"Wikileaks" to unveil it's "biggest leak yet"

VK, when you say that Szilard tried to warn Truman, what in your understanding/opinion was he trying to warn him of?
Posted via VolNation Mobile

From my recollection Szilard was to meet with Truman and push for an international compromise on atomic weapons. Szilard wanted to warn Truman face-to-face about droppin the bomb but couldn't get through. Don't know the full story here but I remember that quite well.
From my recollection Szilard was to meet with Truman and push for an international compromise on atomic weapons. Szilard wanted to warn Truman face-to-face about droppin the bomb but couldn't get through. Don't know the full story here but I remember that quite well.

I don't really see it as a warning, per se. Szilard was among those who pushed FDR for the development of the atomic bomb. However, he later said he intended for it to be only a deterrent, not an offensive weapon. He and some other scientists who had worked in the Manhattan Project began to fear it would be used. As far as I know, Trunan was aware if their objections. I just don't see it as a warning. I also think that a lit of scientists got caught up in the science and thought better of it later, trying to stop the use if a weapon they created and couldn't stand to see it used. I can sympathize with that....it wouldn't be easy to see, regardless if what service you did your country.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
Why are you searching for ospreys?

Hah. It's the pack, not the bird. Bought an old school Osprey pack on a whim so I was after gear reviews. I you need a good, lightweight internal frame backpack size L/L then I'll sell it to ya cheap! :)
I can't come up with a good reason for supporting the actions against WikiLeaks, or its founder.

Not like he exposed Valorie Plame...
Posted via VolNation Mobile
Dude I still think Marines are jarheads. Just because I don't think they're the brightest of the corps

I've going to revive this just for fun. There are an absolutely amazing number of highly intelligent Marines, and most of them are grunts.

I double majored in 3 years, and am now in a very specific graduate program. There are two other Marines in my smallish graduating class.

From my old small platoon of about 20, three already had degrees. One was working on a Masters by taking night and correspondence classes.

From those that didn't go the traditional route (law enforcement/contracting), 3 of the 5 have now finished their degree or will next year. Of the two left, one is in medical school and the other will start next year.

One of the guys I went through the Island and a few other schools with finished his degree 2 years after EAS and is now starting his application process for medical school.

All of the above were 03xx primary MOS. That's infantry for those that aren't familiar.

Also, war is murder. An ambush is premeditated murder, plain and simple. However, it is murder in indirect self defense. That is an argument that would not fly in court, but it works well in the military.

You drop one combatant, even if not in self defense, you can rationalize it by saying he might have killed you or your buddy in the future.

Now, you kill your wife because her nagging is going to cause you to have a heart attack in the future... you will catch a murder charge.

You have to be a little tweaked to do that job, which is why some military come off as psychopaths. Without the rationalization, and the off handed false bravado and comments that come with it, coping would be rather impossible.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

Cool, a rip on Obama, but yet your precious Mrs. Palin wants him dead.

Sarah Palin yesterday accused Julian Assange of a "treasonous" act, and urged the US to "use all necessary means" to hunt him down like an al-Qaeda terrorist. Sounds an awful lot like calling for Assange to be taken out, notes Peter Grier at the Christian Science Monitor. Palin is also pushing a link on her Facebook page to William Kristol's position that the CIA "neutralize" the WikiLeaks founder.

Get over yourself, gs. All politicians are screwed. I, for one, support Julian Assange and Wikileaks.
Cool, a rip on Obama, but yet your precious Mrs. Palin wants him dead.

Get over yourself, gs. All politicians are screwed. I, for one, support Julian Assange and Wikileaks.

Why? Why in the world should we have access to the inner workings of our government? We don't need to know how we practice diplomacy, just that it works. Regardless of what you think, knowing how our government gets stuff done isn't a right. But, if we are just sharing secrets, go ahead and give me your SSN, bank routing number, pin number, home address, etc.

Everyone has a reasonable expectation of privacy.
Cool, a rip on Obama, but yet your precious Mrs. Palin wants him dead.

Get over yourself, gs. All politicians are screwed. I, for one, support Julian Assange and Wikileaks.

If Assange showed credible discretion in what he makes available via his site, I might support him. The government may need to have the whistle blownnon it at times like any other entity. The threat of treason often is enough to prevent this, though wikileaks has provided some with an avenue.

With that said, he seems to be looking to publish almost anything. He seems to like pushing leaks that he thinks will embarrass certain entities. That us an agenda and is not about whistleblowing in most cases. Providing the avenue he provides and using no discretion is a dangerous game and he certainly doesn't have my support in it.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
Why? Why in the world should we have access to the inner workings of our government?

Everyone has a reasonable expectation of privacy.

We should not have access to the inner workings of the government, in most cases. However, that does not mean we should persecute those that simply relate the information.

We should prosecute those that release the information, but at the first level. Ie: The individual who collected and released the classified and confidential messages should be prosecuted. The second source, third or nth source should not.

Wikileaks did not steal the data, they simply published it. This is no different than newspapers publishing sensitive and confidential information from "unnamed sources close to the President."

gsvol probably doesn't support Wikileaks, but yet he doesn't support the Pentagon for buying up copies of that book about the Afghan war.

In case, gsvol stated he hoped early release copies would become available that did not have redacted material. Yet, he is against Wikileaks releasing similar information?

Is that right, gs? Or do you support both equally?
I can't come up with a good reason for supporting the actions against WikiLeaks, or its founder.

Not like he exposed Valorie Plame...
Posted via VolNation Mobile

Surely you jest???

That has to be the most idiotic thing I've ever read
on this board and I've read some doozies.

Cool, a rip on Obama, but yet your precious Mrs. Palin wants him dead.

Get over yourself, gs. All politicians are screwed. I, for one, support Julian Assange and Wikileaks.

Here is exactly what Sarah Palin said;

Citizen Palin 4 President: Traffic Nirvana: Julian Assange Notices Sarah Palin’s Criticism

“He is an anti-American operative with blood on his
hands. His past posting of classified documents
revealed the identity of more than 100 Afghan
sources to the Taliban. Why was he not pursued
with the same urgency we pursue al Qaeda and
Taliban leaders?”

There have been at least six Afghan leaders taken
out and beheaded by the Taliban in front of their
families and the whole villiage for being suspected
of working with Americans. Whether they got their
information from Wikileaks or not, who knows?

Do you think people are going to cooperate with us
if they know their identities will not be kept secret???

Do you think their life is worth a dime if the Taliban a
and others find out??

Do you think they will tip our soldiers off about planned
ambushes and boobie traps.

You go ahead and support that punk Assange all you
want but I'll tell you one thing, if I told you what I really
think of you, I would be permantly banned from this

I think you can understand what I'm saying. :angry:
All of those things that you listed as potential outcomes occured while I was in Iraq, well before Wikileaks came along.

These things occur already, and occured prior to Wikileaks.

You are overly angry about something that has no relation to these leaks.

A Taliban fighter, and at the time, Iraqi insurgents were not scouring the Internet in hopes of finding information. They were observing it, or having it reported to them by others.

When in doubt, they assumed guilt.

Your emotional reasons are sound and understandable but your logic and knowledge of events are flawed.

If any insurgent credits Wikileaks, they are most likely lying or just doing so to piss us off. If their source was truly the Internet, what would they gain from revealing the source? Nothing, in fact, it would hurt their info pipeline.

They rely on HUMINT, not the Internet. Gossip is a great way to gather info. I believe you already know this to be true.

If you want to find a good Italian restaurant, you can either ask someone their opinion or read the official brouchure.

If you want to target the people working with Americans, you can ask their neighbor or read Wikileaks.

You already know which option is best.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
gsvol probably doesn't support Wikileaks, but yet he doesn't support the Pentagon for buying up copies of that book about the Afghan war.

In case, gsvol stated he hoped early release copies would become available that did not have redacted material. Yet, he is against Wikileaks releasing similar information?

Is that right, gs? Or do you support both equally?

Are you trying to say the two are even close to
being the same or just trying to be silly???

The first wikileaks, which included secret sources we
use in the moslem world, emerged five months ago.

During that time the Taliban have ramped up their
activity considerably.

In your estimation how many of our assets have
been killed or intimidated into not cooperating or
giving false information??

How many American servicemen have been killed
or maimed because of information broadcast by

People who try to make Assange out to be some
kind of folk hero evidently don't have the IQ of
a warm glass of water.

Oh, and by the way that genious Obama appointed
to be the attorney general of the USA hasn't done
squat but now if it were some child he wanted to
return to his fellow commie in Cuba he would have
summoned swat teams and violated court orders to
get the job done of silencing Assange no mattter
what it took.

This administration is rightfully considered as being
on par with that of Jimmy Carter.
You realize that Assange turned himself into authorities in London this morning? NOTHING is going to stop this information from getting out. No matter if Assange is set free or if he's killed. Also, the ones that should be prosecuted are the ones that leaked the information to him to begin with and the ones that have been ousted by WikiLeaks as doing something wrong. Assange is a journalist.
Are you trying to say the two are even close to
being the same or just trying to be silly???

Yes, they are one and the same. Classified material released is classified material released. Bulk vs substance is everything.

Do you think, maybe, the Taliban have ramped up operations because we have as well? Whatyathink?

Do you think, maybe, it was because of the elections in September? Hm. Puzzling.

I will issue you a challenge. As I am kind of busy and only will be in and out of here over the next two weeks... in two weeks, find me a substantial leak that you could use, if you were an insurgent, to inflict serious harm on either another Afghani, due to working with Americans (save Afghani government officials, tribal leaders and regional "war lords" who are already targeted), or a leak that would allow you to inflict serious harm on American troops that would not be more easily observed if in country.
Yes, they are one and the same. Classified material released is classified material released. Bulk vs substance is everything.

Do you think, maybe, the Taliban have ramped up operations because we have as well? Whatyathink?

Do you think, maybe, it was because of the elections in September? Hm. Puzzling.

I will issue you a challenge. As I am kind of busy and only will be in and out of here over the next two weeks... in two weeks, find me a substantial leak that you could use, if you were an insurgent, to inflict serious harm on either another Afghani, due to working with Americans (save Afghani government officials, tribal leaders and regional "war lords" who are already targeted), or a leak that would allow you to inflict serious harm on American troops that would not be more easily observed if in country.

Only 1000 of ~500,000 cables have been released. However, the leak where they released info on all of the US points of interest comes to mind. I'm in a hurry but I'll find a link later.
Only 1000 of ~500,000 cables have been released. However, the leak where they released info on all of the US points of interest comes to mind. I'm in a hurry but I'll find a link later.

POI is easier to determine from observation. Generally speaking, it would the be area where we conduct operations.

Easier to obtain that information by humint than the web.

I'll wait for the link to find out what you mean.
POI is easier to determine from observation. Generally speaking, it would the be area where we conduct operations.

Easier to obtain that information by humint than the web.

I'll wait for the link to find out what you mean.

I doubt that I can post the direct link to the cable without it being removed by a mod but here's the title of it and feel free to look for it on your own.


I'll try to find the news article I read about it when I get back, but it seems like my friend took it down from his Facebook and I can't remember the name of it.
All of those things that you listed as potential outcomes occured while I was in Iraq, well before Wikileaks came along.

These things occur already, and occured prior to Wikileaks.

You are overly angry about something that has no relation to these leaks.

A Taliban fighter, and at the time, Iraqi insurgents were not scouring the Internet in hopes of finding information. They were observing it, or having it reported to them by others.

When in doubt, they assumed guilt.

Your emotional reasons are sound and understandable but your logic and knowledge of events are flawed.

If any insurgent credits Wikileaks, they are most likely lying or just doing so to piss us off. If their source was truly the Internet, what would they gain from revealing the source? Nothing, in fact, it would hurt their info pipeline.

They rely on HUMINT, not the Internet. Gossip is a great way to gather info. I believe you already know this to be true.

If you want to find a good Italian restaurant, you can either ask someone their opinion or read the official brouchure.

If you want to target the people working with Americans, you can ask their neighbor or read Wikileaks.

You already know which option is best.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

How long were you in Iraq and what did you do??

I'm not especially angry but if volatile wants to get his panties all wadded up I'll give him a wedgie he won't ever forget.

If you don't think islamic forces use internet sources both to gather information and to dessiminate propaganda and disinformation then I don't know what to think of you.

Sure they rely on humint but if handed a list of those supplying information to us then what do you think they would do with that?? And that is exactly what has happened.

As far as knowledge of events, I've read a library full of military history, all classified top secret so, we'll just have to agree to disagree on whether my logic and knoledge are flawed or not.

I'll give you a good example, Bin Laden was filming and broadcasting his messages and some geologist said he thought he could narrow down his loaction by studying the rock formations in front of the cave where Bin Laden was filiming his manifestos.

Presto, there have been no more such broadcasts by Bin Laden that might give away his loacation.

These people aren't stupid, misguided but not as stupid as you apparently imagine them to be.

If I wanted to find a good Italian restaurant I'd call some up and find out how well they speak Italian.

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