Will McCarthy be SOH?

Lauren Boebert tells Trump to call Kevin McCarthy and tell him it's 'time to WITHDRAW' as he loses fifth ballot to be Speaker - after 20 GOP saboteurs sunk his fourth bid to take the gavel

  • Boebert told Trump to call McCarthy at the start of the fifth vote for speaker
Rep. Lauren Boebert said her 'favorite president' Donald Trump should call GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy and tell him 'it's time to withdraw' after the House failed to make the California Republican its Speaker despite five rounds of voting.

The Colorado Republican noted that Trump had been calling McCarthy's opposition and telling them to change their vote.

'I think it actually needs to be reversed. The president needs to tell Kevin McCarthy that, sir, you do not have the votes and it's time to withdraw,' she said at the start of the fifth vote.

Boebert nominated GOP Rep. Byron Donalds of Florida to hold the Speaker's gavel for the fifth vote count.

Byron Donalds

All Democrats voted for Democrat Leader Hakeem Jeffries while anti-McCarthy Republicans were mostly united behind Donalds.

While McCarthy needs a majority of the House votes to become Speaker - he doesn't yet even have a plurality - Jeffries got 212 votes on the fourth and fifth rounds, McCarthy received 201.

Lauren Boebert tells Trump to call Kevin McCarthy and tell him it's 'time to WITHDRAW' | Daily Mail Online
I can read, write and color within the lines so the Marines wouldn't have me.

Yes, I was stationed in Korea but was very, very careful and I'm a tightwad by nature.
Damn, I confused you with someone else. Army wasn't immune from the Korean girls either.
'These are legislative terrorists who have no problem killing the hostage': Kevin McCarthy-backer Rep. Mike Rogers says if 20 'belligerents' won't do a deal for speaker they'll start negotiating with Democrats next week

A powerful House Republican lawmaker who supports Rep. Kevin McCarthy's stalled bid for speaker says if a group of 20 arch conservative holdouts don't fall in line within days, rank-and-file Republicans will cut a deal with Democrats.

Rep. Mike Rogers (R-Ala.), who is in line to chair the House Armed Services Committee if Republicans manage to coalesce behind a leader, accused a rump faction he termed '20 belligerents' of being 'legislative terrorists' who are engaging in 'narcissistic behavior' by issuing demands McCarthy can't possibly meet.

If there isn't agreement by the end of the week, he raised the possibility, floated by a some rank-and-file Democrats, of trying to secure some of their votes for speaker in exchange for concessions to the minority.

McCarthy-backer Rep. Mike Rogers says GOP will deal with Democrats if 'belligerents' won't fold | Daily Mail Online
'These are legislative terrorists who have no problem killing the hostage': Kevin McCarthy-backer Rep. Mike Rogers says if 20 'belligerents' won't do a deal for speaker they'll start negotiating with Democrats next week

A powerful House Republican lawmaker who supports Rep. Kevin McCarthy's stalled bid for speaker says if a group of 20 arch conservative holdouts don't fall in line within days, rank-and-file Republicans will cut a deal with Democrats.

Rep. Mike Rogers (R-Ala.), who is in line to chair the House Armed Services Committee if Republicans manage to coalesce behind a leader, accused a rump faction he termed '20 belligerents' of being 'legislative terrorists' who are engaging in 'narcissistic behavior' by issuing demands McCarthy can't possibly meet.

If there isn't agreement by the end of the week, he raised the possibility, floated by a some rank-and-file Democrats, of trying to secure some of their votes for speaker in exchange for concessions to the minority.

McCarthy-backer Rep. Mike Rogers says GOP will deal with Democrats if 'belligerents' won't fold | Daily Mail Online

That is the nuke narrative people have feared.
Just the premise of saying that means he must never be SoH.
'These are legislative terrorists who have no problem killing the hostage': Kevin McCarthy-backer Rep. Mike Rogers says if 20 'belligerents' won't do a deal for speaker they'll start negotiating with Democrats next week

A powerful House Republican lawmaker who supports Rep. Kevin McCarthy's stalled bid for speaker says if a group of 20 arch conservative holdouts don't fall in line within days, rank-and-file Republicans will cut a deal with Democrats.

Rep. Mike Rogers (R-Ala.), who is in line to chair the House Armed Services Committee if Republicans manage to coalesce behind a leader, accused a rump faction he termed '20 belligerents' of being 'legislative terrorists' who are engaging in 'narcissistic behavior' by issuing demands McCarthy can't possibly meet.

If there isn't agreement by the end of the week, he raised the possibility, floated by a some rank-and-file Democrats, of trying to secure some of their votes for speaker in exchange for concessions to the minority.

McCarthy-backer Rep. Mike Rogers says GOP will deal with Democrats if 'belligerents' won't fold | Daily Mail Online

If they think the demands of the "20 belligerents" are unacceptable but agree to terms with the Dems for their votes the R party is dead.
If they think the demands of the "20 belligerents" are unacceptable but agree to terms with the Dems for their votes the R party is dead.
Just feeds to the Uniparty narrative and isn't hyperbole and very dangerous. ..This crack and some on the Dem side and things would get better.The Dems rid themselves of the Blue Dogs and went full radical.
Lemonade outta lemons.
Almost everything it is currently doing.

Oh please. Pure rhetoric.

Reality: our government works within the legal boundaries of the constitution while ignorant, malcontent, hillbilly rabble rousers throw meaningless barbs about.

Exhibit 1: You.
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Democrats continue handing votes to Jeffries, who has long history of denying elections

President Biden has expressed immense criticism of individuals who 'refuse to accept the results of a free election'

As House Republican leader Kevin McCarthy struggles to garner the 218 required votes to obtain the speaker's gavel, Democrats are repeatedly delivering votes for incoming Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries, who has a history of denying the legitimacy of elections.

President Biden and other prominent Democrats, as well as White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, have fumed over individuals who question or deny the legitimacy of elections, referring to them at times as "extremists" and threats to democracy.

But Jeffries, who was first elected to Congress in 2012 and now has widespread support among members in his party, has a history of displaying the very behavior that many in the Democratic Party now accuse their opposition of.


Rep. Hakeem Jeffries has received support from all 212 Democrats as McCarthy struggles to reach the required 218 to earn the speaker's gavel. (Tasos Katopodis/Getty Images)

Democrats continue handing votes to Jeffries, who has long history of denying elections
Mkay Einstein. Provide actual evidence our government is violating the Constitution.

Try starting with amendment #10. If you can actually read it and understand it, then you would agree with me.

Since you are probably too lazy to look it up, here it is for you.

10th Amendment: The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
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Try starting with amendment #10. If you can actually read it and understand it, then you would agree with me.

Heh. Sure, I'll play along...

Do tell... what specifically is awry.

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

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