gsvol probably doesn't support Wikileaks, but yet he doesn't support the Pentagon for buying up copies of that book about the Afghan war.
In case, gsvol stated he hoped early release copies would become available that did not have redacted material. Yet, he is against Wikileaks releasing similar information?
Is that right, gs? Or do you support both equally?
Are you trying to say the two are even close to
being the same or just trying to be silly???
The first wikileaks, which included secret sources we
use in the moslem world, emerged five months ago.
During that time the Taliban have ramped up their
activity considerably.
In your estimation how many of our assets have
been killed or intimidated into not cooperating or
giving false information??
How many American servicemen have been killed
or maimed because of information broadcast by
People who try to make Assange out to be some
kind of folk hero evidently don't have the IQ of
a warm glass of water.
Oh, and by the way that genious Obama appointed
to be the attorney general of the USA hasn't done
squat but now if it were some child he wanted to
return to his fellow commie in Cuba he would have
summoned swat teams and violated court orders to
get the job done of silencing Assange no mattter
what it took.
This administration is rightfully considered as being
on par with that of Jimmy Carter.