Will McCarthy be SOH?

Without the House, the soldiers defending us actually won't get paid. With no budget, no pay for federal troops. As you say and as I know, that's Constitutional. It runs on money. The House, as they should, budgets that money. No House, no money.

Interstate commerce brings the food, the raw products and resources for lots of jobs, etc. You destroy personal, City, and State economies without funding to keep that network working. It's not a small system. It requires money to upkeep and States, without the economy it brings in resources, much less the food distribution, will not have the money.

The Executive Branch, without the House will collapse, as you said.

You are suggesting burning it all down. That's not Conservative. That's Anarchy. Get a grip.
When someone constantly finds themselves overspending their means, what is the first thing financial planners recommend? Cut up your credit cards. If the Congress refuses to do this by passing a balanced budget amendment, then more drastic measures are warranted. The national debt is now upwards of 31 TRILLION dollars. Time to turn off the spigot
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"Draining the swamp" is a buzz phrase. In reality it's just a populism term to get PR. It's a pipe dream.
Maybe. I can rephrase it to remove all the SOBs that have been up there too long. But I used the more popular, coined phrase.
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I'm not advocating "burning it all down", I'm advocating that the federal government be whittled down to size and limited to it's original constitutional obligations. If states (the citizens of) weren't sending billions of tax dollars to DC for it to be wasted the individual states would have plenty of revenue to meet their constitutional obligations.

The reality is our congress should be a part time job with few perks, benefits and minimal pay. They shouldn't be in session for more than 90-100 days per year, pass the budget and GTFO.
Who is going to do the whittling? Largely, the House.

About 40¢ of every dollar in the State of TN budget comes from Feds. If you think that stream can just "stop" or be drastically cut without severely damaging the TN economy, even if we stopped sending most Federal Taxes to DC, you're dreaming.

There's WAY to much bloat and waste in the Federal govt but the current shutdown of House activity, the inability to elect a Speaker when we control the House and SHOULD be getting to work ASAP on improving govt efficiency isn't the way.

McCarthy isn't a great choice but it's likely your elected House Representative is supporting him. Mine is and we need to look inward. If we want it repaired, you need to elect folks like yourself, like myself to whittle it down.

We've failed. We've obviously failed because 200+ of OUR ELECTED REPRESENTATIVES are supporting McCarthy. "Conservatives" like DesJarlais and Fleischmann who we keep sending to office are right in McCarthy's corner.

We need to better and stop just blaming DC.
Without the House, the soldiers defending us actually won't get paid. With no budget, no pay for federal troops. As you say and as I know, that's Constitutional. It runs on money. The House, as they should, budgets that money. No House, no money.

Interstate commerce brings the food, the raw products and resources for lots of jobs, etc. You destroy personal, City, and State economies without funding to keep that network working. It's not a small system. It requires money to upkeep and States, without the economy it brings in resources, much less the food distribution, will not have the money.

The Executive Branch, without the House will collapse, as you said.

You are suggesting burning it all down. That's not Conservative. That's Anarchy. Get a grip.
If Congress would actually limit themselves to Defense and the other enumerated powers in Article 1 of the Constitution, I wouldn’t have an issue with things at all. As it is, Congress has vastly exceeded its allowed mandate. If they find themselves unable to stick to the rule book, and the SCOTUS continues to allow them to do so, the only remedy is to limit the funding available to them.
Maybe. I can rephrase it to remove all the SOBs that have been up there too long. But I used the more popular, coined phrase.
At this point they are the establishment. I don't see how we fix that, you'll never get them to self impose term limits etc.. We're down the creek with no paddle.
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Yes we need defense and defense just happens to be one of the responsibilities assigned to the federal government by the constitution.

The federal .gov should be involved when it comes to the interstate system but beyond that if we quit sending billions of dollars to DC and kept it in the individual states our infrastructure would be just fine.

How is the POTUS going to be a dictator when he doesn't have the money to spend? Not to mention our soldiers ARE NOT responsible nor are they tasked with the duty of keeping a president in check.
Regarding the Interstate system…..wasn’t the constitutional justification for federal involvement (yes we did actually once care enough to ask for justification) was that it would be useful for Defense to allow rapid relocation of military resources in time of war? If I recall, Eisenhower was greatly impressed by the efficiency of the Autobahn and its usefulness to the German in WWII and pushed for our Interstate system to fulfill a similar task. In the 50s, we still expected there to be at least a fig leaf of fealty to constitutional limits on federal expenditures
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If Congress would actually limit themselves to Defense and the other enumerated powers in Article 1 of the Constitution, I wouldn’t have an issue with things at all. As it is, Congress has vastly exceeded its allowed mandate. If they find themselves unable to stick to the rule book, and the SCOTUS continues to allow them to do so, the only remedy is to limit the funding available to them.
The solution is to vote better, to field better candidates in the future, and not expect the dogs elected won't behave like dogs.

They've BEEN behaving like dogs for a long time and we've kept electing them at the local levels. America works from the bottom up, not the top down.

Right now, we're wasting time getting started doing anything. Some positive effect from a GOP House is better than no positive effect (in fact a negative effect) by internal arguing. I get it. I'm disgusted but I'm also aware that I've repeatedly voted for a GOP Rep who is marginal, at best. I'll bet you have also.

We need to change that at the local level. Find somebody in the State Legislature or Local govt who actually will go to DC and do what we want. We haven't done that and here we are. I haven't done that and here we are.
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At this point they are the establishment. I don't see how we fix that, you'll never get them to self impose term limits etc.. We're down the creek with no paddle.
That is what the small group of “rebels” are trying to do. A start would be the allocation of campaign funds. Just think if the number of “rebels” increased every election cycle. Got to chip away at this point. Eat the elephant 1 bite at a time.
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Who is going to do the whittling? Largely, the House.

About 40¢ of every dollar in the State of TN budget comes from Feds. If you think that stream can just "stop" or be drastically cut without severely damaging the TN economy, even if we stopped sending most Federal Taxes to DC, you're dreaming.

There's WAY to much bloat and waste in the Federal govt but the current shutdown of House activity, the inability to elect a Speaker when we control the House and SHOULD be getting to work ASAP on improving govt efficiency isn't the way.

McCarthy isn't a great choice but it's likely your elected House Representative is supporting him. Mine is and we need to look inward. If we want it repaired, you need to elect folks like yourself, like myself to whittle it down.

We've failed. We've obviously failed because 200+ of OUR ELECTED REPRESENTATIVES are supporting McCarthy. "Conservatives" like DesJarlais and Fleischmann who we keep sending to office are right in McCarthy's corner.

We need to better and stop just blaming DC.

Out of that 40 cents TN receives from the federal government 90% or better is covered by taxes paid by Tennesseans to the federal government. So just imagine if we weren't sending it to DC just so they can turn around and send it back with the various strings attached? How much more efficient could we be?

Our congress no matter which branch of the uniparty in in control is not going to scale back the scope and power of the federal government, sadly that will only happen in one of two ways. It will take a constitutional convention (which scares the crap out of me) or a revolution following the inevitable collapse.

Yes my congressman is voting for McCarthy, I didn't vote for him this go around because I generally always vote against an incumbent plus he's been nothing but an establishment yes man since he was sworn in. He does what he is told and does not buck the leadership nor has he done anything he campaigned on.

If McCarthy had any scruples about him he would withdraw his name for consideration and work a deal for a consensus SOH and stop the it's all about me attitude he's putting off. McCarthy is for McCarthy and the establishment, he needs to step aside.
Regarding the Interstate system…..wasn’t the constitutional justification for federal involvement (yes we did actually once care enough to ask for justification) was that it would be useful for Defense to allow rapid relocation of military resources in time of war? If I recall, Eisenhower was greatly impressed by the efficiency of the Autobahn and its usefulness to the German in WWII and pushed for our Interstate system to fulfill a similar task. In the 50s, we still expected there to be at least a fig leaf of fealty to constitutional limits on federal expenditures

Yes, defense was the original justification.
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I told you guys to learn this word. Confusion, anarchy, muddying, creating chaos... and then attempting to seize power in the distraction. It's what russians, and frumpers do. Strait out of the russian playbook.
The solution is to vote better, to field better candidates in the future, and not expect the dogs elected won't behave like dogs.

They've BEEN behaving like dogs for a long time and we've kept electing them at the local levels. America works from the bottom up, not the top down.

Right now, we're wasting time getting started doing anything. Some positive effect from a GOP House is better than no positive effect (in fact a negative effect) by internal arguing. I get it. I'm disgusted but I'm also aware that I've repeatedly voted for a GOP Rep who is marginal, at best. I'll bet you have also.

We need to change that at the local level. Find somebody in the State Legislature or Local govt who actually will go to DC and do what we want. We haven't done that and here we are. I haven't done that and here we are.

Wait, you actually expect some positive effect from this congress? Please explain what you expect to see?
Wait, you actually expect some positive effect from this congress? Please explain what you expect to see?
Yeah, I expect to see a block on the IRS increases Biden wants. I expect to see increased funding to allow local govts more resources to police the border if ICE won't (or isn't allowed) to do the job. I expect Jim Jordan to go after Hunter Biden among others.

I've gotta do some things at the moment, but those are the easy to think of things this House can do.
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Yeah, I expect to see a block on the IRS increases Biden wants. I expect to see increased funding to allow local govts more resources to police the border if ICE won't (or isn't allowed) to do the job. I expect Jim Jordan to go after Hunter Biden among others.

I've gotta do some things at the moment, but those are the easy to think of things this House can do.

Ok, prepare to be disappointed. The only thing we can hope for out of this HOR is derailing the Biden agenda and with McCarthy as SOH that won't happen. All we will get is more "compromise" spending. Biden's handlers will get what they want and McCarthy will get his pet projects funded.
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Ok so for those keeping score. Due to no SOH, Patty "Sybill" Murray is now 2nd in line having just been appointed SPT. You cant make this up.

I told you guys to learn this word. Confusion, anarchy, muddying, creating chaos... and then attempting to seize power in the distraction. It's what russians, and frumpers do. Strait out of the russian playbook.

You mean exactly like the left did to this country with the Covid lock downs and propaganda ? You can’t be this “ OBTUSE” without being a full on troll . Learn this word , it will serve you well in the future .
Yeah, I expect to see a block on the IRS increases Biden wants. I expect to see increased funding to allow local govts more resources to police the border if ICE won't (or isn't allowed) to do the job. I expect Jim Jordan to go after Hunter Biden among others.

I've gotta do some things at the moment, but those are the easy to think of things this House can do.
Number one is to investigate the government’s efforts to attempt censorship in the round about way of pressuring and funding social media and big tech to silence American citizens. Violation of the first Amendment by proxy is still violation.
What a sh*tshow. A party of absolute clowns.

Gaetz voted for Trump for Speaker? I would have thought you had to be a member of the House to be Speaker but maybe not???

Well, anyway, it shows you what motivates this cabal at least in part.

Ironic that most observers, right or left, think the reason for the lack of a big GOP win in the midterms was adherence to Trump as party leader, and yet Gaetz and others still won't let go ....
You mean exactly like the left did to this country with the Covid lock downs and propaganda ? You can’t be this “ OBTUSE” without being a full on troll . Learn this word , it will serve you well in the future .


Picture yourself as a Tennesseean in 2020.

When the shutdown occurred...
Who was President?
Who was governor?

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