Will McCarthy be SOH?

I understand that both parties have a problem with extremism. The post wasn't meant to be interpreted as it being exclusive to Republicans, but since this thread is specific to the subject of Kevin McCarthy and his Speaker of the House vote, only the Republican faction was mentioned.

So ... "Damn son ... quit being so sensitive."

Funny how you call the right wing "extremists ", but never your own.
Shall we list them for fun?
Curious who folks on the board want as SOH (aside from letting this go on for perpetuity and gridlock). Seems like McCarthy is pretty universally disliked here.

Thomas Massie or Massie, Thomas. But I would settle for Amash if he decided he would actually stick with it.
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Funny how you call the right wing "extremists ", but never your own.
Shall we list them for fun?
Can you read?

The post you replied to specifically said, "that both parties have a problem with extremism." By "both parties," that would obviously mean that I'm acknowledging that there are extremist members of the Democratic Party.

You can make a list of extremist Democrats "for fun" if you want to, but it wouldn't be relevant to the topic of this thread, which concerns the Republican vote for Speaker of the House.
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Amash quit a couple years ago.

It’s actually not Constitutional that you have to be a member to be the Speaker. If I could get a member to nominate you tomorrow and get 218 then we would have Speaker Hog88. Which would still be preferable to McCarthy. The Libertarian Party is raising a giant stink about getting Amash to throw his name in the ring. We won’t get a nomination or the votes, it’s just a publicity stunt.
National debt when McCarthy took office in 2007 - $17 trillion
National debt in 2022 - $31.5 trillion

He sure has been a whopping success the last 15 years.

Probably doesn’t help when one Congressman politely asked for a reading of what was in Trumps stimulus bill and DT cursed him out and vowed that he would run him out of the party. With friends Like that…….
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WTH does the Taliban Twenty really expect to happen here?

Surely they don't think they'll have one of their fringe-element, conspiracy-theorizing, Freedom caucus-loving nuthuggers replace McCarthy.

The fact that Matt Gaetz - a renown Brownshirt wanna-be - is one of the goons spearheading this speaks volumes. Seriously, even Joseph Goebbels looks at Gaetz and just shakes his head.

The Republican Party needs to rid itself of the extreme right nutballs. Moderate centrists are there and waiting. If the GOP is unwilling to move the center, it ain't never gonna win the Presidency in 24.
National debt when McCarthy took office in 2007 - $17 trillion
National debt in 2022 - $31.5 trillion

He sure has been a whopping success the last 15 years.

McCarthy ain't got nothing on the self-described "King of Debt".

$19.95-trillion when DT took over.

$27.76 trillion when DT left.

That's 2 Trillion a year for Trump v. only 1 Trillion a year for McCarty. TRUMP WINS (AGAIN)!
It’s actually not Constitutional that you have to be a member to be the Speaker. If I could get a member to nominate you tomorrow and get 218 then we would have Speaker Hog88. Which would still be preferable to McCarthy. The Libertarian Party is raising a giant stink about getting Amash to throw his name in the ring. We won’t get a nomination or the votes, it’s just a publicity stunt.

I know that a person doesn't have to be a member of the house to be speaker but Amash is out, he quit and is now nothing but a **** stirrer. If he wanted to make a difference he would have ran for governor this past election.
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WTH does the Taliban Twenty really expect to happen here?

Surely they don't think they'll have one of their fringe-element, conspiracy-theorizing, Freedom caucus-loving nuthuggers replace McCarthy.

The fact that Matt Gaetz - a renown Brownshirt wanna-be - is one of the goons spearheading this speaks volumes. Seriously, even Joseph Goebbels looks at Gaetz and just shakes his head.

The Republican Party needs to rid itself of the extreme right nutballs. Moderate centrists People willing to capitulate to Dem demands are there and waiting. If the GOP is unwilling to move the center, it ain't never gonna win the Presidency in 24.
I know that a person doesn't have to be a member of the house to be speaker but Amash is out, he quit and is now nothing but a **** stirrer. If he wanted to make a difference he would have ran for governor this past election.

I would rather have Massie. Or you. I’m just bringing JA up because the party is egging him on.

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