Will McCarthy be SOH?

Heh. Sure, I'll play along...

Do tell... what specifically is awry.

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

Please tell me anywhere in that language that it allows the United Staated to have a department of Education that usurps the power of the states? Tell me where in that language, the federal government has all the other powers NOT granted to it in the Constitution that it has taken for itself over the years?
Oh please. Pure rhetoric.

Reality: our government works within the legal boundaries of the constitution while ignorant, malcontent, hillbilly rabble rousers throw meaningless barbs about.

Exhibit 1: You.

I will throw one out there..

We are not a Democracy..the word is never used in the USC
Oh please. Pure rhetoric.

Reality: our government works within the legal boundaries of the constitution while ignorant, malcontent, hillbilly rabble rousers throw meaningless barbs about.

Exhibit 1: You.

It does not work within the bounds of the constitution, if it did 3/4s of the agencies and departments within the federal government wouldn't exist.
Please tell me anywhere in that language that it allows the United Staated to have a department of Education that usurps the power of the states? Tell me where in that language, the federal government has all the other powers NOT granted to it in the Constitution that it has taken for itself over the years?

10th Amendment is TP.
I have to go spend time with family before they fly home in the morning. I will be back later tonight and would LOVE to continue this conversation.
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'These are legislative terrorists who have no problem killing the hostage': Kevin McCarthy-backer Rep. Mike Rogers says if 20 'belligerents' won't do a deal for speaker they'll start negotiating with Democrats next week

A powerful House Republican lawmaker who supports Rep. Kevin McCarthy's stalled bid for speaker says if a group of 20 arch conservative holdouts don't fall in line within days, rank-and-file Republicans will cut a deal with Democrats.

Rep. Mike Rogers (R-Ala.), who is in line to chair the House Armed Services Committee if Republicans manage to coalesce behind a leader, accused a rump faction he termed '20 belligerents' of being 'legislative terrorists' who are engaging in 'narcissistic behavior' by issuing demands McCarthy can't possibly meet.

If there isn't agreement by the end of the week, he raised the possibility, floated by a some rank-and-file Democrats, of trying to secure some of their votes for speaker in exchange for concessions to the minority.

McCarthy-backer Rep. Mike Rogers says GOP will deal with Democrats if 'belligerents' won't fold | Daily Mail Online
Mike Rogers and any of the clowns that follow him should be primaried going into 2024 if they cut a deal with the Democrats. They just showed their true colors. Hell, should be primaried just for thinking about it, really.
I’m only cheering because he’s such an arrogant prick…I mean moving into the speakers office a day before the vote was taken…he’s a clown and the Republicans had since November to figure this out and they’re just embarrassing themselves.
He's no more arrogant than Pelosi, but yeah the Republicans are a buncha clowns just like the last bunch in power.
Please tell me anywhere in that language that it allows the United Staated to have a department of Education that usurps the power of the states? Tell me where in that language, the federal government has all the other powers NOT granted to it in the Constitution that it has taken for itself over the years?

While education may not be a "fundamental right" under the Constitution, the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment requires that when a state establishes a public school system (as in Texas), no child living in that state may be denied equal access to schooling.

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So in your warped mind, only those that support and applaud our government should be allowed to stay?

Interesting take. Reincarnation of Stalin. Have a good one.

Point is we live in the greatest nation on the planet.

Having worked on Capitol Hill... as they say... if you love hot dogs, never tour the sausage factory.
While education may not be a "fundamental right" under the Constitution, the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment requires that when a state establishes a public school system (as in Texas), no child living in that state may be denied equal access to schooling.


Ok and how does that justify a dept of education at the federal level?
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Point is we live in the greatest nation on the planet.

Disagree? Do tell.
Point is, part of what makes it the greatest nation on the planet is the freedom to publicly criticize, protest, and have the ability to take up arms against the government of this nation.

Take that away, and we are nothing more than a violent, poorly educated, spoiled version of Australia!
BREAKING NEWS: Kevin McCarthy suffers his SIXTH defeat as Republicans fail miserably to pick a Speaker after two days: Farce in the House as 'Taliban' Rebels Refuse To Stand Down and GOP Rep. accuses Democrats of DRINKING on the floor

After six rounds of voting and Republicans still unable to pick a Speaker, the sentiment in Congress seemed to be with Democratic Congresswoman Sara Jacobs.

She tweeted a photo of herself holding a baby and said: 'Today, it feels like toddlers are running the House'.

Members of the GOP got into arguments on the floor of the House and Rep. Kat Cammack accused Democrats of drinking during votes as the party struggled to figure out a solution to the stalemate.

After the sixth failed vote, the House adjourned until 8pm on Wednesday night to try again.


Twenty Republicans have voted for GOP Rep Byron Donalds for Speaker


Lauren Boebert tells Trump to call Kevin McCarthy and tell him it's 'time to WITHDRAW' | Daily Mail Online
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