Why Was JHurd PLaying Safety in the First Place?

I LOVE being criticized if I can learn something, that's why I take the time to read and post here.

You guys don't do yourselves or VN any credit with responses to the effect of "you're stupid", "don't waste our time", "we all agree with ourselves, so you must be wrong".

Ya know,sometimes other folks are, well....right
I LOVE being criticized if I can learn something, that's why I take the time to read and post here.

You guys don't do yourselves or VN any credit with responses to the effect of "you're stupid", "don't waste our time", "we all agree with ourselves, so you must be wrong".

We should just make up ridiculous claims such as: states like GA, TX, LA, CA don't ever have their best players playing both ways. That would do us credit then, no?
I can name tons of them from each of those 4 states who played one way only, ended up with a 5* offer sheet, got drafted high and made millions.

I don't recall saying "ever"; did you add that for effect?

Im not sure which post you're referring to, but i may have added "ever" for sarcasm/entertainment for these fine onlookers that are enjoying this fine thread of yours.
i am waiting for you to show on just one occasion that you have at least some idea of just what the hell you are talking about.

It's pretty simple, even for a Gator to grasp.

If my son is capable of making $$$ millions for my family running the ball, I shop for a HS till I find one whose HC let's him play only RB.
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Hurd was never suppose to play RB in H.S. period. His coach put him there because he suspended Dorian Carter for the season. There is a reason Carter got the same yards with fewer carries, he's got talent as well, D1 talent at that. Some idiot mentioned that we don't see 5-star players playing both sides but what they fail to acknowledge is that alot of those kids have ELITE talent surrounding them. Fournette plays at a school that has D1 offers for every defensive starter....which kinda negates the whole need to play him.
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Im not sure which post you're referring to, but i may have added "ever" for sarcasm/entertainment for these fine onlookers that are enjoying this fine thread of yours.

I'm in a bloodbath here. The least you could do is not make things worse by adding inflammatory misquotes. :gun:
I can name tons of them from each of those 4 states who played one way only, ended up with a 5* offer sheet, got drafted high and made millions.

I don't recall saying "ever"; did you add that for effect?

Name the first ton, with equivalent athletic ability as Jalen, and not from a HS "football factory"...I dare you.
I really don't know which post you're referring to lol

I commented that studs in FL, GA, TX and CA don't play both ways. When you quoted me to say I was stupid, you added "ever" before play. That was unnecessary and unfair, no?

Yes, there are some who play both ways. But not many at the top levels. As the fellow said above, Fournette's team has a lot of D talent. Perhaps that's the reason he's not playing D. I don't know. Either way, if I were his parent, I'd have something to say about where he plays.

Why wait to take control of the situation until selecting a college?
I can name a ton of them that played 1 way.

The reason you are taking such heat is you aren't backing down at all.

If you said something like....

I didn't realize it was a common practice for star players to go both ways in high school.

People would back off a little.

But you won't acknowledge you were wrong and have continued to press it
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The reason you are taking such heat is you aren't backing down at all.

If you said something like....

I didn't realize it was a common practice for star players to go both ways in high school.

People would back off a little.

But you won't acknowledge you were wrong and have continued to press it

Twice in one day is pushing it my friend....
Name the first ton, with equivalent athletic ability as Jalen, and not from a HS "football factory"...I dare you.

Oh, so a guy who ran for 3350 on 317 carries (11.9 ypc) and 43 TDs, doesn't get treated like a 5* RB because he plays 5A in TN HS?

Where's the logic in that if you're trying to win?
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I commented that studs in FL, GA, TX and CA don't play both ways. When you quoted me to say I was stupid, you added "ever" before play. That was unnecessary and unfair, no?

Yes, there are some who play both ways. But not many at the top levels. As the fellow said above, Fournette's team has a lot of D talent. Perhaps that's the reason he's not playing D. I don't know. Either way, if I were his parent, I'd have something to say about where he plays.

Why wait to take control of the situation until selecting a college?

I don't recall calling you stupid, if i did, im sorry. But id bet that there are more elite recruits who play on both sides of the ball than ones that dont. Its hard to find great players, when you do, you use them. Thats how it works. Except for O-linemem or DT's.
Oh, so a guy who ran for 3350 on 317 carries (11.0 ypc) and 43 TDs, doesn't get treated like a 5* RB because he plays 5A in TN HS?

Where's the logic in that if you're trying to win?

Take a deep breath, read the responses. Beech is not a HS football factory, they do not have a plethora of great talent on their roster. Like most High Schools in that position, the elite players PLAY FRICKIN FOOTBALL!!! What time did you start drinking today? For the love of everything Orange, please tell me you have been drinking.
Hurd was never suppose to play RB in H.S. period. His coach put him there because he suspended Dorian Carter for the season. There is a reason Carter got the same yards with fewer carries, he's got talent as well, D1 talent at that. Some idiot mentioned that we don't see 5-star players playing both sides but what they fail to acknowledge is that alot of those kids have ELITE talent surrounding them. Fournette plays at a school that has D1 offers for every defensive starter....which kinda negates the whole need to play him.

No matter what JH was supposed to do in 2012, he ran for 3350 on 317 @ 11.9 ypc and 43 TDs. And the team went 15-0 and won the State. His play on D was minimal, with only 2 tackles and 2 int's the whole year. So a smart HC "fixes" it when it isn't broken by also starting his best player at Safety? Not a HC looking for a long career.
It's just that your ignorance of all things football makes people weary just thinking about how to explain something so very simple to you that they give up before even trying.

At least that's what always happens to me when I see you start a thread.

You're like a child that wanders into the middle of a movie and wants to know...

We're trying to help edumacate you on the subject of football. You'll understand it one day bud, don't give up!

I tried to call attention to it early. No one seemed to notice..

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