Will Butch Jones restore Tennessee to Greatness?

After watching the Jones press conference, my deja vu feeling of nausea at the coach speak sent me out surfing multiple Bearcat boards and I found common themes concerning the new head coach.

Micro manager
Weak x's and o's guy
Bad late game management
No 2nd half adjustment
On field loyalty to less talented players
Big ego
Corny Butchisms
Unwillingness to adjust his way to current roster skill set
Fans more upset over loss of assistant coaches than head coach

The bammer and gator have gifted the Vols with Dooley 2.0 for a long term stretch. The only good things I could find were he works really, really hard and appears to be a recruiting upgrade over Doolz.

I avoided the obviously butthurt fans in reading statements concerning Jones, but most Bearcat fans think he is way out of his league in trying to coach in the SEC.

Ugh!!!!! Do I think Jones can win the SEC and a NC? No, but I hope I'm wrong.

I was on the Gru-train not due to the man himself, but more for what he could bring to UT, which was a change in the overall perception of our beloved Vols. I just don't see Jones having the type of impact needed to facilitate those changes the way a HR hire could.

You should have stated up front that yuou were/are a Gruden dreamer, so we would not have to read the rest of your post. Most of what you posted is not what his players at UC have to say about him. I know a couple of their players and their account of his coaching and leadership abilities are completely opposite of your post.
Who the heck knows? if nothing else the last 3 years have taught me ...You can't rely on this team to do anything...ever
To be 4-4, you are expecting UT to beat one of the following: Alabama, Georgia, Oregon, or South Carolina. Which one is "supposed to win"?

I would say South Carolina, They are losing a lot on defense and one very good running back. Georgia will also lose a lot of defensive players to the league.
You should have stated up front that yuou were/are a Gruden dreamer, so we would not have to read the rest of your post. Most of what you posted is not what his players at UC have to say about him. I know a couple of their players and their account of his coaching and leadership abilities are completely opposite of your post.

So my hoping we'd hire a HR coach no matter what their last name was is considered dreaming? My hoping the Vols could become relevant to college football again is dreaming? My hoping that we'd cease being an afterthought in discussions of future championships is dreaming? Ok, so I'll continue to dream about bringing the Vols back to greatness and leave you with those big just make any bowl game dreams. :good!:

I clearly stated in my post that Bearcat boards is where I gathered the info I posted. Neither one of us can know if any of the posts came from a Cincy player or not. We don't know if any current Vols players could have been on here talking about Dooley. Players liking their coach doesn't translate into wins and championships. Using that as your example means Fulmer should have always been unbeaten.
No, not within 5 year peroid, UT probably won't win the SEC in the next decade.....I certainly hope we do, but can't convince myself that we will
UT has made fatal mistakes in the football program and we the fans will now have to suffer those mistakes unfortunately
If I thought that I could escape the ridicule of those with long memories if he doesn't pan out I would go on record as saying he will be here a while and he will produce a product we can all be proud of. Being more specific wouldn't serve any real purpose and would only be guess work.
The simple answer to this question is that I don't know, and nobody else does either. We can say that he will succeed, or he won't and offer up numerous hypothesis to support our argument, but in the end, that is just something that can't be answered.
Way to early to make that statement, however, he seems to be going about it the right way. I feel we may have found a really good coach in Jones.
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Maybe not "greatness" but we will be good again. I hoped it with Dooley but I really feel good about CBJ getting us back to the brink of "greatness". I think we get a couple of big commits this year that changes some minds.
Will be a lot easier to tell when I see what kind of recruits he pulls in. I think he has a proven system but you need the athletes in the SEC.
This thread is funny..from what I saw about the coaching search, nobody here knows anything (Jon Gruden hahahah)....give the dude a chance...you'll all be at the spring game and you'll all (that can get tickets) will be at the opener. GO VOLS!!!
As you can see I very rarely post in here but there is something that I think everyone must remember. When UT was in it "greatness" as many of you think, we lost to Florida almost every year. We were not the conference champions every year nor were we in the National Championship picture every year. Those pipe dreams were dashed each year as Fulmer lost to Spurrier on the third game of the season. What I read the most is the people are scared that Coach Jones will only get us to the middle of the pack in the SEC, but I would say Florida & LSU are middle of the pack SEC teams as they are were not playing for the conference title this year. Alabama's run of conference titles is remarkable and likely not to be repeated any time soon, they are bound to come back to earth sooner or later. ( I believe sooner as TAM showed everyone) The question to ask is would you be happy winning an average of 9 games per year while playing in the SEC? If the answer is NO then I think should reevaluate your expectations. LSU has averaged just over 9 wins per year over the last decade. Alabama has averaged 8.9 wins per year from 2000 - 2010. Please do not forget they were 6-6 in 2006 and 7-6 in 2007 which is not that long ago.

Last point, please Remember, the "greatness" that was Tennessee came the last time we fielded a team with a dual threat QB.

How ******* stupid are you?

Lets break down your argument....

1. Tennessee was below .500 vs tier 1 teams.
No sh*t sherlock, if we werent we would have like 5 national championships

2. Tennessee was only good in the Fulmer years because the SEC was weak.
The Sec won 4/10 NC in the 90s, and played in 5/10, it is not so much the SEC was weak in the 90s, more of a fact that other Conferences were much stronger then they are today.

3. Tennessee won a NC with a duel threat QB.
Tee was not a duel threat QB. RG3 or Michael Vick are

4. Tennessee was not great in the 90s because we lost to Spurrier more times then we won.
Another dumb statement by you, they're 12 games in a season. That is just one.

and btw if you ever have any questions about if Tennessee use to be "great". Just look at my AVI and it will answer all doubt.
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"Return to greatness" might be a stretch

Return to being actually a good team, that has a winning record and goes to a bowl, I am pretty sure he can do.

If he can get us to that point in 2-3 years, we'll see if he can take the next step after that.
If your definition of greatness is equivalent to our incredible run in the 90's, then no. If your definition of greatness is consistently winning, going to bowl games, winning the SEC East once every 3-5 years, and SEC Title every 6-10 years, and sniffing at the NC every 6-10 years, all the while, being competitive enough to affect those titles by beating teams in the running, AT HOME, AND ON THE ROAD, beating teams we SHOULD beat, and sometimes beating teams we technically SHOULDN'T beat , then yes, I think so.

Honestly, in three years, I hope we are at a point where Number 1(Bama, LSU, etc) would be an UNDERDOG in Neyland. I want SC, Bama, UGA, UF and LSU to mark the UT game on their schedule, again. Not just pencil in a "W". "Any given Saturday" needs to be brought back.

Oh, and regularly embarass UK and Vandy. 65-0 sounds REALLY GOOD!!!
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I expect greatness every year! I will always support my team, and if I am proven otherwise...I will still support them 110%.
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