Will McCarthy be SOH?

McCarthy is pretty kinky. Looks like he's into that humiliation stuff.

Im sure that would've sent him straight to the top of the lefts list of potential candidates.
Biden may even be interested in hiring him for his cabinet
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It has to be a voice vote because any member can vote for anyone.

The electronic boxes they use in the House only register "Yay" "Nay" and "Present." They don't, and won't use, WiFi or something for security reasons. It's all hard wired.

Thanks. There has to be a better way.
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Over or under? To Determine SOH

7 Congressional work days

38 Rounds of Votes.

I don't see this going more than a week but it could.
I don’t wear drawl’s. I don’t get skeered, especially of commies. But glad you wet your panties over it.

Your actions say otherwise. You are a coward, own it. You barked up the wrong tree and then hid in the corner cowering like a child when confronted.
The left will always vote as they are told to.
That's what I was saying before the midterms. All this crap about Latinos and Blacks moving over to the Republican party... was just crap.

bwaaaaa haaaaaa haaaa
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This process seems very archaic - calling on all members by name and recording their votes with a pencil on a piece of paper is far too time consuming. Do they know that tablets exist and can tally votes in a millisecond!
They should do mail-in ballots, that way the speaker could be pre-selected before the election.
Now I understand why there was no “ Red Wave “
in November. They are eating their own. Sad.

This actually makes me dislike the Republican Party less. Let people air their grievances and vote their conscience and if it gets messy then that’s what happens. If you want to know the ending before you open the book go to Caracas or Beijing.
They should do mail-in ballots, that way the speaker could be pre-selected before the election.


I think they should nominate Trump. Him being speaker of the house would explode more heads among the liberals than I could imagine.
One can only wish. He would. be the gift that keeps on giving.
Edit: He actually already is.
There is no talking to you extremists. We tried that. You are not American, and don't want anything to do with our country. You break everything you touch. BTW, you can thank us for fixing the roads that you broke with your over sized, small dick trucks in that omnibus.

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