Will McCarthy be SOH?

These status quo / war hawks / we have to keep doing what we are doing because we need big federal government people that are crawling out of the wood work the last 6 or so years is interesting indeed . I don’t know if I’m more surprised that some remind me of John Bolton or the preverbal Ostrich that shoves it’s head in the sand .
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It wastes money and people. And whether you like it or not you have to have a strong federal government in the 21st century with the adversaries we have around the world.
How much money has been wasted and how many people have been sacrificed this century by the US in this foolhardy quest against our "adversaries"? It's laughable to suggest a big fed govt like we currently enjoy helps us fight bad guys. They simply make bad guys in order to fight them
What?? Repubs absolutely love the fed govt just like the dems. They just favor different parts
The only way to fix the problems isn’t to change who is in charge of the revenue stream. It is instead to cut off the revenue stream. Starve the beast. Repeal the 16th Amendment now. (Then throw in the 17th as well to return us to a true federal republic)
The only way to fix the problems isn’t to change who is in charge of the revenue stream. It is instead to cut off the revenue stream. Starve the beast. Repeal the 16th Amendment now. (Then throw in the 17th as well to return us to a true federal republic)
You can't just shut down govt and not destroy defense...... you can't pay soldiers without a budget and the House creates the budget. We need defense.

You can't shut down govt and not destroy infrastructure...... bridge, road repairs are largely federally funded. You like to get to work, right?

You can't shut down govt and keep the President in check...... the House needs funds to conduct investigations and "check and balance" or we have a dictator. With no funding for soldiers, no one to keep him in check short of revolution.

There's Conservative and then there's Anarchist. Let's stick with Conservative and get back to a smaller govt without burning down everything.
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You can't just shut down govt and not destroy defense...... you can't pay soldiers without a budget and the House creates the budget. We need defense.

You can't shut down govt and not destroy infrastructure...... bridge, road repairs are largely federally funded. You like to get to work, right?

You can't shut down govt and keep the President in check...... the House needs funds to conduct investigations and "check and balance" or we have a dictator. With no funding for soldiers, no one to keep him in check short of revolution.

There's Conservative and then there's Anarchist. Let's stick with Conservative and get back to a smaller govt without burning down everything.


Yes we need defense and defense just happens to be one of the responsibilities assigned to the federal government by the constitution.

The federal .gov should be involved when it comes to the interstate system but beyond that if we quit sending billions of dollars to DC and kept it in the individual states our infrastructure would be just fine.

How is the POTUS going to be a dictator when he doesn't have the money to spend? Not to mention our soldiers ARE NOT responsible nor are they tasked with the duty of keeping a president in check.

Yes we need defense and defense just happens to be one of the responsibilities assigned to the federal government by the constitution.

The federal .gov should be involved when it comes to the interstate system but beyond that if we quit sending billions of dollars to DC and kept it in the individual states our infrastructure would be just fine.

How is the POTUS going to be a dictator when he doesn't have the money to spend? Not to mention our soldiers ARE NOT responsible nor are they tasked with the duty of keeping a president in check.
Without the House, the soldiers defending us actually won't get paid. With no budget, no pay for federal troops. As you say and as I know, that's Constitutional. It runs on money. The House, as they should, budgets that money. No House, no money.

Interstate commerce brings the food, the raw products and resources for lots of jobs, etc. You destroy personal, City, and State economies without funding to keep that network working. It's not a small system. It requires money to upkeep and States, without the economy it brings in resources, much less the food distribution, will not have the money.

The Executive Branch, without the House will collapse, as you said.

You are suggesting burning it all down. That's not Conservative. That's Anarchy. Get a grip.
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You can't just shut down govt and not destroy defense...... you can't pay soldiers without a budget and the House creates the budget. We need defense.

You can't shut down govt and not destroy infrastructure...... bridge, road repairs are largely federally funded. You like to get to work, right?

You can't shut down govt and keep the President in check...... the House needs funds to conduct investigations and "check and balance" or we have a dictator. With no funding for soldiers, no one to keep him in check short of revolution.

There's Conservative and then there's Anarchist. Let's stick with Conservative and get back to a smaller govt without burning down everything.
Ok. Then we will start wit not electing McCarthy.
Without the House, the soldiers defending us actually won't get paid. With no budget, no pay for federal troops. As you say and as I know, that's Constitutional. It runs on money. The House, as they should, budgets that money. No House, no money.

Interstate commerce brings the food, the raw products and resources for lots of jobs, etc. You destroy personal, City, and State economies without funding to keep that network working. It's not a small system. It requires money to upkeep and States, without the economy it brings in resources, much less the food distribution, will not have the money.

The Executive Branch, without the House will collapse, as you said.

You are suggesting burning it all down. That's not Conservative. That's Anarchy. Get a grip.
You are falling for the media panic. Calm down. And let’s elect someone for SOH that has a set of ball$
Without the House, the soldiers defending us actually won't get paid. With no budget, no pay for federal troops. As you say and as I know, that's Constitutional. It runs on money. The House, as they should, budgets that money. No House, no money.

Interstate commerce brings the food, the raw products and resources for lots of jobs, etc. You destroy personal, City, and State economies without funding to keep that network working. It's not a small system. It requires money to upkeep and States, without the economy it brings in resources, much less the food distribution, will not have the money.

The Executive Branch, without the House will collapse, as you said.

You are suggesting burning it all down. That's not Conservative. That's Anarchy. Get a grip.

I'm not advocating "burning it all down", I'm advocating that the federal government be whittled down to size and limited to it's original constitutional obligations. If states (the citizens of) weren't sending billions of tax dollars to DC for it to be wasted the individual states would have plenty of revenue to meet their constitutional obligations.

The reality is our congress should be a part time job with few perks, benefits and minimal pay. They shouldn't be in session for more than 90-100 days per year, pass the budget and GTFO.

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