Will McCarthy be SOH?

Ok and how does that justify a dept of education at the federal level?
Yup, check the enumerated powers of Congress in Article One. Nothing at all about „establishing a school system“. So under the Tenth Amendment, the Federal Government is precluded from sticking their nose into the issue.
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The DNC Politburo tells their members how to vote and they fall in lockstep just like the little Kommisars they are. The Republicans at least have minds of their own.
Makes you wonder why the old congress rather than the new congress is determining who the new SOH will be. Seems like the vote is premature.
The NEW Congress-elect members are the ones voting otherwise Nancy would be elected by the old Dem majority.
I'm watching groups of these crooks standing around yapping at each other and they seem to be pretty happy, or they are telling some good jokes, judging by the way they are yucking it up.
It's always that way.

I consider Congress to be a little bit like pro wrestling. They are all cronies in real life. After the day's "business" adjourns, they meet up at the Georgetown taverns and get $hitfaced over margaritas. What we see on cable news is just a performance show for their respective bases. It's pretty well established that Elijah Cummings and Mark Meadows were very close friends when they weren't doing interviews.
The DNC Politburo tells their members how to vote and they fall in lockstep just like the little Kommisars they are. The Republicans at least have minds of their own.
This is as rich as a Milky Way bar.

Were Lindsey Graham and Ted Cruz displaying "minds of their own" when they backed Herschel Walker's Senate candidacy in the Georgia Primary, just because Trump had endorsed him?
This is as rich as a Milky Way bar.

Were Lindsey Graham and Ted Cruz displaying "minds of their own" when they backed Herschel Walker's Senate candidacy in the Georgia Primary, just because Trump had endorsed him?

Ohhhh.. This thread isn't whataboutsim about Trump stool pigeon. LMAO.
Ohhhh.. This thread isn't whataboutsim about Trump stool pigeon. LMAO.
Trump is all the other side can ever talk about. Mental crutch that avoids ever having to actually construct a logically coherent reply
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Trump is all the other side can ever talk about. Mental that avoids ever having to actually construct a logically coherent reply

BB pointed out this thread isn't about any other topic other than the SoH, and throws out a TDS. Just cannot help themselves. And the King of Whataboustism..
Like Trump is the Center of the Hatred Universe. and I am cult..LMAO
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That was not a "what-about-ism."

It was a response to a claim that "The Republicans at least have minds of their own."
Tell me the last time a Democrat other than Sinema or Manchin ever blatantly defied the Party Leadership in a public way like the 20 „rebels“ on the GOP side just did. I’ll wait
They can't even decide whether to vote again tonight or adjourn.

What a complete sh$t show for the GOP. Hope voters remember this in 2 years.
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They can't even decide whether to vote again tonight or adjourn.

What a complete sh$t show for the GOP. Hope voters remember this in 2 years.
Tell me the last time a Democrat other than Sinema or Manchin ever blatantly defied the Party Leadership in a public way like the 20 „rebels“ on the GOP side just did. I’ll wait

This has been a debate for a long time about a lock step"cult".one purpose one mind
They can't even decide whether to vote again tonight or adjourn.

What a complete sh$t show for the GOP. Hope voters remember this in 2 years.

If you haven't figured it out yet, the **** show is what they want. Anarchy is the goal. Ole frumpy pants thinks he's being sneaky like some kind of wizard behind the curtain. LMAO! Boebart and Gaetz are his remaining soldiers. "The architect of the Capitol" is a FRMUPER! appointed by the king man himself. These capitol A holes are complaining to their own people, and in some cases (gym jordan), to THEMSELVES! on alternate social accounts. What a bunch of russian **** ups you put in office!

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