Will McCarthy be SOH?

Speaker Race Breakthrough: McCarthy PAC Agrees with Conservatives on No Spending in Safe Open-Seat Primaries

The conservative and influential Club for Growth announced it cut a deal with the super PAC affiliated with House GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), signaling possible movement in the House speaker race after a stalemate had resulted in no speaker through six rounds of voting as of Wednesday afternoon.

The deal with the McCarthy-affiliated super PAC, the Congressional Leadership Fund (CLF), involves CLF agreeing to stay out of open-seat Republican primaries in safely red districts, as well as CLF vowing not to enable other super PACs to do the same.

Speaker Race Breakthrough: McCarthy PAC Agrees with Conservatives on No Spending in Safe Open-Seat Primaries
OK, I'm missing something. If the new members aren't sworn in yet, how are they voting? If the new congress has no speaker to swear members in, how does congress not collapse and go away? Seems like there's a lot of circular stuff, and it doesn't make sense ... not really surprising since congress seems to make up chit on the fly. I'll admit I prefer keeping my sanity to studying how congress supposedly works, so there's plenty I don't know about the "rules".
After an election, the first thing an incoming "House elect" does is selects a Speaker, even before they are formally sworn in.

Think of it like a jury. Once you've been selected, the very first thing you do is select a foreman, THEN you get started serving.

With the new GOP majority, they get to control the Speaker. That matters because the Speaker sets a bunch of rules and basically decides the "flow" of House business. As we saw with Nancy Pelosi, a Speaker holds a lot of power and can be a real pain in the ass to a President.

The biggest issue with not having a Speaker is that the longer this takes the longer it is until the GOP can control the committees, start investigations, start controlling the money (somewhat..... the House makes the budget for the country) and decide if the deficit gets raised again or we default on our national debt.

The House matters. Folks may hate govt, but there's a crapload of paper to push to get the military funded, keep the President in line, etc.

The sooner they start, the better.
So for the last six years, all we have heard from the Left is that the Republican Party is a cult of personality totally under the thumb of Donald Trump and totally beholden to his every whim. I am wondering if any leftist here can explain how that assertion meshes with the fact that 20 Republican representatives totally ignored Donald Trump‘s instructions to vote for McCarthy? The fact 2023 and the assertion seem to be inherently contradictory

Funny how poliyical dynamics change over time, huh?
Republicans hate the federal government and want to tear it down.

Any wonder why they keep screwing it up when they are in charge of anything.
Love how the GOPers here try to spin this as a good thing.

I’m not a GOP’er but I can tell you why it is. Hell better yet I can show you why it is . When you broke your expensive driver that you used all the time , what did you do with it ? Let me guess you just kept it in your golf bag and drug it around on the course with you right ? Tell us what we are supposed to do with something that is expensive and broken , what good is it to its owner( s) ? This monstrosity is FUBAR and here we are just keeping on and pretending it’s best if we just ignore that it’s broken
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It wastes money and people. And whether you like it or not you have to have a strong federal government in the 21st century with the adversaries we have around the world.

You sound like all the rest , oh we need a strong federal government so we can fight around the world . Why ? What’s wrong with minding our own businesses taking care of our own country and it’s people instead of fighting oh I dont know proxy wars and giving away billions to other countries .
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To those that think this is a GOP thing your eyes aren’t opened yet.

It’s a D plus R against the people.

The Uniparty has the votes to elect whoever they want. This little rebellion may just expose how incestuous the establishment Ds and Rs are.

If that happens though LG and EL and the other village special people lose their boogie man.
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To those that think this is a GOP thing your eyes aren’t opened yet.

It’s a D plus R against the people.

The Uniparty has the votes to elect whoever they want. This little rebellion may just expose how incestuous the establishment Ds and Rs are.

If that happens though LG and EL and the other village special people lose their boogie man.

Omg “ it’s a threat to our democracy “ 😂
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