amount to anything, just because they brought home a bad report card. Damn, folks. Don't talk down your team like this. The best thing you can say is that you simply don't know....cause that is the reality of it.
I hope the coaching staff and players really DON'T read this board as many have in the past posted. Because the written or spoken word does have power, and if they go into these games believing in their minds what some fans post they likely will lose. I see the point that some teams on the schedule are 'on paper' stronger and in terms of Vegas odds the likelyhood of victory is less through mathmatical probabilities. But if you go into any fight entertaining the idea of defeat your more likely to conduct yourself in a manner to make it become reality, and the Ducks, Gators, Tide, Gamecocks, Bulldogs don't need any more advantage than they already enjoy. It's a defeatist attitude and it's part of the problem in Knoxville. Heck even Kirk Herbstriet said last year before the Gator game when some analysts were talking pregame Tennessee looked stronger and might challenge the Gators,'' Tennessee will come out guns blazing but when a couple of things go wrong they'll fold up.'' A prophetic statement.
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As always i say "we probably will not win every game,BUT we will not lose any of them" I believe the last several years we Lose and adopt a Losing attitude which the coaches also bought into. So,brick by brick, we are going to improve.Predictions are just that.Attitude is where the WINs are at.
Considering that those seven games included a game against the eventual National Champion and three more against teams that finished the year in the top 10, those stats are pretty impressive IMO. I swear people's expectations are so unrealistic sometimes.

True that. Unfortunately, we did not jump to the WAC or CUSA for 2013 ... we're going to face it the same way again.

If you want to be a champion in the SEC, then you had better be prepared to smack somebody. If you want some glory, but don't want to earn it, then prepare to get spanked.
Reality? Reality was your pre-season prediction BEFORE last year. Think about what yours was and then see how we ended up.

Doesn't make you any more of a fan to delusionally predict a good year, when the evidence points to a weak one. That kind of stuff is for stock analysts, politicians, and special ed teachers. Were not the coaches, were just fans talking about our predictions.

My wild prediction is 7-5 fwiw.

Last year i was hoping for 8-4 and expecting 7-5 . 7-5 should have been met. I thought we would have beaten Vandy and Missou. This year I'm hoping for 7-5 and expecting 6-6. Auburn Missouri are huge games. If Butch really gets it need to win at least 3 SEC games.
You DO NOT KNOW. I DO NOT KNOW. CBJ DOESN'T KNOW. Neither does Richt, Spurrier, Muschamp, etc. So, a REALISTIC opinion...cause we are all just trying to keep it REAL...right? A REALISTIC opinion is one that says, I don't know. A realistic opinion from a real fan would say "I don't know. Let's wait and see....new year...new coach...I'm cautiously optimistic about this season....we were in a lot of games we lost. Who knows?" I mean, how irrational is that?

People like you would assume when Peyton left that realistically...we would lose a lot of games under a new QB, in 98. Guess what? We won the National Championship that year. Who knew?

Wait a minute. You're mad at folks for basing opinions on last year's team but then say, "...I'm cautiously optimistic about this season....we were in a lot of games we lost"

Aren't you basing your opinion on the fact that we played people close, ahem, LAST YEAR?
Wait a minute. You're mad at folks for basing opinions on last year's team but then say, "...I'm cautiously optimistic about this season....we were in a lot of games we lost"

Aren't you basing your opinion on the fact that we played people close, ahem, LAST YEAR?

Let's just call it what it is . . . Some just don't like to read things they disagree with.
I hope the coaching staff and players really DON'T read this board as many have in the past posted. Because the written or spoken word does have power, and if they go into these games believing in their minds what some fans post they likely will lose. I see the point that some teams on the schedule are 'on paper' stronger and in terms of Vegas odds the likelyhood of victory is less through mathmatical probabilities. But if you go into any fight entertaining the idea of defeat your more likely to conduct yourself in a manner to make it become reality, and the Ducks, Gators, Tide, Gamecocks, Bulldogs don't need any more advantage than they already enjoy. It's a defeatist attitude and it's part of the problem in Knoxville. Heck even Kirk Herbstriet said last year before the Gator game when some analysts were talking pregame Tennessee looked stronger and might challenge the Gators,'' Tennessee will come out guns blazing but when a couple of things go wrong they'll fold up.'' A prophetic statement.
Exactly....I personally believe this is the reason you saw a completely different team at the beginning of both the 2011 and 2012 seasons. Dooley has only ever known defeat. That's before he ever got hired by that disaster of an AD, Mike Hamilton.

The more a team suffer defeats on the field, the more they suffer defeat mentally. By year's end, the team was a shell of it's former self, and why Vandy (2012) and KY (2011) managed to pull off key upsets.

So, we go and hire a coach with a record of winning and instilling a NEVER QUIT attitude. You can see that in Cincinnati last year. They will fight you to the finish, even if their QB (Munchie Legaux....who got benched after the Syracuse game, if I recall correctly) isn't helping them much. At the end or their bowl game, it looked like Duke had it all wrapped up, and yet the Bearcats scratched and clawed their way back, and came away with a victory. Had that been Dooley coaching, they would have folded like a cheap lawnchair.

We want a coach to ingrain a winning attitude and build a winning culture...all the while we are fully expecting them to fail before they play a single game. What a sad bunch of losers we have here. "Hey coach, we want you to win, but fully expect you to lose." What a fanbase, eh?
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