Why Won't The US Fight Russia?

If Biden had given the Ukrainians the $85 billion worth of equipment Joe Biden left in Afghanistan, the world would be in a better place.
Yeah, you just highlighted the problem. What good did that $85 billion (or actually a total of several trillion dollars over 20 years) do us in Afghanistan? All we did was make the MIC a pile of money. Now we are talking about throwing more weapons and materials in Ukraine.

And this philosophy is mostly coming from the same people that have historically lectured liberals about throwing money at problems to solve them. Instead, we ignore the saying about repeating the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.
Boomers, in general, don't pay their tabs, they just pass the buck down to future generations.

Let’s see now….boomers have paid into a social security system their entire working careers for their parents & grandparents yet benefits were reduced (& will again) when it’s come their time to collect. Same for Medicare. They paid for much of their college while their children & grandchildren default on student loans. They fought a war no one respected, no parades. They developed the greatest economic development in history with the advancement of technology. Boomers have long cried for controlled govt spending but unfortunately, irregardless of who is elected, our govt is intent on destroying itself.
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The easy answer is that they have nukes. Well. So do we and ours are probably in far better shape than their nuclear arsenal. I feel ashamed of this country right now. We encourage people to support a hopeless resistance in the name of principles that we claim to hold dear and we won't support them with our might. Unless the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq depleted our own arsenal to the point that we can't wage war, I feel like we should be able to beat the hell out the Russian army. After WWII we said never again. It's happening again and we're really not doing anything. I don't get it.

It is the nukes. It's always the nukes, and it should be. A nuclear exchange ends this world. Once one side hits the other side's territory with a nuke, even a tactical nuke, they're all going to be launched.

Why get into a conflict with a crazy man that can go that way.

But let's say you could hold it to say 50 tactical nukes from each side, which is all but impossible. You're going to put so much radiation in the air that cancer rates will explode not to mention all the other radiation diseases, especially in kids as it gets in their food supply.

So while I would love for us to help the Ukrainians kill as many Russians as possible and while I say give them every bit of material possible, including those Polish MIG-29s, no Americans are going to fight on the ground (beyond the special forces advisors there to help them use the equipment and train them and yes, according to my sources we have a little less than 100 advisors on the ground there).
How is it a generational thing?

Why are you arguing with Rasputin.? He's just trying to get you worked.

Honestly, we boomers have f'd everything up the last 30 years. The generational changeover of the 90's and early 2000s has not covered us with glory.
Why are you arguing with Rasputin.? He's just trying to get you worked.

Honestly, we boomers have f'd everything up the last 30 years. The generational changeover of the 90's and early 2000s has not covered us with glory.
I don't look at it as arguing, just discussing. He doesn't get me worked up. We boomers have indeed made our share of mistakes as every generation has done and will do.
You are spot on. The death and destruction heaped upon the world is coming. Failure to provide them with the arms, including Migs, F16s, A10 Warthogs, will have long term implications.
Yes let’s put American lives at risk to join this war. Be sure you volunteer yourself along with any sons, brothers, nephews etc you know that way they aren’t “cowardice” too. I’m sure you’d be glad to die for the pockets of rich I mean uhhhh for your country
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Yeah, you just highlighted the problem. What good did that $85 billion (or actually a total of several trillion dollars over 20 years) do us in Afghanistan? All we did was make the MIC a pile of money. Now we are talking about throwing more weapons and materials in Ukraine.

And this philosophy is mostly coming from the same people that have historically lectured liberals about throwing money at problems to solve them. Instead, we ignore the saying about repeating the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.

That's why we were there.

And in my view that element is priceless.
The easy answer is that they have nukes. Well. So do we and ours are probably in far better shape than their nuclear arsenal. I feel ashamed of this country right now. We encourage people to support a hopeless resistance in the name of principles that we claim to hold dear and we won't support them with our might. Unless the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq depleted our own arsenal to the point that we can't wage war, I feel like we should be able to beat the hell out the Russian army. After WWII we said never again. It's happening again and we're really not doing anything. I don't get it.

Why would we fight them? I hope the Ukraine wins, but it is not our fight.
Losing the ability to view Pornhub would decimate the west.

Well, you got me curious now. New research project ... after I decide on new tires. Or if the west is going to be decimated, maybe just hold off on the tires.
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Any politician that votes for war should be required to have
one of their closest relatives sent to the front lines.
No, it should be them that get sent. 99% of the politicians in DC have no problem selling their family off.
1. Russia gained access to the schematics to our top line jet fighters and can knock them from the sky at whim.
A. Blind & conquer: Top 5 Russian radio electronic warfare systems
B. CORRECTED-Finland detects GPS disturbance near Russia's Kaliningrad
2. The Putin-Hitler hybrid is insane enough to actually initiate a nuke launch simply out of spite.
3. Related to #2 above, prior to attacking Ukraine, Putin pre-position nuke subs near Hawai'i and San Diego for possible attacks.

BUT, BUT, BUT, it is gutless for the USA to block Poland's gift of the MiG 29 fighters. Makes us look weak and cowardly. I do believe if the Ukraines had jet fighters for combating Russian bombing and air cover, the Ukaines would kick Putin's arse all the way to Moscow. But then Putin p save face would likely nuke or gas them. Sparking perhaps European nations to enter the fray, and off we'd go to the final world war. Just the same, give them the planes.
1. Russia gained access to the schematics to our top line jet fighters and can knock them from the sky at whim.
A. Blind & conquer: Top 5 Russian radio electronic warfare systems
B. CORRECTED-Finland detects GPS disturbance near Russia's Kaliningrad
2. The Putin-Hitler hybrid is insane enough to actually initiate a nuke launch simply out of spite.
3. Related to #2 above, prior to attacking Ukraine, Putin pre-position nuke subs near Hawai'i and San Diego for possible attacks.

BUT, BUT, BUT, it is gutless for the USA to block Poland's gift of the MiG 29 fighters. Makes us look weak and cowardly. I do believe if the Ukraines had jet fighters for combating Russian bombing and air cover, the Ukaines would kick Putin's arse all the way to Moscow. But then Putin p save face would likely nuke or gas them. Sparking perhaps European nations to enter the fray, and off we'd go to the final world war. Just the same, give them the planes.
I am curious why it was up to the US to give Polish planes to Ukraine, we arent the one that shares a border with the country in question.

Why the middle man?
I am curious why it was up to the US to give Polish planes to Ukraine, we arent the one that shares a border with the country in question.
Why the middle man?

Fact is, we Americans are general ignorant of the beneath sheets influence of our government. We like to think we are the irrevocable good guys. It's shocks and angers many when an informed person dares to say, "No we aren't any different from the bad guys, and sometimes worse." Before I answer your specific question, here are few things most of us are ignorant about.

1. We prohibit tobacco sells to youth in the USA, yet until very recently, and it still goes on in places today, billboard and other ads can be found in poorer minority communities.
2. Related to # 1, the same is true for many Third World countries. Remember the 2 yrs old kid-smoker? What isn't expounded is how our government allows tobacco companies to market to kids there, but not here.
3. Coca-Cola (Pepsi did the same) helped fund installing and sustaining dictatorships. That was exposed in a US News and World report article back in the late 1970s or early 1980s if I recall right. Try as I might, I couldn't locate this article on the Internet. The closest I could find are:
A. Coca-Colonization - Atlanta Magazine
B. 7 fascist regimes America enthusiastically supported
C. The CIA’s Secret Global War Against the Left

Now, regarding your question of why it was up to the US to give Polish planes to Ukraine due to our financial muscle and financial influence, being the actual boss nation of NATO, we get to call the shots. Without the USA, NATO is either a joke or nonexistent. So as the Capofamiglia - (Don/Boss) of that organization, we dictate the marching orders of the members. Right now, we just got out of a 20(?) years long worthless war in Afghanistan (still waging an unofficial one in Iraq and Syria) that cost trillions of dollars. So Americans aren't keen for another war right now, and frankly we can't afford one. Plus, we're losing more money due to COVID and the massive arms shipments to Ukraine, ongoing even now. I think our Erupoean allies closest to the Russian border want to go ahead and provide more meaningful support of Ukraine, but the USA has cold feet. Putin knows this so feels emboldened. Next, watch China take a cue and move on Tiawain.
Fact is, we Americans are general ignorant of the beneath sheets influence of our government. We like to think we are the irrevocable good guys. It's shocks and angers many when an informed person dares to say, "No we aren't any different from the bad guys, and sometimes worse." Before I answer your specific question, here are few things most of us are ignorant about.

1. We prohibit tobacco sells to youth in the USA, yet until very recently, and it still goes on in places today, billboard and other ads can be found in poorer minority communities.
2. Related to # 1, the same is true for many Third World countries. Remember the 2 yrs old kid-smoker? What isn't expounded is how our government allows tobacco companies to market to kids there, but not here.
3. Coca-Cola (Pepsi did the same) helped fund installing and sustaining dictatorships. That was exposed in a US News and World report article back in the late 1970s or early 1980s if I recall right. Try as I might, I couldn't locate this article on the Internet. The closest I could find are:
A. Coca-Colonization - Atlanta Magazine
B. 7 fascist regimes America enthusiastically supported
C. The CIA’s Secret Global War Against the Left

Now, regarding your question of why it was up to the US to give Polish planes to Ukraine due to our financial muscle and financial influence, being the actual boss nation of NATO, we get to call the shots. Without the USA, NATO is either a joke or nonexistent. So as the Capofamiglia - (Don/Boss) of that organization, we dictate the marching orders of the members. Right now, we just got out of a 20(?) years long worthless war in Afghanistan (still waging an unofficial one in Iraq and Syria) that cost trillions of dollars. So Americans aren't keen for another war right now, and frankly we can't afford one. Plus, we're losing more money due to COVID and the massive arms shipments to Ukraine, ongoing even now. I think our Erupoean allies closest to the Russian border want to go ahead and provide more meaningful support of Ukraine, but the USA has cold feet. Putin knows this so feels emboldened. Next, watch China take a cue and move on Tiawain.
It must be uncomfortable being so full of crap.

I mean A+ effort on throwing around some window dressing and dramatics, but wildly lacking in logic regarding the actual subject.
It must be uncomfortable being so full of crap.
I mean A+ effort on throwing around some window dressing and dramatics, but wildly lacking in logic regarding the actual subject.

That all you got? Your level best? Try harder, you might actually say something meaningful, or at least fake saying something meaningful.

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